"Standard" UI elements, which can be used in web control
In This Topic
The base class for UI elements is
WebUiElementJS. An instance of
WebUiElementJS class is intended for use as UI element of web document viewer and cannot be used separately.
Here is the hierarchy of base standard UI elements, which can be used in
WebUiControlJS control and derived controls (
- WebUiElementCollectionJS - collection of web UI elements. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
WebUiElementJS - the base web UI element. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiBrElementJS - web UI element that represents '<br/>' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiLabelElementJS - web UI element that represents text label. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiLabelWithDropDownListJS - web UI element that represents text label and button with drop-down list. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiTextareaElementJS - web UI element that represents '<textarea>' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiInputElementJS - web UI element that represents '<input>' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiTextInputJS - web UI element that represents '<input type="text">' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiNumericInputJS - web UI element that represents '<input type="number">' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiButtonInputJS - web UI element that represents '<input type="button">' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiImageInputJS - web UI element that represents '<input type="image">' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiCheckboxInputJS - web UI element that represents '<input type="checkbox">' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiRadioInputJS - web UI element that represents '<input type="radio">' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiFileInputJS - web UI element that represents '<input type="file">' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiOptionElementJS - web UI element that represents '<option>' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiSelectElementJS - web UI element that represents '<select>' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiToggleButtonJS - web UI element that represents button with drop-down list of buttons. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiColorPickerJS - web UI element that represents the color picker. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
WebUiDivElementJS - web UI element that represents '<div>' element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
WebUiButtonJS - web UI element that represents '<div>' button element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiProgressJS- web UI element that represents '<div>' progress element of markup. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiUploadFileButtonJS - web UI element that represents button for uploading of files. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
WebUiElementContainerJS - web UI element that represents DIV container for specified UI elements. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiContextMenuJS - web UI element that represents context menu. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
WebUiPanelJS - web UI panel, which contains WebUiElementJS objects and allows to change the panel state using button. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiSidePanelJS - web UI side panel. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiMenuJS - web UI menu. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.js file.
- WebUiDialogJS - web UI dialog. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
Here is the hierarchy of standard UI elements, which can be used in
WebDocumentViewerJS control:
- WebUiVisualToolButtonJS - web UI element that represents button for enabling the specified visual tool in image viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiAnnotationButtonJS - web UI element that represent button for creating and adding specified annotation in annotation viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiImageViewerPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to display an image viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiThumbnailViewerPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to display a thumbnail viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiAnnotationListPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to view the annotation list and navigate between annotations. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiPdfBookmarksPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to view PDF bookmarks and navigate PDF document using bookmarks. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiPdfImageResourceExtractionPanelJS - web UI panel that shows the list of all image resources associated with PDF page. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiTextSelectionPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to select text on document page. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiTextSearchPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to search text on document pages. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiPdfInteractiveFormFieldsPanelJS - web UI panel that shows the list of all interactive fields associated with opened PDF pages. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiPdfRedactionMarkListPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to view the PDF redaction marks list and navigate between redaction marks. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiImageProcessingPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to view a list of image processing commands, select the image processing command and apply the image processing command to an image in image viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiImageSelectionPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to select images, which are shown in image viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiPrintImagesSettingsPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to print images, which are shown in image viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiThumbnailViewerSettingsPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to view and edit the thumbnail viewer settings. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiFileToolbarPanelJS - web UI toolbar panel that allows to work with image files (load, print and save). Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiNavigationToolbarPanelJS - web UI toolbar panel that allows to navigate between images in document viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiZoomToolbarPanelJS - web UI toolbar panel that allows to zoom images in document viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiRotationToolbarPanelJS - web UI toolbar panel that allows to rotate image in document viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiVisualToolsToolbarPanelJS - web UI toolbar panel that allows to select visual tools. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiAnnotationToolbarJS - web UI toolbar panel that allows to work with annotations. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiRotateImageWithAnnotationsPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to rotate focused image with annotations. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiPdfRedactionMarkAppearancePanelJS - web UI panel that allows to view and edit the appearance of PDF redaction mark. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiTwainSelectDevicePanelJS - web UI panel that allows to view the list of TWAIN devices installed in the system and select the device. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiTwainDeviceCapabilitiesPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to work with TWAIN device capabilities. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file.
- WebUiDocumentPasswordDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to set the password of document. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
- WebUiPrintImagesSettingsPanelJS - web UI dialog that allows to print images, which are shown in image viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
- WebThumbnailViewerSettingsDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to view and edit the thumbnail viewer settings. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
- WebRotateImageWithAnnotationsDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to rotate focused image with annotations. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
- WebPdfRedactionMarkAppearanceDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to view and edit the PDF redaction mark appearance. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
- WebImageSelectionDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to select images, which are shown in image viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
- WebTwainDeviceSelectionDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to view the list of TWAIN devices installed in the system and select the device. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
- WebTwainDeviceCapabilitiesDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to work with TWAIN device capabilities. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
Here is the hierarchy of standard UI elements, which can be used in
WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control:
- WebUiSpreadsheetEditorPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to display a spreadsheet editor control. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.js file.
- WebUiRenameWorksheetPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to rename worksheet in the spreadsheet editor. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.js file.
- WebUiMoveWorksheetPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to reposition the worksheet in the spreadsheet editor. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.js file.
- WebUiFindTextPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to search text in worksheet document. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.js file.
- WebUiSelectFunctionPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to select cell function. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.js file.
- WebUiRenameWorksheetDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to rename worksheet in the spreadsheet editor. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
- WebUiMoveWorksheetDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to reposition the worksheet in the spreadsheet editor. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
- WebUiFindTextDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to find text in worksheet document. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
- WebUiSelectFunctionDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to select the cell function. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
Here is the hierarchy of standard UI elements, which can be used in
WebDicomControlJS control:
- WebDicomViewerPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to display a DICOM viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.js file.
- WebDicomSeriesManagerPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to display a DICOM series manager. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.js file.
- WebUiDicomMetadataPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to display metadata of DICOM image. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.js file.
- WebUiCustomDicomVoiLutPanelJS - web UI panel that allows to set custom window level in DICOM viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.js file.
- WebUiSelectDicomVoiLutTypePanelJS - web UI panel that allows to select the window level type in DICOM viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.js file.
- WebUiDicomMetadataDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to display metadata of DICOM image. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
- WebUiCustomDicomVoiLutDialogJS - web UI dialog that allows to change the window level for DICOM image in DICOM viewer. Stored in Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.Dialogs.XXX.js file.
Hierarchy of UI objects is open. This allows to adjust or modify existing elements or create new elements.
WebUiElementsFactoryJS class is a factory of UI elements, i.e. it allows to register an instance of UI element by identifier and this allows significantly simplify the process of UI creation. The list of standard registered identifiers can be found in description of
WebUiElementsFactoryJS class.