VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.4: Documentation for .NET developer
Classes Enumerations SeeAlso
In This Topic
    Vintasoft.Imaging.UI Namespace (Vintasoft.Imaging.UI)
    In This Topic
    Contains classes for displaying images.
    ClassRepresents a viewer control for displaying the animation from images.
    ClassAllows to manage drag sources for drag-and-drop operation.
    ClassProvides data for the FocusedIndexChanging and FocusedIndexChanged events.
    ClassProvides data for the ImageInitializing event.
    ClassRepresents a viewer control for displaying an image collection.
    ClassProvides a base class for image viewer.
    ClassRepresents a surface that allows to draw on current image of ImageViewer.
    ClassManages the asynchronous operations of the image viewer images.
    ClassContains information about the state of image viewer.
    ClassProvides event data for Invalidating event args.
    ClassProvides data for the MasterViewerChanged event.
    ClassRepresents a control for displaying/changing the palette of image.
    ClassProvides an abstract base class that allows to move and resize a rectangular objects.
    ClassRepresents a collection of selected thumbnail indexes.
    ClassA base class that provides editable text box functionality.
    ClassSpecifies the appearance of a thumbnail.
    ClassProvides data for the ThumbnailAppearanceSelected event.
    ClassSpecifies the caption of a thumbnail.
    ClassProvides data for the CaptionFormatted event.
    ClassProvides data for the ThumbnailControlCreating and ThumbnailControlDisposing events.
    ClassProvides data for the ThumbnailAdded, ThumbnailChanged and ThumbnailRemoved events.
    ClassProvides data for the ThumbnailLoaded event.
    ClassProvides data for the ThumbnailLoadingException event.
    ClassProvides data for the ThumbnailPainting and ThumbnailPainted event.
    ClassProvides data for the ThumbnailSizeChanged event.
    ClassProvides data for the ThumbnailsLoadingProgress event.
    ClassRepresents a viewer control for displaying thumbnails of image collection.
    ClassProvides a base class for VintaSoft controls.
    ClassProvides event data for an event of VintasoftControl.
    ClassProvides event data for a keyboard event of VintasoftControl.
    ClassProvides event data for a mouse event of VintasoftControl.
    ClassProvides a base class for VintaSoft cursors.
    ClassProvides a user interface (UI) for representing and editing the VintasoftImage values in PropertyGrid.
    ClassDefines a base class for VintaSoft scrollable controls.
    ClassProvides a base class of syncronization provider.
    ClassProvides data for the VisualToolChanging and VisualToolChanged events.
    ClassProvides data for the ZoomChanged event.
    EnumerationSpecifies available directions for the images layout.
    EnumerationSpecifies available display modes of image viewer.
    EnumerationSpecifies available multipage display modes of image viewer.
    EnumerationSpecifies available styles of an arrangement of thumbnails.
    EnumerationSpecifies available scales of thumbnails.
    EnumerationSpecifies available key values on a keyboard.
    See Also