ASP.NET MVC + Web API: View images with annotations in web image viewer.

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ASP.NET MVC + Web API: View images with annotations in web image viewer.

Post by Alex »

In this topic we will show how to view images with annotations in web image viewers in ASP.NET MVC 5 application. Web image viewers use REST services based on Web API.

For doing our task we need:
  • Open Visual Studio .NET 2022.
  • Create an ASP.NET MVC 5 application project.
  • Add the references to the Vintasoft assemblies (version 12.0.x.x) and Vintasoft JavaScript files to the project:
    • Vintasoft.Shared.dll
    • Vintasoft.Shared.Web.dll
    • Vintasoft.Imaging.dll
    • Vintasoft.Imaging.Gdi.dll
    • Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.dll
    • Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Api2Controllers.dll
    • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.dll
    • Vintasoft.Imaging.Anotation.Web.Services.dll
    • Vintasoft.Imaging.Anotation.Web.Api2Controllers.dll
    • Scripts\Vintasoft\Vintasoft.Shared.js
    • Scripts\Vintasoft\Vintasoft.Imaging.Html5.js
    • Scripts\Vintasoft\Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Html5.js
    You can add the assemblies and JavaScript files manually or automatically. Add the "Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.ApiControllers" and "Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Annotation.ApiControllers" Nuget packages to the project and the assemblies and JavaScript files will be added automatically.
  • Create a REST service, which is based on Web API 2 controller, for manipulating of files on a server.
  • Create a REST service, which is based on Web API 2 controller, for managing of image collection.
  • Create a REST service, which is based on Web API 2 controller, for rendering of images and thumbnails.
  • Create a REST service, which is based on Web API 2 controller, for annotating of images.
  • Create a default web view.
  • Add HTML5 web image viewer and HTML5 web thumbnail viewer to the web view.
  • Load images with annotations into web image viewers.

Source codes of ASP.NET MVC 5 application for VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12 can be downloaded from here.
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