Class | Description | |
ChangeChannelsFormatCommand | Changes channels format of image. | |
ChangePixelFormatCommand | Converts an image to different pixel formats. | |
ChangePixelFormatToBgrCommand | Converts an image to color (BGR) image. | |
ChangePixelFormatToBlackWhiteCommand | Converts an image to black-and-white image. | |
ChangePixelFormatToGrayscaleCommand | Converts an image to grayscale image. | |
ChangePixelFormatToPaletteCommand | Converts an image to palette image. | |
ClearImageCommand | Clears the image and fills it with the specified background color. | |
CompositeCommand | Image processing command which executes a group of commands on an image. | |
CopyColorChannelCommand | Copies data from color one channel to another color channel. | |
CropCommand | Crops specified region of an image. | |
DrawImageCommand | Draws image on a top of the another image. | |
ExtractColorChannelCommand | Extracts color channels of image as separate images. | |
FillRectangleCommand | Fills rectangles on an image. | |
ImageComparisonCommand | Creates a grayscale image, which represents the result of comparing two images. | |
ImageProcessedEventArgs | Provides data for the Finished event. | |
ImageProcessingCanceledEventArgs | Provides data for the Canceled event. | |
ImageProcessingCommandFactory | Provides the ability to create the image processing commands. | |
ImageProcessingEventArgs | Provides data for the Started event. | |
ImageProcessingException | Represents errors that occur during image processing. | |
ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs | Provides data for the Progress event. | |
OverlayBinaryCommand | Overlays image on a top of the another image using one of the OverlayBinaryOperationType. | |
OverlayCommand | Overlays image on a top of the another image. | |
OverlayMaskedCommand | Overlays image on a top of the another image using 8-bit image mask. | |
OverlayWithBlendingCommand | Overlays an image on a top of the another image with blending of colors. | |
ParallelizingProcessingCommand | Image processing command that executes another image processing command parallely. | |
ProcessingCommandBase | Provides the abstract base class for image processing commands. | |
ProcessingCommandResult | Stores result of execution of image processing command. | |
ProcessingCommandResults | Stores results of execution of image processing commands. | |
ProcessingCommandWithRegion | Provides the abstract base class for image processing commands which can work with region of image. | |
ProcessPathCommand | Image processing command which executes a command on the image using graphical path. | |
RenderImageCommand | Draws image on a drawing engine. | |
ResampleCommand | Changes the image resolution with appropriate resizing. This command changes internal image size (in pixels), but not real image size (in inches or cm). | |
ResizeCanvasCommand | Changes size of an image canvas. | |
ResizeCommand | Changes size of an image without changing resolution. | |
SetColorChannelCommand | Changes a channel or all channels of image from the specified single-channel images. |