WebUiElementsFactoryJS type
In This Topic
Provides the ability to create the UI element by the specified ID.
Fabric contains the following IDs if Vintasoft.Imaging.js file is linked to a web page:
Fabric contains the following IDs if Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js file is linked to a web page:
- "fileMenuItem" - create WebUiElementContainerJS object, which contains "File" label for file menu.
- "viewMenuItem" - create WebUiElementContainerJS object, which contains "View" label for view menu.
- "toolsMenuItem" - create WebUiElementContainerJS object, which contains "Tools" label for tools menu.
- "annotationsMenuItem" - create WebUiElementContainerJS object, which contains "Annotations" label for annotations menu.
- "fileMenuPanel" - create WebUiPanelJS object, which represents panel for "File" menu.
- "viewMenuPanel" - create WebUiPanelJS object, which represents panel for "View" menu with "sizeModeToggleButton", "rotateToolbarPanel", "thumbnailViewerSettingsButton" elements.
- "toolsMenuPanel" - create WebUiPanelJS object, which represents panel for "Tools" menu with "visualToolsToolbarPanel" element.
- "annotationsMenuPanel" - create WebUiPanelJS object, which represents panel for "Annotations" menu with "annotationsToolbarPanel" element.
- "mainMenu" - create WebUiPanelContainerJS object, which represents panel for main menu with "fileMenuPanel", "viewMenuPanel", "toolsMenuPanel" elements.
- "imageViewerPanel" - create WebUiImageViewerPanelJS object.
- "thumbnailViewerPanel" - create WebUiThumbnailViewerPanelJS object.
- "sidePanel" - create WebUiSidePanelJS object, which contains "thumbnailViewerPanel".
- "sidePanelAndViewer" - create WebUiElementContainerJS object, which contains "sidePanel" and "imageViewerPanel".
- "imageProcessingPanel" - create WebUiImageProcessingPanelJS object.
- "footerPanel" - create WebUiElementContainerJS object, which contains "navigationToolbarPanel", "zoomOutButton", "zoomValueInput", "zoomInButton" elements.
- "fileToolbarPanel" - create WebUiFileToolbarPanelJS object.
- "navigationToolbarPanel" - create WebUiNavigationToolbarPanelJS object.
- "zoomToolbarPanel" - create WebUiZoomToolbarPanelJS object.
- "rotateToolbarPanel" - create WebUiRotationToolbarPanelJS object.
- "visualToolsToolbarPanel" - create WebUiVisualToolsToolbarPanelJS object.
- "annotationsPanel" - create WebUiAnnotationListPanelJS object.
- "annotationsToolbarPanel" - create WebUiAnnotationToolbarJS object.
- "annotationContextMenu" - create WebAnnotationViewerContextMenuJS object.
- "pdfBookmarksPanel" - create WebUiPdfBookmarksPanelJS object.
- "textSearchPanel" - create WebUiTextSearchPanelJS object.
- "pdfImageResourceExtractionPanel" - create WebUiPdfImageResourceExtractionPanelJS object.
- "textSelectionPanel" - create WebUiTextSelectionPanelJS object.
- "uploadAndOpenFileButton" - create WebUiUploadFileButtonJS object, which allows to upload an image file.
- "printImagesButton" - create WebUiDialogButtonJS object, which show/hide dialog with print settings.
- "thumbnailViewerSettingsButton" - create WebUiDialogButtonJS object, which show/hide dialog with thumbnail viewer settings.
- "downloadImageButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which allows to download selected image file.
- "gotoFirstPageButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which navigates to the first image in the image viewer.
- "gotoPreviousPageButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which navigates to the previous image in the image viewer.
- "gotoNextPageButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which navigates to the next image in the image viewer.
- "gotoLastPageButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which navigates to the last image in the image viewer.
- "gotoPageInput" - create WebUiInputElementJS object, which navigates to the specified image in the image viewer.
- "totalPageCountLabel" - create WebUiLabelElementJS object, which displays the number of images in the image viewer.
- "scaleModeSelect" - create WebUiSelectElementJS object, which changes ImageSizeMode in the image viewer.
- "zoomValueInput" - create WebUiInputElementJS object, which sets zoom in the image viewer.
- "zoomOutButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which reduces zoom in the image viewer.
- "zoomInButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which increases zoom in the image viewer.
- "normalSizeModeButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which sets "Normal" ImageSizeMode in the image viewer.
- "bestFitSizeModeButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which sets "BestFit" ImageSizeMode in the image viewer.
- "fitToWidthSizeModeButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which sets "FitToWidth" ImageSizeMode in the image viewer.
- "fitToHeightSizeModeButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which sets "FitToHeight" ImageSizeMode in the image viewer.
- "pixelToPixelSizeModeButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which sets "PixelToPixel" ImageSizeMode in the image viewer.
- "zoomSizeModeButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which sets "Zoom" ImageSizeMode in the image viewer.
- "sizeModeToggleButton" - create WebUiToggleButtonJS object, which contains "normalSizeModeButton", "bestFitSizeModeButton", "fitToWidthSizeModeButton", "fitToHeightSizeModeButton" buttons.
- "rotateCounterClockwiseButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which rotates images at 90 degrees counterclockwise in the image viewer.
- "rotateClockwiseButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which rotates images at 90 degrees clockwise in the image viewer.
- "rotateAngleInput" - create WebUiInputElementJS object, which shows information about rotation of images in the image viewer.
- "panToolButton" - create WebUiVisualToolButtonJS object, which activates Pan tool in the image viewer.
- "rectangularSelectionToolButton" - create WebUiVisualToolButtonJS object, which activates RectangularSelection tool in the image viewer.
- "magnifierToolButton" - create WebUiVisualToolButtonJS object, which activates Magnifier tool in the image viewer.
- "zoomToolButton" - create WebUiVisualToolButtonJS object, which activates Zoom tool in the image viewer.
- "zoomSelectionToolButton" - create WebUiVisualToolButtonJS object, which activates ZoomSelection tool in the image viewer.
- "visualToolToggleButton" - create WebUiToggleButtonJS object, which contains "panToolButton", "rectangularSelectionToolButton", "magnifierToolButton", "zoomToolButton", "zoomSelectionToolButton" buttons.
- "addAnnotationToolbarPanel" - create WebUiElementContainerJS object, which contains "addRectangleAnnotationButton", "addEllipseAnnotationButton", "addHighlightAnnotationButton", "addReferencedImageAnnotationButton", "addTextAnnotationsToggleButton", "addStampAnnotationButton", "addLinkAnnotationButton", "addArrowAnnotationsToggleButton", "addLineAnnotationButton", "addLinesAnnotationsToggleButton", "addPolygonAnnotationsToggleButton", "addRulersAnnotationsToggleButton","addArcAnnotationButton", "addCustomAnnotationsToggleButton" elements.
- "editAnnotationToolbarPanel" - create WebUiElementContainerJS object, which contains "annotationInteractionModeToggleButton", "copyAnnotationButton", "pasteAnnotationButton", "removeAnnotationButton" elements.
- "annotationActionsToolbarPanel" - create WebUiElementContainerJS object, which contains "burnAnnotationsButton", "saveAnnotationsButton", "rotateImageWithAnnotationsButton" elements.
- "annotationHistoryToolbarPanel" - create WebUiElementContainerJS object which contains "enableAnnotationHistoryButton", "undoAnnotationHistoryButton", "redoAnnotationHistoryButton" elements.
- "addRectangleAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Rectangle annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addEllipseAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Ellipse annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addHighlightAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Highlight annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addReferencedImageAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds ReferencedImage annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addTextAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Text annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addStickyNoteAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds StickyNote annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addFreeTextAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds FreeText annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addStampAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Stamp annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addLinkAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Link annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addArrowAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Arrow annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addDoubleArrowAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Arrow annotation with both caps to the annotation viewer.
- "addLineAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Line annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addLinesAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Lines annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addInterpolatedLinesAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Lines annotation with interpolation to the annotation viewer.
- "addFreehandLinesAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds FreehandLines annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addPolygonAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Polygon annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addInterpolatedPolygonAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Polygon annotation with interpolation to the annotation viewer.
- "addFreehandPolygonAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds FreehandPolygon annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addCloudPolygonAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Polygon annotation with cloud border to the annotation viewer.
- "addRulerAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Ruler annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addRulersAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Rulers annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addAngleAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Angle annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addArcAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Arc annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addTriangleAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Triangle annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addMarkAnnotationButton" - create WebUiAnnotationButtonJS object, which adds Mark annotation to the annotation viewer.
- "addTextAnnotationsToggleButton" - create WebUiToggleButtonJS object, which contains "addTextAnnotationButton", "addStickyNoteAnnotationButton", "addFreeTextAnnotationButton" elments.
- "addArrowAnnotationsToggleButton" - create WebUiToggleButtonJS object, which contains "addArrowAnnotationButton", "addDoubleArrowAnnotationButton" elements.
- "addLinesAnnotationsToggleButton" - create WebUiToggleButtonJS object, which contains "addLinesAnnotationButton", "addInterpolatedLinesAnnotationButton", "addFreehandLinesAnnotationButton" elements.
- "addPolygonAnnotationsToggleButton" - create WebUiToggleButtonJS object, which contains "addPolygonAnnotationButton", "addInterpolatedPolygonAnnotationButton", "addFreehandPolygonAnnotationButton", "addCloudPolygonAnnotationButton" elements.
- "addRulersAnnotationsToggleButton" - create WebUiToggleButtonJS object, which contains "addRulerAnnotationButton", "addRulersAnnotationButton", "addAngleAnnotationButton" elements.
- "addEllipticalAnnotationsToggleButton"- create WebUiToggleButtonJS object, which contains "addEllipseAnnotationButton", "addArcAnnotationButton" elements.
- "addCustomAnnotationsToggleButton" - create WebUiToggleButtonJS object, which contains "addTriangleAnnotationButton", "addMarkAnnotationButton" elements.
- "noneAnnotationInteractionModeButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which changes the annotation interaction mode of annotation visual tool to the "None" interaction mode.
- "viewAnnotationInteractionModeButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which changes the annotation interaction mode of annotation visual tool to the "View" interaction mode.
- "authorAnnotationInteractionModeButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which changes the annotation interaction mode of annotation visual tool to the "Author" interaction mode.
- "annotationInteractionModeToggleButton"- create WebUiToggleButtonJS object, which contains "noneAnnotationInteractionModeButton", "viewAnnotationInteractionModeButton" and "authorAnnotationInteractionModeButton" elements.
- "copyAnnotationButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which copies focused annotation in clipboard.
- "pasteAnnotationButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which pastes copied annotation from clipboard.
- "removeAnnotationButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which removes focused annotation from annotation collection.
- "smallAnnotationInteractionPointsButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which changes the annotation interaction points size to the small size.
- "mediumAnnotationInteractionPointsButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which changes the annotation interaction points size to the medium size.
- "largeAnnotationInteractionPointsButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which changes the annotation interaction points size to the large size.
- "annotationInteractionPointsToggleButton" - create WebUiToggleButtonJS object, "smallAnnotationInteractionPointsButton", "mediumAnnotationInteractionPointsButton", "largeAnnotationInteractionPointsButton" elements.
- "rotateImageWithAnnotationsButton" - create WebUiDialogButtonJS object, which shows/hides dialog with image rotation settings.
- "burnAnnotationsButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which burns annotations on focused image.
- "saveAnnotationsButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which saves annotations of focused image on server.
- "enableAnnotationHistoryButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which enable/disable annotations undo/redo history.
- "undoAnnotationHistoryButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which undoes the last action on annotations.
- "redoAnnotationHistoryButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which redoes the last action on annotations.
- "textSelectionToolButton" - create WebUiVisualToolButtonJS object, which activates Text Selection tool in the image viewer.
- "pdfImageExtractorToolButton" - create WebUiVisualToolButtonJS object, which activates PDF Image Extractor tool in the image viewer.
- "removeFocusedImageButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which removes focused image from the image viewer.
- "removeAllImagesButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which clears image collection of the image viewer.
- "pdfInteractiveFormFieldsPanel" - create WebUiPdfInteractiveFormFieldsPanelJS object.
- "pdfInteractiveFormToolButton" - create WebUiVisualToolButtonJS object, which activates PDF Interactive Form tool in the image viewer.
- "pdfRedactionMarkAppearanceButton" - create WebUiDialogButtonJS object, which shows/hides dialog with PDF redaction mark appearance.
- "pdfTextRedactionMarkButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which creates the PDF redaction mark for removing text in text selection on PDF page.
- "pdfRegionRedactionMarkButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which creates the PDF redaction mark for removing all content in rectangular region on PDF page.
- "pdfPageRedactionMarkButton" - create WebUiDialogButtonJS object, which creates the PDF redaction mark(s) for removing all content in PDF page(s).
- "removeFocusedPdfRedactionMarkButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which removes focused redaction mark on PDF page.
- "applyPdfRedactionMarkButton" - create WebUiButtonJS object, which applies redaction marks to a PDF document.
- "pdfRedactionMenuItem" - create WebUiElementContainerJS object, which contains "Redaction" label for PDF redaction menu.
- "pdfRedactionMenuPanel" - create WebUiPanelJS object, which represents panel for "Redaction" menu with "pdfTextRedactionMarkButton", "pdfRegionRedactionMarkButton", "pdfPageRedactionMarkButton", "removeFocusedPdfRedactionMarkButton", "pdfRedactionMarkAppearanceButton", "applyPdfRedactionMarkButton" elements.
- "pdfRedactionMarkListPanel" - create WebUiPdfRedactionMarkListPanelJS object.
Fabric contains the following IDs if Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.js file is linked to a web page:
- "vssde-mainMenu"
- "vssde-fileMenuPanel"
- "fileMenuItem"
- "vssde-createXlsxDocumentButton"
- "vssde-uploadAndOpenFileButton"
- "vssde-downloadFileButton"
- "vssde-exportXlsxToPdfButton"
- "vssde-homeMenu"
- "vssde-enUsCurrencyNumberFormatButton"
- "vssde-enUkCurrencyNumberFormatButton"
- "vssde-ruCurrencyNumberFormatButton"
- "vssde-chCurrencyNumberFormatButton"
- "vssde-enInCurrencyNumberFormatButton"
- "vssde-currencyNumberFormatButton"
- "vssde-increaseDecimalButton"
- "vssde-decreaseDecimalButton"
- "vssde-percentNumberFormatButton"
- "vssde-numberFormatDropDown"
- "vssde-fontNameDropDown"
- "vssde-fontSizeDropDown"
- "vssde-boldTextButton"
- "vssde-italicTextButton"
- "vssde-underlineTextButton"
- "vssde-strikethroughTextButton"
- "vssde-fontColorButton"
- "vssde-fillColorButton"
- "vssde-copyStyleButton"
- "vssde-alignLeftButton"
- "vssde-alignCenterButton"
- "vssde-alignRightButton"
- "vssde-topAlignButton"
- "vssde-middleAlignButton"
- "vssde-bottomAlignButton"
- "vssde-textWrappingButton"
- "vssde-showFormulasButton"
- "vssde-searchTextButton"
- "vssde-homeMenu-vertDivider1"
- "vssde-homeMenu-vertDivider2"
- "vssde-homeMenu-vertDivider3"
- "vssde-homeMenu-vertDivider4"
- "vssde-homeMenu-vertDivider5"
- "vssde-editMenu"
- "vssde-clearContentButton"
- "vssde-clearFormatButton"
- "vssde-undoButton"
- "vssde-redoButton"
- "vssde-cutContentButton"
- "vssde-copyContentButton"
- "vssde-pasteContentButton"
- "vssde-deleteRowsButton"
- "vssde-deleteColumnsButton"
- "vssde-deleteCellsAndShiftLeftButton"
- "vssde-deleteCellsAndShiftUpButton"
- "vssde-deletePictureButton"
- "vssde-mergeCellsButton"
- "vssde-unmergeCellsButton"
- "vssde-fillCellsDownButton"
- "vssde-fillCellsUpButton"
- "vssde-fillCellsLeftButton"
- "vssde-fillCellsRightButton"
- "vssde-fillCellsDropDownButton"
- "vssde-allBordersButton"
- "vssde-thickOutsideBordersButton"
- "vssde-noBordersButton"
- "vssde-outsideBordersButton"
- "vssde-bottomBorderButton"
- "vssde-topBorderButton"
- "vssde-rightBorderButton"
- "vssde-leftBorderButton"
- "vssde-thickBottomBorderButton"
- "vssde-thickLeftBorderButton"
- "vssde-doubleBottomBorderButton"
- "vssde-doubleLeftBorderButton"
- "vssde-borderColorButton"
- "vssde-cellBordersDropDownButton"
- "vssde-autoFitRowHeightButton"
- "vssde-autoFitColumnWidthButton"
- "vssde-editMenu-vertDivider1"
- "vssde-editMenu-vertDivider2"
- "vssde-editMenu-vertDivider3"
- "vssde-editMenu-vertDivider4"
- "vssde-editMenu-vertDivider5"
- "vssde-insertMenu"
- "vssde-insertRowsButton"
- "vssde-insertColumnsButton"
- "vssde-insertCellsAndShiftRightButton"
- "vssde-insertCellsAndShiftDownButton"
- "vssde-insertSheetButton"
- "vssde-insertFunctionButton"
- "vssde-insertPictureButton"
- "vssde-formulaPanel"
- "vssde-formulaPanel-cellNameTextInput"
- "vssde-formulaPanel-cancelChangeButton"
- "vssde-formulaPanel-applyChangeButton"
- "vssde-formulaPanel-formulaTextEditor"
- "vssde-formulaPanel-cellTextEditor"
- "vssde-formulaPanel-fullScreenButton"
- "vssde-footerPanel"
- "vssde-footerPanel-worksheetPanel-scrollToFirstWorksheetButton"
- "vssde-footerPanel-worksheetPanel-scrollToLastWorksheetButton"
- "vssde-footerPanel-worksheetPanel"
- "vssde-footerPanel-zoomPanel"
- "vssde-footerPanel-zoomPanel-zoomLabel"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-copyWorksheet"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-deleteWorksheet"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-renameWorksheet"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-moveWorksheet"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-copy"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-cut"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-paste"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-clearContents"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-insertCellAndShiftRight"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-insertCellAndShiftDown"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-insertEntireRow"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-insertEntireColumn"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-deleteCellAndShiftLeft"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-deleteCellAndShiftUp"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-deleteEntireRow"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-deleteEntireColumn"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-insertRows"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-deleteRows"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-insertComment"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-editComment"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-deleteComment"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-showHideComment"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-hideComment"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-hideRows"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-unhideRows"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-insertColumns"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-deleteColumns"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-hideColumns"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-unhideColumns"
- "vssde-spreadsheetPanel-contextMenu-deleteImage"
Inheritance Hierarchy
Browser Compatibility
See Also