VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for .NET developer
Classes Enumerations SeeAlso
In This Topic
    Vintasoft.Sane Namespace (Vintasoft.Sane)
    In This Topic
    Contains classes, which allow to work with SANE devices.
    ClassRepresents an image that is acquired from SANE device.
    ClassProvides information about SANE environment.
    ClassRepresents error that occurs during work with the SANE device.
    ClassRepresents SANE container for array of fixed values.
    ClassRepresents SANE container for range of fixed values.
    ClassContains global settings for VintaSoft TWAIN .NET SDK.
    ClassRepresents SANE container for array of integer values.
    ClassRepresents SANE container for range of integer values.
    ClassRepresents a local SANE device.
    ClassRepresents a collection of SANE devices.
    ClassRepresents a manager of local SANE devices.
    ClassRepresents an option of local SANE device.
    ClassRepresents a collection of options, which are supported by SANE device.
    ClassRepresents SANE container for array of string values.
    EnumerationSpecifies available SANE capabilities.
    EnumerationSpecifies available statuses of SANE error.
    EnumerationSpecifies available types, which are available in the SANE API.
    EnumerationSpecifies available units for SANE option.
    See Also