Version 9.1 of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

News and announcements from VintaSoft.

Moderator: Alex

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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in:
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that deserializes value of MeasuringTextTemplate property in MeasurementAnnotationData class.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • Added the ability to sign PDF document with timestamp that uses SHA256 hash algorithm. Previous version supported only timestamp with SHA1 hash algorithm.
  • Added the ability to use the line smoothing in appearance generator of PdfInkAnnotation class.
  • Improved the algorithm of Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Processing.RemoveTransparencyFromContentStreamCommand class.
  • Fixed a minor memory leak in PdfDocument class.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft DICOM .NET Plug-in:
  • Fixed bug in DICOM decoder.
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET Plug-in:
  • Changed the algorithm of CompositeVisualTool.FindVisualTool<T> method. Now the method searches only for instances of specified type and ignores instances of derived types.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in:
  • Added new protected methods GetImageCollectionFromDataStorage, GetAnnotationCollectionFromCacheManager and SaveAnnotationCollectionToCacheManager to the VintasoftAnnotationCollectionWebService class. These methods can be used for overriding the algorithm that loads annotations, for example, to load annotations from database instead of loading them from source image file.
  • Fixed a bug in algorithm that renders WPF stamp annotation.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft OCR .NET Plug-in:
  • Added the ability to mark the PDF content while converting the document image to a searchable PDF document (PdfDocumentBuilder.AddMarkedContent property). This is necessary for further converting of searchable PDF document to a PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a or PDF/A-3a document.
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET Plug-in:
  • Added support for .NET 5 Preview 7.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in:
  • Added new protected method SaveImageCollectionToDataStorage to VintasoftAnnotationCollectionWebService class. These method can be used for overriding the algorithm that saves annotations, for example, to save annotations to a database instead of saving them to the source image file.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • Fixed regress in algorithm that obfuscates and packs Type1 fonts in PDF document.
  • Fixed the bug in PdfDocumentBuilder class and now PdfDocumentBuilder correctly processes image with different horizontal and vertical resolution.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Document Cleanup .NET Plug-in:
  • Added new image processing command - ShapeRemovalCommand, which allows to remove shapes on black-white image.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft DICOM.NET Plug-in:
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that parses DICOM data element with date type.
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that generates information about Unicode encoding of PDF font.
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Added the ability to rotate an image by an orthogonal angle in WinForms and WPF image viewer.
    • Added the ability to rotate a thumbnail by an orthogonal angle in WinForms and WPF thumbnail viewer.
    • Added the ability to convert raster images to SVG image file.
    • Improved the algorithm that extract thumbnail from EXIF metadata.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Added the ability to magnify an image with annotations in WinForms image viewer.
    • Some minor fixes.
  • Web development
    • Added the ability to override the algorithm that serializes/deserializes custom web annotations.
    • Added the ability to override the algorithm that renders custom web annotations.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Added the ability to convert a PDF page with text and vector content to SVG image file with vector content.
    • Optimized the algorithm that renders PDF content.
    • Some minor fixes.
  • Web development
    • Added the ability to work with encrypted PDF documents in web.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Added the ability to convert a DOCX page with text and vector content to SVG image file with text and vector content.
    • Improved the algorithm that parses DOCX document.
    • Improved the algorithm that renders DOCX page.
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging SDK:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed several minor bugs in ImageViewer class.
  • Web development
    • Fixed several minor bugs in WebDocumentViewerJS class.
    • Fixed several minor bugs in WebImageViewerJS class.
    • Fixed regress in algorithm that uploads file to the server.
    • Fixed minor bug in WebPdfImageExtractorToolJS class.
    • Fixed minor bug in WebImageBaseAnnotationViewJS class.
    • Fixed minor bug in WebCompositeRenderingSettingsJS class.
    • Fixed several minor bugs in ASP.NET demo projects.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that searches multiline text on PDF page using regular expression.
    • Fixed minor bug in algorith that extracts text from PDF page.
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging SDK:
  • Added the ability to set the timeout for updating web viewer when viewer size is changed (WebImageViewerJS.set_ResizeTimeout function).
  • Fixed minor bug in algorithm that zooms image in image viewer in single page display mode.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • Added minor improvement in algorithm that renders PDF content.
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging SDK:
  • .NET development
    • Now VintasoftImage class automatically rotates JPEG image in accordance with EXIF information (if EXIF information available). Automatic rotation can be disabled with decoding settings of VintasoftImage class.
    • Fixed the bug in TIFF encoder.
    • Fixed the bug in ChangePixelFormatCommand class.
  • Web development
    • Created class WebShapeRemovalJS, which allows to remove shapes on image in web application.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Added helper-methods for selection/copying/pasting of annotations in the AnnotationViewer/WpfAnnotationViewer classes.
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Posts: 2339
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging SDK:
  • .NET development
    • Refactored the enumerations, which define identifiers of EXIF tags:
      • Renamed Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.ExifTagId enumeration to Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.ExifImageTagId enumeration. Added new items into Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.ExifImageTagId enumeration in accordance with EXIF 2 specification.
      • Created new enumeration - Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.ExifPhotoTagId, which defines idenifiers of Exif.Photo tags from EXIF 2 specification.
      • Renamed Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.GpsTagId enumeration to Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.ExifGpsTagId enumeration.
      • Renamed Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.InteroperabilityTagId enumeration to Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.ExifInteroperabilityTagId enumeration.
    • Improved the algorithm that loads external codecs. Added the method "RemoveCodecByName(string name)" into AvailableCodecs class.
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Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging SDK:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed the bug in ImageViewer.DisplayMode property.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Added the ability to validate PDF document conformance with PDF/A-2u and PDF/A-3u specification.
    • Added the ability to convert PDF document to PDF/A-2u or PDF/A-3u document.
    • Added class PdfContentGraphicsFigureEditor, which allows to analyze and delete PDF content.
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that generates PDF portfolio.
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that updates interactive fields in PDF document.
  • Web development
    • Fixed the bug in web document viewer that could occur during navigating PDF interactive fields.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft DICOM .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that writes metadata to a DICOM file.
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