VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.4: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.UI Namespace / WebAnnotationCommentJS type
Constructors SeeAlso
In This Topic
    WebAnnotationCommentJS Class Members
    In This Topic
    The following tables list the members exposed by WebAnnotationCommentJS.
    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the WebAnnotationCommentJS class.
    Public MethodCopies this comment properties to the target comment.
    Public MethodDeserializes an annotation comment.
    Public MethodGets the color of the comment in user interface.
    Public MethodGets the creation date for comment.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the comment is opened in user interface.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the comment is read-only in user interface.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating the state replies must be shown in comment panel.
    Public MethodGets the modify date for comment.
    Public MethodGets name of comment.
    Public MethodGets the parent comment.
    Public MethodGets the comment collection that contains this comment.
    Public MethodGets the state to which the parent comment should be set.
    Public MethodGets the replies of this comment.
    Public MethodGets the source object that stores the comment's data.
    Public MethodGet the state model corresponding to ParentState.
    Public MethodGets the subject of the comment.
    Public MethodGets the text of the comment.
    Public MethodGets type of comment.
    Public MethodGets the name of comment author.
    Public MethodSerializes this comment.
    Public MethodSets the color of the comment in user interface.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the comment is opened in user interface.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the comment is read-only in user interface.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating the state replies must be shown in comment panel.
    Public MethodSets name of comment.
    Public MethodSets the state to which the parent comment should be set.
    Public MethodSets the state model corresponding to ParentState.
    Public MethodSets the subject of the comment.
    Public MethodSets the text of the comment.
    Public MethodSets type of comment.
    Public MethodSets the name of comment author.
    Public EventOccurs when comment property is changed.
    Public EventOccurs when comment property is changing.
    See Also