Class | Description | |
BinarizeCommand | Converts an image to black-and-white image. | |
ChangeBrightnessCommand | Changes the brightness of an image. | |
ChangeBrightnessContrastCommand | Changes the brightness and contrast of an image. | |
ChangeContrastCommand | Changes the contrast of an image. | |
ChangeGammaCommand | Applies the gamma correction to an image. | |
ChangeHueSaturationLuminanceCommand | Changes the hue, saturation and luminance of an image. | |
ChannelRemapSettings | Contains settings of the RemapColorsCommand. | |
ColorBlend16Command | Blends the color components of 48- and 64-bpp color image. | |
ColorBlendCommand | Blends the color components of 1-, 4-, 8-, 24- and 32-bpp image. | |
ColorTransformCommand | Applies a ColorTransform to an image. | |
Curves16Command | Curves command for images of 16-bit pixel format. | |
CurvesCommand | Changes the color map of an image. | |
DesaturateCommand | Converts an image to grayscale image. | |
GetAlphaChannelMaskCommand | Extracts the alpha channel of an image. | |
HalftoneCommand | Converts an image to halftone image. This class implements Floyd-Steinberg dithering algorithm. | |
InvertCommand | Inverts colors of an image. | |
LevelsCommand | Changes the color levels of an image. | |
PosterizeCommand | Applies a posterize effect to an image. | |
RemapColors16Command | Remaps the colors in images with 16-bits per color channel. | |
RemapColorsCommand | Remaps the colors in images with 8-bits per color channel. | |
ReplaceColorCommand | Replaces color in an image. | |
SetAlphaChannelMaskCommand | Changes the alpha channel of an image from the specified image-mask. | |
SetAlphaChannelValueCommand | Sets a value of alpha channel for all pixels of image to the specified value. |