I am encountering an issue when attempting to convert an XLSX file to a pdf file. When attempting to export the xlsx file, the XlsxDocumentEditor.Export() method is failing and throwing a null reference exception. I have ensured all argument's fields are populated if they are not nullable when debugging. I have attempted with the code below and with the documentation recommended ImageCollection method, both give the same error.
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public static void ConvertExcelToPDF(string filePath, string outputPath)
// Use OpenXML editor to export the xlsx to pdf. This allows text in the workbook
// to be captured and saved in TextRegion of page. Previously we rendered an image
// of the worksheet which didn't capture the text values.
using (XlsxDocumentEditor editor = new XlsxDocumentEditor(filePath))
// When exporting, the editor would create an oddly sized page. Using DocumentLayoutSettings to
// instruct the export to create a standard (8.5x11in) sized document.
DocumentLayoutSettings documentLayoutSettings = new DocumentLayoutSettings()
PageLayoutSettings = new PageLayoutSettings(ImageSize.FromPaperKind(PaperSizeKind.Letter, DocumentResolution)),
RenderingSettings renderingSettings = new RenderingSettings(DocumentResolution);
documentLayoutSettings.EnvironmentProperties.SourceFilename = outputPath;
editor.Export(outputPath, documentLayoutSettings, renderingSettings);
using (PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(outputPath))
// This saves the converted file with our standard compression settings.
using (new StopwatchLog($"Optimizing and saving PDF file after conversion from Excel file."))
SavePdfDocument(document, outputPath);
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at ᥠ.珰(ᵪ A_0)
at ᥠ.謃(뇛 A_0, ᧃ A_1, ᷮ A_2)
at .珰(뇛 A_0)
at .罓(꺌 A_0)
at 뒛.珰(꺌 A_0)
at ᢰ.罓(꺌 A_0)
at 뒛.珰(꺌 A_0)
at ᣆ.罓(꺌 A_0)
at 뒛.珰(꺌 A_0)
at ᢻ.罓(꺌 A_0)
at 뒛.珰(꺌 A_0)
at 띐.窙(봳 A_0)
at 뮲.罓(꺌 A_0)
at 뒛.珰(꺌 A_0)
at 뤿.窙(봳 A_0)
at 뮲.罓(꺌 A_0)
at 뒛.珰(꺌 A_0)
at 륫.窙(봳 A_0)
at 뮲.罓(꺌 A_0)
at 뒛.珰(꺌 A_0)
at 멨.窙(봳 A_0)
at Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.OpenXml.Xlsx.XlsxDocument.珰(멨 A_0, 뇛 A_1, 멳 A_2)
at Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.OpenXml.Xlsx.XlsxDocument.珰(릢 A_0)
at Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.OpenXml.Xlsx.XlsxDocument.LayoutCore()
at Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.OpenXml.Xlsx.XlsxDocument.get_Pages()
at Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.OpenXml.Xlsx.XlsxDocument.get_PageCount()
at Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.OpenXmlDecoder`1.GetPageCount()
at Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.DecoderBase.get_PageCount()
at ⭺.⚢(Stream A_0, Boolean A_1, String A_2, ⚢ A_3, ⛁ A_4)
at ⦊.⚢(Stream A_0, Boolean A_1)
at Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection.Insert(Int32 index, Stream stream, Boolean closeStreamAfterUse)
at Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection.Insert(Int32 index, Stream stream)
at Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection.Add(Stream stream)
at Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.OpenXml.Editor.OpenXmlDocumentEditor.Export(Stream stream, EncoderBase encoder, DocumentLayoutSettings layoutSettings, RenderingSettings renderingSettings)
at Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.OpenXml.Editor.OpenXmlDocumentEditor.Export(String filename, DocumentLayoutSettings layoutSettings, RenderingSettings renderingSettings)
at IS.WM.Architecture.Utilities.VintaSoftPDFLibrary.ConvertExcelToPDF(String filePath, String outputPath) in D:\Git\DocuTrack\Projects\Architecture\DocumentImagingUtilities\VintaSoftPDFLibrary.cs:line 1436
Nick Nansen
RedSail Technologies