| Name | Description |
| beginInit | Begins the viewer initialization. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| dispose | Disposes the viewer. |
| endInit | Ends the viewer initialization. |
| focus | Sets the focus to the viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_AnnotationController | Gets the annotation view controller associated with the viewer. |
| get_CanDeleteThumbnailsUsingKeyboard | Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to delete thumbnails using keyboard ("Delete" key). (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_CanDragThumbnails | Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to drag thumbnails. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_CanNavigateThumbnailsUsingKeyboard | Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to navigate thumbnails using keyboard. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_CanSelectThumbnailsUsingKeyboard | Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to select thumbnails using keyboard ("Shift" key). (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ContextMenuFunc | Gets a function that should be executed when "contextmenu" event occurs in the viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_Control | Gets the parent DOM element for viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ControlId | Gets an identifier of the parent DOM element of viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_DisableAnnotationDeserialization | Gets a value indicating whether viewer must load annotations from the server-side. |
| get_DisplayThumbnailCaption | Gets a value indicating whether the viewer must display caption for thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_FocusedIndex | Gets an index of focused thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_FocusedThumbnailAppearance | Gets the appearance of the focused thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_FocusOnHover | Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer changes focus when mouse hovers the thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_GenerateOnlyVisibleThumbnails | Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer generates only visible thumbnails. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_HoveredThumbnailAppearance | Gets the appearance of the hovered thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ImageCacheManager | Gets the image cache manager associated with the viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_Images | Gets the image collection associated with the viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_IsDisposed | Gets a value indicating whether the control has been disposed of. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_LoadAnnotationsOnlyForVisibleThumbnails | Gets a value indicating whether the viewer must load annotation collections only for visible thumbnails. |
| get_MasterViewer | Gets the main (master) viewer for the viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_MultiSelect | Gets value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows multiple thumbnails to be selected. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_NormalThumbnailAppearance | Gets the appearance of the normal thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_NotReadyThumbnailAppearance | Gets the appearance of the not ready thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ProgressImage | Gets an image which should be used for animating thumbnail loading. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ResizeTimeout | Gets the timeout, in milliseconds, which are used for resizing content in the thumbnail viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_SelectedIndices | Gets an array with indexes of selected thumbnails. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_SelectedThumbnailAppearance | Gets the appearance of the selected thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ShowAnnotations | Gets a value indicating whether the viewer shows annotations on thumbnails. |
| get_SyncCacheWithImages | Gets a value indicating whether viewer must synchronize the image cache with image collection state. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ThumbnailCaptionAnchor | Gets the anchor style of the thumbnail caption in thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ThumbnailCaptionFormat | Gets a format string for thumbnail caption. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ThumbnailColumnCount | Gets the current number of fixed columns. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ThumbnailFixedColumnCount | Gets the number of fixed columns. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ThumbnailFlowStyle | Gets the style of thumbnails arrangement. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ThumbnailMargin | Gets a thumbnail margin. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ThumbnailPadding | Gets a thumbnail padding. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ThumbnailScale | Gets the scale of thumbnails. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ThumbnailsFormat | Gets a format in which the viewer want to receive thumbnails. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ThumbnailSize | Gets the thumbnail size in thumbnail viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_UseCache | Gets a value indicating whether rendered thumbnails must be saved in cache on server. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_UseThumbnailActionsPanel | Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer displays the panel with thumbnail actions (rotate left; rotate right; delete). (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_UseThumbnailCheckboxes | Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer displays checkboxes for thumbnail selection. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| get_ViewRotationAngle | Gets the rotation angle, in degrees, of image view in image viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| getCustomViewRotationAngle | Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in thumbnail viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| getImageInfo | Returns information about image: image size; image resolution; flag that determines that image has vector decoder. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| getThumbnailCanvas | Returns the canvas of specified thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| invalidate | Invalidates the specified region of thumbnail viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| scrollTo | Scrolls the thumbnail viewer to the specified thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_CanDeleteThumbnailsUsingKeyboard | Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to delete thumbnails using keyboard ("Delete" key). (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_CanDragThumbnails | Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to drag thumbnails. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_CanNavigateThumbnailsUsingKeyboard | Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to navigate thumbnails using keyboard. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_CanSelectThumbnailsUsingKeyboard | Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to select thumbnails using keyboard ("Shift" key). (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ContextMenuFunc | Sets a function that should be executed when "contextmenu" event occurs in the viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_DisableAnnotationDeserialization | Sets a value indicating whether viewer must load annotations from the server-side. |
| set_DisplayThumbnailCaption | Sets a value indicating whether the viewer must display caption for thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_FocusedIndex | Sets an index of focused thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_FocusedThumbnailAppearance | Sets the appearance of the focused thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_FocusOnHover | Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer changes focus when mouse hovers the thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_GenerateOnlyVisibleThumbnails | Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer generates only visible thumbnails. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_HoveredThumbnailAppearance | Sets the appearance of the hovered thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ImageCacheManager | Sets the image cache manager of viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_LoadAnnotationsOnlyForVisibleThumbnails | Sets a value indicating whether the viewer must load annotation collections only for visible thumbnails. |
| set_MasterViewer | Overloaded. Sets the main (master) viewer for the viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_MultiSelect | Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows multiple thumbnails to be selected. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_NormalThumbnailAppearance | Sets the appearance of the normal thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_NotReadyThumbnailAppearance | Sets the appearance of the not ready thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ProgressImage | Sets an image which should be used for animating thumbnail loading. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ResizeTimeout | Sets the timeout, in milliseconds, which are used for resizing content in the thumbnail viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_SelectedIndices | Sets an array with indexes of selected thumbnails. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_SelectedThumbnailAppearance | Sets the appearance of the selected thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ShowAnnotations | Sets a value indicating whether the viewer shows annotations on thumbnails. |
| set_SyncCacheWithImages | Sets a value indicating whether viewer must synchronize the image cache with image collection state. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ThumbnailCaptionAnchor | Sets the anchor style of the thumbnail caption in thumbnail. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ThumbnailCaptionFormat | Sets a thumbnail caption format string. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ThumbnailFixedColumnCount | Sets the number of fixed columns. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ThumbnailFlowStyle | Sets the style of thumbnails arrangement. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ThumbnailMargin | Sets a thumbnail margin. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ThumbnailPadding | Sets a thumbnail padding. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ThumbnailScale | Sets the scale of thumbnails. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ThumbnailsFormat | Sets a format in which the viewer want to receive thumbnails. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ThumbnailSize | Sets the thumbnail size in thumbnail viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_UseCache | Sets a value indicating whether rendered thumbnails must be saved in cache on server. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_UseThumbnailActionsPanel | Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer displays the panel with thumbnail actions (rotate left; rotate right; delete). (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_UseThumbnailCheckboxes | Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer displays checkboxes for thumbnail selection. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| set_ViewRotationAngle | Sets the rotation angle, in degrees, of image view in image viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| setCustomViewRotationAngle | Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single thumbnail in thumbnail viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| setThumbnailSize | Sets the thumbnail size in thumbnail viewer. (Inherited from WebThumbnailViewerJS) |
| update | Updates the thumbnail viewer. |