VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for .NET developer
Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.UI Namespace / SpreadsheetVisualEditor Class
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    SpreadsheetVisualEditor Class
    In This Topic
    Represents the VintaSoft control that allows to display and edit spreadsheet document.
    Object Model
    SpreadsheetEditorUndoManager DocumentInformation TextBoxProvider TextBoxProvider TextBoxProvider VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor VintasoftCursor SpreadsheetDocument SpreadsheetEditorSettings SheetCellsClipboard CellReferences CellReferences CellReferences CellReferences CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance CellReferencesAppearance Worksheet CellReference CellReference CellReference SpreadsheetEditor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor VintasoftColor SheetDrawing SheetDrawing CellComment CellComment CellComment Hyperlink Hyperlink SpreadsheetCellReference FormulaExpression CellReferencesSet VintasoftRect VintasoftRect CellStyle CellStyle FontProperties TextProperties CellsBorders IObjectClipboard VintasoftPoint VintasoftSize VintasoftSize VintasoftSize SpreadsheetVisualEditor
    Public Class SpreadsheetVisualEditor
       Inherits Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VintasoftScrollableControl
    public class SpreadsheetVisualEditor : Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VintasoftScrollableControl
    public __gc class SpreadsheetVisualEditor : public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VintasoftScrollableControl*
    public ref class SpreadsheetVisualEditor : public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VintasoftScrollableControl^

    This UI-control has the following hot keys:

    • Down - go to the cell in the next row if cell is focused; move the drawing to the small offset down if drawing is focused; move the comment to the small offset down if comment is focused
    • Up - go to the cell in the previous row; move the drawing to the small offset up if drawing is focused; move the comment to the small offset up if comment is focused
    • Left - go to the cell in the previous column; move the drawing to the small offset left if drawing is focused; move the comment to the small offset left if comment is focused
    • Right - go to the cell in the next column; move the drawing to the small offset right if drawing is focused; move the comment to the small offset right if comment is focused
    • Home - go to the cell in the first column
    • End - go to the cell in the last column
    • PageUp - go to page up
    • PageDown - go to page down
    • Ctrl+Down - go to the cell in the maximum row; move the drawing to the large offset down if drawing is focused; move the comment to the large offset down if comment is focused
    • Ctrl+Up - go to the cell in the first row; move the drawing to the large offset up if drawing is focused; move the comment to the large offset up if comment is focused
    • Ctrl+Left - go to the cell in the first column; move the drawing to the large offset left if drawing is focused; move the comment to the large offset left if comment is focused
    • Ctrl+Right - go to the cell in the maximum column; move the drawing to the large offset right if drawing is focused; move the comment to the large offset right if comment is focused
    • Ctrl+Home - go to the first cell
    • Ctrl+End - go to the last cell
    • Shift+Down - decrease the drawing height by a large offset if drawing is focused; decrease the comment height by a large offset if comment is focused
    • Shift+Up - increase the drawing height by a large offset if drawing is focused; increase the comment height by a large offset if comment is focused
    • Shift+Left - decrease the drawing width by a large offset if drawing is focused; decrease the comment width by a large offset if comment is focused
    • Shift+Right - increase the drawing width by a large offset if drawing is focused; increase the comment width by a large offset if comment is focused
    • Shift+Ctrl+Down - decrease the drawing height by a small offset if drawing is focused; decrease the comment height by a small offset if comment is focused
    • Shift+Ctrl+Up - increase the drawing height by a small offset if drawing is focused; increase the comment height by a small offset if comment is focused
    • Shift+Ctrl+Left - decrease the drawing width by a small offset if drawing is focused; decrease the comment width by a small offset if comment is focused
    • Shift+Ctrl+Right - increase the drawing width by a small offset if drawing is focused; increase the comment width by a small offset if comment is focused
    • ENTER - go to the cell in the next row
    • Shift+ENTER - go to the cell in the previous row
    • TAB - go to the cell in the next column if cell is focused; go to the next drawing if drawing is focused; go to the next comment if comment is focused
    • Shift+TAB - go to the cell in the previous column if cell is focused; go to the previous drawing if drawing is focused; go to the previous comment if comment is focused
    • ESC - cancel the cell editing; cancel the object transformation; clear cells buffer
    • DEL - clear content of selected cells; remove focused drawing if drawing is focused; remove focused comment if comment is focused
    • Backspace - start the editing of focused cell and clear the cell value
    • Ctrl+Z - undoes the action
    • Ctrl+Y - redoes the action
    • Ctrl+A - select all cells on worksheet
    • Ctrl+B - invert the boldness status of text in cell
    • Ctrl+I - invert the italic status of text in cell
    • Ctrl+U - invert the underline status of text in cell
    • Ctrl+C - do copy action
    • Ctrl+X - do cut action
    • Ctrl+V - do paste action
    SpreadsheetEditor Editor ProcessHotKeys(VintasoftControlKeyEventArgs) ExecuteNavigationAction(SpreadsheetVisualEditorNavigationAction,Boolean)

    Inheritance Hierarchy



    Target Platforms: .NET9; .NET 8; .NET 7; .NET 6; .NET Framework 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5

    See Also