Vintasoft.Imaging.Drawing Namespace (Vintasoft.Imaging)
In This Topic
Contains base classes for graphics functionality.
| Enumeration | Description |
 | BrushHatchStyle | Specifies available patterns for IDrawingHatchBrush. |
 | BrushTileMode | Specifies available brush tile modes of an image or gradient brush when it is smaller than the area being filled. |
 | DrawingCompositingMode | Specifies available modes, which define how to combine the source colors with the background colors. |
 | DrawingEngineRenderingMode | Specifies available rendering modes for drawing engine. |
 | DrawingLineCapType | Specifies available styles of the caps at the ends of the lines. |
 | DrawingSmoothingMode | Specifies available smoothing (antialiasing) modes, which can be applied to lines and curves and the edges of filled areas. |
 | GraphicsPathFillMode | Specifies available fill modes of the interior of a closed path. |
 | GraphicsPathPointType | Specifies available point types and flags for the data points in a path. |
 | LineCapStyle | Specifies available styles for line cap. |
 | LineDashCapStyle | Specifies available styles for the type of graphic shape to use on both ends of each dash in a dashed line. |
 | LineJoinStyle | Specifies available styles of joining consecutive line or curve segments in a figure (subpath) contained in a graphics path object. |
 | RegionCombineMode | Specifies available combine modes of different clipping regions. |
 | TextRenderingHint | Specifies available qualities of text rendering on raster drawing engine. |
 | TextRenderingMethod | Specifies available text rendering methods. |
| Structure | Description |
 | DrawingSymbol | Represents a text symbol, which defines the Unicode text sequence and corresponded content code. |
| Interface | Description |
 | IDrawingBrush | Provides an interface of object used to fill the interiors of graphical shapes such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths. |
 | IDrawingBrushWrapper | Provides an interface of IDrawingBrush wrapper. |
 | IDrawingFont | Provides an interface of text font. |
 | IDrawingHatchBrush | Provides an interface of brush, which has a hatch style, a foreground color, and a background color. |
 | IDrawingImageBrush | Provides an interface of brush, which uses image to fill the interior of a shape. |
 | IDrawingLinearGradientBrush | Provides an interface of brush, which paints an area with a linear gradient. |
 | IDrawingPen | Provides an interface of object used to draw lines and curves. |
 | IDrawingSolidBrush | Provides an interface of solid brush. |
 | IGraphicsPath | Provides an interface of graphics path - series of connected lines and curves. |
 | IRegion | Provides an interfase of object that describes the interior of a graphics shape composed of rectangles and paths. |
See Also