VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in: API changes in version 12.3
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. EditingEventArgs
Provides event data for EditingStarted and EditingFinished events. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. SpreadsheetEditorUndoAction
Provides a class that stores information about undo operation. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. SpreadsheetEditorUndoActionEventArgs
Provides data for UndoFinished and RedoFinished events. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. SpreadsheetEditorUndoManager
Stores information about changes in SpreadsheetEditor and allows to manage undo/redo actions. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. StreamRequestEventArgs
Provides data for ChartTemplatesRequest event. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. ChartDataPoint
Provides properties of chart data point. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. ChartDataSeries
Represents the series of chart data. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. ChartInsertParams
Provides the parameters, which define how to insert the chart. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. ChartMarker
Provides properties of the chart marker. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. ChartProperties
Provides access to the chart properties. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. NumbersReference
Provides the numbers reference. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. ShapeAppearance
Provides properties of the shape apearance. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. StringsReference
Provides the strings reference. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. TextAppearance
Provides properties of the text appearance. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. TextShapeAppearance
Provides properties of the text shape appearance. |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document.Editors. ChartDataSeriesEditor
Represents the editor for ChartDataSeries . |
public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document.Editors. ChartPropertiesEditor
Represents the editor for the chart properties. |
Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.OpenXml. OpenXmlDocumentConverter
Added methods
public static void ConvertCsvToXlsx(System.IO. Stream, System.IO. Stream)
Converts a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void ConvertCsvToXlsx(string, string)
Converts a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void ConvertCsvToXlsx(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. DocumentEnvironmentProperties, System.IO. Stream, System.IO. Stream)
Converts a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void ConvertCsvToXlsx(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. DocumentEnvironmentProperties, string, string)
Converts a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void ConvertTsvToXlsx(System.IO. Stream, System.IO. Stream)
Converts a TSV (Tab Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void ConvertTsvToXlsx(string, string)
Converts a TSV (Tab Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void ConvertTsvToXlsx(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. DocumentEnvironmentProperties, System.IO. Stream, System.IO. Stream)
Converts a TSV (Tab Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void ConvertTsvToXlsx(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. DocumentEnvironmentProperties, string, string)
Converts a TSV (Tab Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void ConvertXlsxToCsv(System.IO. Stream, int, System.IO. Stream, System.Text. Encoding)
Converts an XLSX document to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. |
public static void ConvertXlsxToCsv(string, int, string, System.Text. Encoding)
Converts an XLSX document to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. |
public static void ConvertXlsxToCsv(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. DocumentEnvironmentProperties, System.IO. Stream, int, System.IO. Stream, System.Text. Encoding)
Converts an XLSX document to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. |
public static void ConvertXlsxToCsv(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. DocumentEnvironmentProperties, string, int, string, System.Text. Encoding)
Converts an XLSX document to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. |
public static void ConvertXlsxToTsv(System.IO. Stream, int, System.IO. Stream)
Converts an XLSX document to a TSV (Tab Separated Values) file. |
public static void ConvertXlsxToTsv(string, int, string)
Converts an XLSX document to a TSV (Tab Separated Values) file. |
public static void ConvertXlsxToTsv(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. DocumentEnvironmentProperties, System.IO. Stream, int, System.IO. Stream)
Converts an XLSX document to a TSV (Tab Separated Values) file. |
public static void ConvertXlsxToTsv(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. DocumentEnvironmentProperties, string, int, string)
Converts an XLSX document to a TSV (Tab Separated Values) file. |
public static void DelimiterSeparatedValuesToXlsx(System.IO. Stream, System.IO. Stream, char)
Converts a DSV (Delimiter Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void DelimiterSeparatedValuesToXlsx(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. DocumentEnvironmentProperties, System.IO. Stream, System.IO. Stream, char)
Converts a DSV (Delimiter Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void DelimiterSeparatedValuesToXlsx(System.IO. Stream, System.Text. Encoding, System.IO. Stream, char)
Converts a DSV (Delimiter Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void DelimiterSeparatedValuesToXlsx(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. DocumentEnvironmentProperties, System.IO. Stream, System.Text. Encoding, System.IO. Stream, char)
Converts a DSV (Delimiter Separated Values) file to an XLSX document. |
public static void XlsxToDelimiterSeparatedValues(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. DocumentEnvironmentProperties, System.IO. Stream, int, System.IO. Stream, System.Text. Encoding, char)
Converts an XLSX document to a DSV (Delimiter Separated Values) file. |
Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. SpreadsheetEditor
Removed fields
public string StylePropertyName_FillColor
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_BordersColor
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_TextProperties_HorizontalAlign
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_TextProperties_VerticalAlign
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_TextProperties_WordWrap
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_TextProperties_Indent
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_FontProperties_Color
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_FontProperties_Name
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_FontProperties_Size
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_FontProperties_IsBold
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_FontProperties_IsItalic
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_FontProperties_IsUnderline
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_FontProperties_IsStrikeout
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_Borders
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
public string StylePropertyName_NumberFormat
Use CellStyleProperty enumeration instead. |
Added properties
public bool IsEditing { get ; }
Gets a value indicating whether editing is started. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. SpreadsheetEditorUndoManager UndoManager { get ; }
Gets the undo/redo manager. |
Added methods
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. SheetDrawing AddChart(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. ChartInsertParams)
Adds the chart. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet AddWorksheet()
Adds the new (empty) worksheet. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet AddWorksheet(string)
Adds the new (empty) worksheet. |
public void ChartSwitchRowColumn(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. SheetDrawing)
Switches the rows and columns of specified chart. |
public void CheckMaxActionCompositionCount(long)
Checks the maximum action composition count. |
public void CopyCells(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferences, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferences, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. SheetCellsCopyMode)
Copies cells of source worksheet to the specified cell references on destination worksheet. |
public bool FinishEditing(string, object)
Finishes the document editing. |
public bool FinishEditing(bool, string, object)
Finishes the document editing. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet InsertNewWorksheet(int, string)
Inserts the new (empty) worksheet at spceified index. |
public void SetCellValue(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, int, int, string)
Sets cell text or formula. |
public void SetColumnsIsHidden(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferencesSet, bool)
Sets the hidden property of colums for specified cells set. |
public void SetRowsIsHidden(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferencesSet, bool)
Sets the hidden property of rows for specified cells set. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document.Editors. SpreadsheetDocumentEditor StartEditing(string, object)
Starts the document editing. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document.Editors. WorksheetEditor StartEditing(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, string, object)
Starts the document editing. |
Renamed methods
public void SetBorderColor(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferencesSet, Vintasoft.Primitives. VintasoftColor)
public void SetBordersColor(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferencesSet, Vintasoft.Primitives. VintasoftColor)
public void SetCellsBorders(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferencesSet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellsBorders)
public void SetBorders(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferencesSet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellsBorders)
Changed methods
public bool FinishEditing(bool, bool)
public bool FinishEditing(bool, bool, string, object)
public System.Collections.Generic. Dictionary < string, object > GetCommonCellsStyleProperties(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferencesSet)
public System.Collections.Generic. Dictionary <Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. CellStyleProperty, object > GetCommonCellsStyleProperties(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferencesSet)
public void PasteCells(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. SheetCellsClipboard, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReference, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. SheetCellsCopyMode)
public void PasteCells(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. SheetCellsClipboard, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferences, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. SheetCellsCopyMode)
Added events
public event System. EventHandler <Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. StreamRequestEventArgs > ChartTemplatesRequest
Occurs when chart templates request requires. |
Changed events
public event System. EventHandler EditingFinished
public event System. EventHandler <Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. EditingEventArgs > EditingFinished
public event System. EventHandler EditingStarted
public event System. EventHandler <Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. EditingEventArgs > EditingStarted
Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.UI. SpreadsheetVisualEditor
Added properties
public bool CanChangeFocusedCell { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the focused cell can be changed. |
public bool CanRedo { get ; }
Gets a value indicating whether undo manager can execute redo action. |
public bool CanTransformFocusedFormula { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether focused formula can be transformed. |
public bool CanTransfromChart { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart can be transformed. |
public bool CanTransfromChartData { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart data can be transformed. |
public bool CanTransfromComment { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the comment can be transformed. |
public bool CanTransfromFocusedCells { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the focused cells can be transformed. |
public bool CanTransfromPicture { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the picture can be transformed. |
public bool CanTransfromShape { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the shape can be transformed. |
public bool CanUndo { get ; }
Gets a value indicating whether undo manager can execute undo action. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.UI. CellReferencesAppearance CellsTransformHighlightAppearance { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the appearance of cell references when cell references transform is starting. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.UI. CellReferencesAppearance ChartCategoryAxisAppearance { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the appearance that is used to highlight a category axis appearance of the chart. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.UI. CellReferencesAppearance ChartSeriesNameAppearance { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the appearance that is used to highlight a series name appearance of the chart. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.UI. CellReferencesAppearance ChartSeriesValuesAppearance { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the appearance that is used to highlight a series values appearance of the chart. |
public string ChartTitle { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the title of focused chart. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. FontProperties FocusedFontProperties { get ; }
Gets the font properties of focused comment, focused drawing appearance or focused cell. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Formulas. FormulaExpression FocusedFormulaExpression { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the focused formula expression. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. TextProperties FocusedTextProperties { get ; }
Gets the text properties of focused comment or focused cell. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.UI. CellReferencesAppearance HeadersTransformHighlightAppearance { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the appearance of rows/columns when height/width transform is starting. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.UI. SpreadsheetVisualEditorInteractionMode InteractionMode { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the interaction mode of the spreadsheet visual editor. |
public int InteractionPointRadius { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the radius of interaction point (resize points). |
public bool IsFocusedCellsBuilding { get ; }
Gets a value indicating whether the focused cells are building. |
public bool IsScrollAreaAutoExpandingEnabled { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the scroll area auto expanding is enabled. |
public bool IsUndoManagerEnabled { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the undo manager is enabled. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftCursor MoveCursor { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the move cursor. |
public int NumberFormatDecimalPlaces { get ; set ; }
Gets the amount of decimal places in number format of focused cell. Sets the amount of decimal places in number format of selected cells (SelectedCells). |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftCursor PanningCursor { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the panning cursor. |
public bool PasteWithFill { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Paste method fills the focused cells. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftCursor ResizeCursorNESW { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the two-headed diagonal (northeast/southwest) sizing cursor. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftCursor ResizeCursorNS { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the two-headed vertical (north/south) sizing cursor. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftCursor ResizeCursorNWSE { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the two-headed diagonal (northwest/southeast) sizing cursor. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftCursor ResizeCursorWE { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the two-headed horizontal (west/east) sizing cursor. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftCursor RotateCursor { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the rotate cursor. |
public double RotationAssistantDiscreteAngle { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the discrete angle, in degress, of rotation assistant. |
public int RotationAssistantRadius { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the radius of rotation assistant. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.UI. CellReferencesAppearance SheetDrawingTransformHighlightAppearance { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the appearance of worksheet drawing when drawing transform is starting. |
public bool ShowInteractiveAreaHighlight { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the highlight of interactive area is visible when trasfrom starting. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.UI. CellReferencesAppearance StylePainterAppearance { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the appearance for cells in StylePainterSource . |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferences StylePainterSource { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the source cells of style painter. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. SpreadsheetEditorUndoManager UndoManager { get ; }
Gets the undo/redo manager. |
Added methods
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. SheetDrawing AddChart(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. SheetDrawing)
Adds the chart to the focused worksheet. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. SheetDrawing AddChart(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. Worksheet, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. SheetDrawing, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferences)
Adds the chart to the focused worksheet. |
public void AddDefinedName(string, string, string, string)
Adds the defined name. |
public void ChangeFocusedCells(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferences)
Chnages FocusedCells (and last item in SelectedCells) to the specified value. |
public void ChartSwitchRowColumn()
Switches the rows and columns of focused chart. |
public void FinishEditing()
Finishes the editing. |
public void FinishEditing(bool)
Finishes the editing. |
public string PerformFormulaErrorCorrection(string)
Performs the error correction in specified formula. |
public void PerformStylePaint()
Performs the style painting of focused cells (FocusedCells). |
public void PerformStylePaint(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferences)
Performs the style painting of specified cells. |
public void RemoveHyperlinks(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferencesSet)
Removes hyperlinks from sepeicied cells set. |
public void SetDefinedName(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. DefinedName, string, string, string, string)
Sets the defined name. |
public void SetFocusedAndSelectedCells(Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferencesSet)
Sets the focused and selected cells. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document.Editors. WorksheetEditor StartEditing()
Starts the editing. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document.Editors. WorksheetEditor StartEditing(string)
Starts the editing. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document.Editors. WorksheetEditor StartEditing(string, Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet.Document. CellReferencesSet)
Starts the editing. |
Changed methods
public System.Collections.Generic. Dictionary < string, object > GetCommonCellsStyleProperties()
public System.Collections.Generic. Dictionary <Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. CellStyleProperty, object > GetCommonCellsStyleProperties()
Added events
public event System. EventHandler <Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Spreadsheet. StreamRequestEventArgs > ChartTemplatesRequest
Occurs when chart templates request requires. |
public event System. EventHandler UndoManagerStateChanged
Occurs when state of undo manager is changed. |