VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for Web developer
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    Customize Web PDF Document Editor UI
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    WebPdfDocumentEditorControlJS allows to create an user interface (UI) of any complexity as the WebPdfDocumentEditorControlJS is being constructed from simple and composite UI elements.

    The SDK contains a set of standard UI elements for the purpose to greatly simplify and speed up the development of web PDF document editor UI. Detailed information about standard UI elements read here.

    If you need to change the appearance of standard UI element (button icon, color/indent/alignment, etc), you can easily do this by changing the CSS-style of UI element. Detailed information read here.

    If you need to add/move/delete a standard UI element, you can easily do this by adjusting the settings of WebUiControlJS. Detailed information read here.

    If you need to change the working logic of standard UI element, you will have to implement a JavaScript code, which defines the necessary logic. Detailed information read here.

    If you need to create a new UI element, you will have to implement a JavaScript code, which defines the full working logic of new element. Please read how to create menu button here. Please read how to create annotation button here. Please read how to create new panel for side panel here.