VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.5: Documentation for .NET developer
Classes Enumerations SeeAlso
In This Topic
    Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing Namespace (Vintasoft.Imaging)
    In This Topic
    Contains classes for processing of images.
    ClassChanges channels format of image.
    ClassConverts an image to different pixel formats.
    ClassConverts an image to color (BGR) image.
    ClassConverts an image to black-and-white image.
    ClassConverts an image to grayscale image.
    ClassConverts an image to palette image.
    ClassClears the image and fills it with the specified background color.
    ClassImage processing command which executes a group of commands on an image.
    ClassCopies data from color one channel to another color channel.
    ClassCrops specified region of an image.
    ClassDraws image on a top of the another image.
    ClassExtracts color channels of image as separate images.
    ClassFills rectangles on an image.
    ClassCreates a grayscale image, which represents the result of comparing two images.
    ClassProvides data for the Finished event.
    ClassProvides data for the Canceled event.
    ClassProvides the ability to create the image processing commands.
    ClassProvides data for the Started event.
    ClassRepresents errors that occur during image processing.
    ClassProvides data for the Progress event.
    ClassOverlays image on a top of the another image using one of the OverlayBinaryOperationType.
    ClassOverlays image on a top of the another image.
    ClassOverlays image on a top of the another image using 8-bit image mask.
    ClassOverlays an image on a top of the another image with blending of colors.
    ClassImage processing command that executes another image processing command parallely.
    ClassProvides the abstract base class for image processing commands.
    ClassStores result of execution of image processing command.
    ClassStores results of execution of image processing commands.
    ClassProvides the abstract base class for image processing commands which can work with region of image.
    ClassImage processing command which executes a command on the image using graphical path.
    ClassDraws image on a drawing engine.
    ClassChanges the image resolution with appropriate resizing. This command changes internal image size (in pixels), but not real image size (in inches or cm).
    ClassChanges size of an image canvas.
    ClassChanges size of an image without changing resolution.
    ClassChanges a channel or all channels of image from the specified single-channel images.
    EnumerationSpecifies available modes of image binarization.
    EnumerationSpecifies available types of border colors.
    EnumerationSpecifies available methods of color quantization.
    EnumerationSpecifies available histogram types.
    EnumerationSpecifies available image compare operators, which define how to compare two images.
    EnumerationSpecifies available methods of image conversion.
    EnumerationSpecifies available directions for the image processing.
    EnumerationSpecifies available modes of image processing.
    EnumerationSpecifies available image sides, which must be taken into account during image processing.
    EnumerationSpecifies available modes of luminance calculation.
    EnumerationSpecifies available noise types.
    EnumerationSpecifies available overlay binary operation types.
    EnumerationSpecifies available image palette formats.
    EnumerationSpecifies available color channels.
    See Also