WebLineCapStyleEnumJS Enumeration
In This Topic
Specifies available styles of the caps at the ends ot the line-based annotations.
Member | Description |
None | No cap. |
Arrow | Arrow. |
ClosedArrow | Arrow with drawn bottom line. |
FilledArrow | Filled arrow. |
ReversedArrow | Reversed arrow. |
ReversedClosedArrow | Reversed arrow with drawn bottom line. |
ReversedFilledArrow | Filled reversed arrow. |
Ellipse | Ellipse. |
FilledEllipse | Filled ellipse. |
Rectangle | Rectangle. |
FilledRectangle | Filled rectangle. |
Diamond | Diamond (rhomb). |
FilledDiamond | Filled diamond (rhomb). |
Butt | Segment, perpendicular to the line. |
Slash | Segment from the left-top to the right-down corner of the cap. |
Inheritance Hierarchy
Browser Compatibility
See Also