WebBarcodeReaderSettings Class Members
In This Topic
The following tables list the members exposed by
Public Constructors
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | adaptiveBinarizationStep | Gets or sets the step, in pixels, of adaptive binarization algorithm. |
 | adaptiveBinarizationType | Gets or sets the type of adaptive binarization. |
 | automaticRecognition | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must use the automatic barcode recognition mode. |
 | barcodeSubsets | Gets or sets the barcode symbology subsets to recognize. |
 | barcodeType | Gets or sets the barcode symbology types to recognize. |
 | collectTestInformation | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must collect information for quality test. |
 | dotCodeInterpretFncCharacters | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret FNC characters in DotCode barcodes. |
 | dotCodeMatrixMaxArea | Gets or sets the maximum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots. |
 | dotCodeMatrixMinArea | Gets or sets the minimum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots. |
 | erode | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must erode the image with barcodes before barcode search. |
 | expectedBarcodes | Gets or sets the expected number of barcodes to recognize. |
 | imageScaleFactor | Gets or sets a scale factor that is used for upscaling or downscaling an image before barcode recognition. |
 | interpretEciCharacters | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret Eci characters. |
 | invertImageColors | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must invert the image with barcodes before barcode recognition. |
 | matrixBarcodeMaxCellSize | Gets or sets the maximum cell size, in pixels, for two-dimensional matrix barcodes (Aztec, DataMatrix, QR, Micro QR, Han Xin Code, Maxicode). |
 | pharmacodeMaxHeight | Gets or sets the maximum barcode height, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode. |
 | pharmacodeMinHeight | Gets or sets the minimum barcode height, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode. |
 | pharmacodeMinPadding | Gets or sets the minimum barcode padding, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode. |
 | qrMaxSymbolVersion | Gets or sets the maximum version of QR code that must be recognized. |
 | qrMinSymbolVersion | Gets or sets the minimum version of QR code that must be recognized. |
 | recognitionTimeout | Gets or sets the recognition time-out, in milliseconds. |
 | region | Gets or sets the rectangle in the image where barcodes must be recognized. |
 | scanDirection | Gets or sets the direction for barcode recognition. |
 | scanInterval | Gets or sets the scan interval for barcode recognition. |
 | searchCode39WithoutStartStop | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must search Code 39 barcodes without Start/Stop symbols. |
 | searchQRModel1Barcodes | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must search QR Code Model 1 barcodes. |
 | threshold | Gets or sets the threshold value for algorithm of color conversion. |
 | thresholdIterations | Gets or sets the number of steps in barcode recognition iteration process. |
 | thresholdMax | Gets or sets the maximum threshold value for algorithm of color conversion in the barcode recognition iteration process. |
 | thresholdMin | Gets or sets the minimum threshold value for algorithm of color conversion in the barcode recognition iteration process. |
 | thresholdMode | Gets or sets a mode of threshold detection. |
 | useMultithreading | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must use multiple threads for barcode recognition. |
See Also