SpreadsheetVisualEditor Class
Represents the VintaSoft control that allows to display and edit spreadsheet document.
This UI-control has the following hot keys:
- Down - go to the cell in the next row if cell is focused; move the drawing to the small offset down if drawing is focused; move the comment to the small offset down if comment is focused
- Up - go to the cell in the previous row; move the drawing to the small offset up if drawing is focused; move the comment to the small offset up if comment is focused
- Left - go to the cell in the previous column; move the drawing to the small offset left if drawing is focused; move the comment to the small offset left if comment is focused
- Right - go to the cell in the next column; move the drawing to the small offset right if drawing is focused; move the comment to the small offset right if comment is focused
- Home - go to the cell in the first column
- End - go to the cell in the last column
- PageUp - go to page up
- PageDown - go to page down
- Ctrl+Down - go to the cell in the maximum row; move the drawing to the large offset down if drawing is focused; move the comment to the large offset down if comment is focused
- Ctrl+Up - go to the cell in the first row; move the drawing to the large offset up if drawing is focused; move the comment to the large offset up if comment is focused
- Ctrl+Left - go to the cell in the first column; move the drawing to the large offset left if drawing is focused; move the comment to the large offset left if comment is focused
- Ctrl+Right - go to the cell in the maximum column; move the drawing to the large offset right if drawing is focused; move the comment to the large offset right if comment is focused
- Ctrl+Home - go to the first cell
- Ctrl+End - go to the last cell
- Shift+Down - decrease the drawing height by a large offset if drawing is focused; decrease the comment height by a large offset if comment is focused
- Shift+Up - increase the drawing height by a large offset if drawing is focused; increase the comment height by a large offset if comment is focused
- Shift+Left - decrease the drawing width by a large offset if drawing is focused; decrease the comment width by a large offset if comment is focused
- Shift+Right - increase the drawing width by a large offset if drawing is focused; increase the comment width by a large offset if comment is focused
- Shift+Ctrl+Down - decrease the drawing height by a small offset if drawing is focused; decrease the comment height by a small offset if comment is focused
- Shift+Ctrl+Up - increase the drawing height by a small offset if drawing is focused; increase the comment height by a small offset if comment is focused
- Shift+Ctrl+Left - decrease the drawing width by a small offset if drawing is focused; decrease the comment width by a small offset if comment is focused
- Shift+Ctrl+Right - increase the drawing width by a small offset if drawing is focused; increase the comment width by a small offset if comment is focused
- ENTER - go to the cell in the next row
- Shift+ENTER - go to the cell in the previous row
- TAB - go to the cell in the next column if cell is focused; go to the next drawing if drawing is focused; go to the next comment if comment is focused
- Shift+TAB - go to the cell in the previous column if cell is focused; go to the previous drawing if drawing is focused; go to the previous comment if comment is focused
- ESC - cancel the cell editing; cancel the object transformation; clear cells buffer
- DEL - clear content of selected cells; remove focused drawing if drawing is focused; remove focused comment if comment is focused
- Backspace - start the editing of focused cell and clear the cell value
- Ctrl+Z - undoes the action
- Ctrl+Y - redoes the action
- Ctrl+A - select all cells on worksheet
- Ctrl+B - invert the boldness status of text in cell
- Ctrl+I - invert the italic status of text in cell
- Ctrl+U - invert the underline status of text in cell
- Ctrl+C - do copy action
- Ctrl+X - do cut action
- Ctrl+V - do paste action
SpreadsheetEditor Editor ProcessHotKeys(VintasoftControlKeyEventArgs) ExecuteNavigationAction(SpreadsheetVisualEditorNavigationAction,Boolean)
Target Platforms: .NET9; .NET 8; .NET 7; .NET 6; .NET Framework 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5