VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for .NET developer
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How to maximize the barcode reading speed?
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Here are some tips which allow to maximize the barcode reading speed:
Recognize only necessary barcode types (see ReaderSettings.ScanBarcodeTypes property). This can increase barcode reading speed up to 2 times.
Recognize barcodes only in necessary directions (see ReaderSettings.ScanDirection property). This can increase barcode reading speed up to 20%.
Find and use optimal threshold values for your color images(see ReaderSettings.Thresholdproperty), do not use authomatic threshold mode (see ReaderSettings.ThresholdMode property) if this is possible. This can increase barcode reading speed up to 10%.
Use only black-white images with barcodes in your system (if possible). This can increase barcode reading speed up to 20%.
Disable ReaderSettings.RemovePeasfeature if image with barcodes has good quality. This can increase barcode reading speed up to 5%.
Don't use ScanDirection.Angle45and135 if you don't have for recognition low and wide bars barcodes rotated to 30-60 degrees. This can increase barcode reading speed up to 30%.
Decrase value of ReaderSettings.DataMatrixLPatternMaxErasures property if your DataMatrix barcodes have no erasures. This can increase DataMatrix barcode reading speed up to 50%.
Use ReaderSettings.ImageScaleFactor property to downscale image if barcodes on image is large (single bar or cell greater than 6 pixels). This can increase barcode reading speed up to several times.