WriterSetting.MinWidth for DataMatrix

Questions, comments and suggestions concerning VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK.

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WriterSetting.MinWidth for DataMatrix

Post by Document Partner »


I am using the BarcodeWriter for DataMatrix barcodes.
Why is the MinWidth minimum value (as also stated in the documentation) 2.
When I am setting this to 1 it seems to be ignored and 2 is used instead.
Are there any technical restrictions that require MinWidth to be greater than or equal to 2?

kind regards,
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Re: WriterSetting.MinWidth for DataMatrix

Post by Alex »

Hello Roman,

It's a limitation in our SDK. We do not recommend to use barcodes with cell width 1.

You can generate barcode with a cell width equal to 1 as follows:
  • Generate barcode in vector form (as graphical path)
  • Scale barcode (graphical path)
  • Print *
Best regards, Alexander
Document Partner
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Re: WriterSetting.MinWidth for DataMatrix

Post by Document Partner »


thanks for your quick answer!
could you state, why it is not recommended?
are there any common pitfalls in using barcodes with a low cell width?

kind regards
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Re: WriterSetting.MinWidth for DataMatrix

Post by Alex »

could you state, why it is not recommended?
are there any common pitfalls in using barcodes with a low cell width?
Barcode reading algorithm works as follows:
  • Recognition algorithm reads information about cells of barcode. In most cases recognition algorithm can correctly read information about a cell of barcode if the cell has 2-3 pixels and 1-2 pixels of cell are lost.
  • Error correction algorithm is used to verify/restore barcode data.
Barcode with a low cell width has more chances to "lose cell" and in this case the error correction algorithm can only be used to read/restore data of barcode.

Best regards, Alexander
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