VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.5: Documentation for Web developer
Types Enumerations SeeAlso
In This Topic
    Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation Namespace (Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.JS)
    In This Topic
    Contains JavaScript classes for working with annotation collections and for printing images with anotations.
    Represents a print manager that can print images with annotations.
    Represents an annotation view collection.
    Represents an undo action that stores information about changes in WebAnnotationViewCollectionJS object.
    Represents an undo monitor that monitors the WebAnnotationViewCollectionJS object and adds undo action to an undo manager if WebAnnotationViewCollectionJS object is changed.
    Represents an annotation view controller that stores links between images from image collection and annotation collections.
    Represents an undo monitor that monitors the WebAnnotationViewerJS object and adds undo action to an undo manager if WebAnnotationViewCollectionJS is changed.
    Represents an undo action that stores information about changes in WebAnnotationViewJS object.
    Represents an undo monitor that monitors the WebAnnotationViewJS object and adds undo action to an undo manager if WebAnnotationViewJS object is changed.
    EnumerationSpecifies available units of measure for the size of WebAnnotationFontJS.
    EnumerationSpecifies available types of grips being used for an annotation.
    EnumerationSpecifies available modes, which define how user can interact with annotations in the WebAnnotationViewerJS.
    EnumerationSpecifies available types of line style pattern for annotation.
    EnumerationSpecifies available styles of brush.
    EnumerationSpecifies available icons of the sticky note annotation when annotation is collapsed.
    EnumerationSpecifies available types of the sticky note annotation when annotation is collapsed.
    EnumerationSpecifies available styles of the caps at the ends ot the line-based annotations.
    EnumerationSpecifies available modes, which define how to join consecutive line or curve segments in an annotation.
    EnumerationSpecifies available types of mark annotation.
    EnumerationSpecifies available styles of dashed lines for the annotation outline.
    EnumerationSpecifies available text alignments on the drawing surface.
    EnumerationSpecifies available units of measure.
    See Also