Name | Description | |
Web2DBarcodeWriterSettingsJS | Initializes a new instance of the Web2DBarcodeWriterSettingsJS class. |
Name | Description | |
Web2DBarcodeWriterSettingsJS | Initializes a new instance of the Web2DBarcodeWriterSettingsJS class. |
Name | Description | |
clone | Overloaded. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_AztecDataLayers | Gets number of data layers in Aztec symbol. | |
get_AztecEncodingMode | Gets Aztec data encoding mode. | |
get_AztecErrorCorrectionDataPercent | Gets a percent of error correction data in Aztec symbol. | |
get_AztecSymbol | Gets Aztec symbol type. | |
get_BackColor | Gets the back color of barcode. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_BarcodeSubset | Gets the barcode symbology subset. | |
get_BarcodeType | Gets the type of barcode symbology. | |
get_BarsWidthAdjustment | Gets the adjustment method of bars width in percentage to the value of MinWidth property. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_DataMatrixEncodingMode | Gets the Data Matrix data encoding mode. | |
get_DataMatrixSymbol | Gets the Data Matrix symbol size. | |
get_DotCodeInterpretNonDataCharacters | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must interpret non-data characters in DotCode barcode. | |
get_DotCodeMatrixHeight | Gets DotCode matrix height. | |
get_DotCodeMatrixWidth | Gets DotCode matrix width. | |
get_DotCodeMatrixWidthHeightRatio | Gets the width/height aspect ratio of DotCode matrix. | |
get_DotCodeRectangularModules | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must generate the Dotcode cells with square form. | |
get_EciNumber | Gets the ECI assignment number. | |
get_ForeColor | Gets the fore color of barcode. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_GS1TwoDimensionalComponentType | Gets the GS1 2D component type. | |
get_HanXinCodeEncodingMode | Gets Han Xin Code data encoding mode. | |
get_HanXinCodeErrorCorrectionLevel | Gets Han Xin Code error correction level. | |
get_HanXinCodeSymbol | Gets the Han Xin Code symbol version (symbol size). | |
get_MailmarkCMDMBarcodeValue | Gets the value of Mailmark CMDM 2D barcode. | |
get_MaxiCodeEncodingMode | Gets the MaxiCode encoding mode. | |
get_MaxiCodeResolution | Gets the MaxiCode barcode resolution. | |
get_MicroPDF417Columns | Gets MicroPDF417 column count. | |
get_MicroPDF417EncodingMode | Gets MicroPDF417 data encoding mode. | |
get_MicroPDF417RowHeight | Gets the row height of Micro PDF417. | |
get_MicroPDF417Symbol | Gets the MicroPDF417 symbol size. | |
get_MinWidth | Gets the width (and height for 2D barcodes), in pixels, of single block. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_Padding | Gets the barcode padding. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_PDF417Columns | Gets PDF417 column count. | |
get_PDF417EncodingMode | Gets PDF417 data encoding mode. | |
get_PDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel | Gets PDF417 error correction level. | |
get_PDF417RowHeight | Gets the row height of PDF417. | |
get_PDF417Rows | Gets PDF417 row count. | |
get_PixelFormat | Gets the image pixel format. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_PpnBarcodeValue | Gets the value of PPN barcode. | |
get_PrintableValue | Gets text that is showing below barcode. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_ProcessSpecialSymbols | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must process the special symbols in barcode value. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_QREncodingMode | Gets QR data encoding mode. | |
get_QRErrorCorrectionLevel | Gets QR error correction level. | |
get_QRSymbol | Gets the QR symbol version (symbol size). | |
get_Resolution | Gets image vertical and horizontal resolution, in dots per inch. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_SwissQrCodeBarcodeValue | Gets the value of Swiss QR Code barcode. | |
get_Value | Gets the value of the barcode. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_Value2DVisible | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must draw 2D barcode value on the barcode image. | |
get_ValueAutoLetterSpacing | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must draw the barcode value on the barcode image using the automatic letter spacing. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_ValueFontFamily | Gets the font family. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_ValueFontSize | Gets the font size. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
get_ValueGap | Gets the amount of gap between the text and the barcode when creating a barcode, in pixels. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_AztecDataLayers | Sets number of data layers in Aztec symbol. | |
set_AztecEncodingMode | Sets Aztec data encoding mode. | |
set_AztecErrorCorrectionDataPercent | Sets a percent of error correction data in Aztec symbol. | |
set_AztecSymbol | Sets Aztec symbol type. | |
set_BackColor | Sets the back color of barcode. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_BarcodeSubset | Sets the barcode symbology subset. | |
set_BarcodeType | Overloaded. Sets the type of barcode symbology. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_BarsWidthAdjustment | Sets the adjustment method of bars width in percentage to the value of MinWidth property. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_DataMatrixEncodingMode | Sets the Data Matrix data encoding mode. | |
set_DataMatrixSymbol | Sets the Data Matrix symbol size. | |
set_DotCodeInterpretNonDataCharacters | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must interpret non-data characters in DotCode barcode. | |
set_DotCodeMatrixHeight | Sets DotCode matrix height. | |
set_DotCodeMatrixWidth | Sets DotCode matrix width. | |
set_DotCodeMatrixWidthHeightRatio | Sets the width/height aspect ratio of DotCode matrix. | |
set_DotCodeRectangularModules | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must generate the Dotcode cells with square form. | |
set_EciNumber | Sets the ECI assignment number. | |
set_ForeColor | Sets the fore color of barcode. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_GS1TwoDimensionalComponentType | Sets the GS1 2D component type. | |
set_HanXinCodeEncodingMode | Sets Han Xin Code data encoding mode. | |
set_HanXinCodeErrorCorrectionLevel | Sets Han Xin Code error correction level. | |
set_HanXinCodeSymbol | Sets the Han Xin Code symbol version (symbol size). | |
set_MailmarkCMDMBarcodeValue | Sets the value of Mailmark CMDM 2D barcode. | |
set_MaxiCodeEncodingMode | Sets the MaxiCode encoding mode. | |
set_MaxiCodeResolution | Sets the MaxiCode barcode resolution. | |
set_MicroPDF417Columns | Sets MicroPDF417 column count. | |
set_MicroPDF417EncodingMode | Sets MicroPDF417 data encoding mode. | |
set_MicroPDF417RowHeight | Sets the row height of Micro PDF417. | |
set_MicroPDF417Symbol | Sets the MicroPDF417 symbol size. | |
set_MinWidth | Sets the width (and height for 2D barcodes), in pixels, of single block. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_Padding | Sets the barcode padding. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_PDF417Columns | Sets PDF417 column count. | |
set_PDF417EncodingMode | Sets PDF417 data encoding mode. | |
set_PDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel | Sets PDF417 error correction level. | |
set_PDF417RowHeight | Sets the row height of PDF417. | |
set_PDF417Rows | Sets PDF417 row count. | |
set_PixelFormat | Sets the image pixel format. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_PpnBarcodeValue | Sets the value of PPN barcode. | |
set_PrintableValue | Sets text that is showing below barcode. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_ProcessSpecialSymbols | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must process the special symbols in barcode value. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_QREncodingMode | Sets QR data encoding mode. | |
set_QRErrorCorrectionLevel | Sets QR error correction level. | |
set_QRSymbol | Sets the QR symbol version (symbol size). | |
set_Resolution | Sets image vertical and horizontal resolution, in dots per inch. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_SwissQrCodeBarcodeValue | Sets the value of Swiss QR Code barcode. | |
set_Value | Sets the value of the barcode. | |
set_Value2DVisible | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must draw 2D barcode value on the barcode image. | |
set_ValueAutoLetterSpacing | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must draw the barcode value on the barcode image using the automatic letter spacing. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_ValueFontFamily | Sets the font family. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_ValueFontSize | Sets the font size. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) | |
set_ValueGap | Sets the amount of gap between the text and the barcode when creating a barcode, in pixels. (Inherited from WebBarcodeWriterBaseSettingsJS) |