Version 14.0 of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK has been released.

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Moderator: Alex

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Version 14.0 of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version 14.0 of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version:
  • .NET development
    • Added support for .NET 7 in Windows, Linux and macOS.
    • Refactored the SDK architecture:
      • Vintasoft.Barcode.dll assembly does not depend from System.Drawing library anymore and can be used in Windows, Linux and macOS.
      • Vintasoft.Barcode.dll assembly now depends on Vintasoft.Shared.dll assembly.
      • Now Vintasoft.Barcode.dll assembly uses Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftBitmap class (from Vintasoft.Shared.dll assembly) for working with bitmap - this allows to get/transfer bitmap from/to VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK without memory duplication.
      • Created Vintasoft.Barcode.Gdi.dll assembly - an extension, which allows to work with barcodes using System.Drawing library in Windows.
      • Created Vintasoft.Barcode.Wpf.dll assembly - an extension, which allows to work with barcodes in WPF.
      • Created Vintasoft.Barcode.SkiaSharp.dll assembly - an extension, which allows to work with barcodes using SkiaSharp library (.NET library with unmanaged code) in Windows, Linux, macOS.
      • Created Vintasoft.Barcode.ImageSharp.dll assembly - extension, which allows to work with barcodes using SixLabors.ImageSharp library (fully managed .NET library) in Windows, Linux, macOS.
      • Discontinued the support of Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.dll assembly. Use Vintasoft.Barcode.dll and Vintasoft.Barcode.Wpf.dll assemblies instead of Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.dll assembly.
      • The functionality matrix of .NET assemblies can be seen in documentation: ... atrix.html
      • Information about API changes can be read in documentation: ... v14_0.html
    • Added the ability to use adaptive binarization for barcode recognition (see ReaderSettings.AdaptiveBinarizationStep property).
    • Improved the algorithm that recognizes barcodes in automatic mode.
  • Web development
    • Added support for .NET 7.0 rc1 in Windows, Linux and macOS.
    • Refactored the SDK architecture:
      • Vintasoft.Barcode.Web.Services.dll assembly does not depend on System.Drawing library anymore and can be used in Windows, Linux and macOS.
  • Xamarin development
    • Discontinued support for Xamarin.Android platform.
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Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version:
  • .NET development
    • Added support for .NET 7.0.
  • Web development
    • Updated source codes of ASP.NET Core Angular Barcode demo for compatibility with Visual Studio 2022 and Node.js 18.
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