Name | Description | |
burnAnnotationCollection | Burns annotation collection on image. | |
deserializeAnnotationCollection | Sends an asynchronous request to a server for deserializing an annotation collection, of specified image, from server. | |
get_AnnotationViewCollection | Overloaded. Gets the annotation collection associated with image. | |
get_Images | Gets the image collection associated with the annotation controller. | |
getImageWithAnnotationsAsBase64String | Sends an asynchronous request to a server for getting image with burned annotations as Base64 string. | |
indexOf | Returns index of annotation collection if annotation view is found in annotation collection. | |
removeAnnotationCollection | Sends an asynchronous request to a server for removing an annotation collection, of specified image, from server. | |
rotateImageWithAnnotation | Rotates image with annotations. | |
saveAnnotationCollection | Sends an asynchronous request to a server for saving the specified annotation collection in specified image. | |
saveAnnotationCollections | Sends an asynchronous request to a server for saving the specified annotation collections in specified image collection. | |
serializeAnnotationCollection | Saves changes in annotation collection on server. |