| Class | Description |
| AffineMatrix | Represents a 3x2 affine transformation matrix used for transformations in 2-D space. |
| AffineMatrix3D | Represents a 4x4 affine transformation matrix used for transformations in 3D space. |
| CollectionChangeEventArgs<T> | Provides data for the CollectionChanged event. |
| ComplexMatrix | Class that allows to work with complex array as a complex matrix. |
| DocumentAuthenticationRequestEventArgs | Provides data for the AuthenticationRequest event. |
| DocumentConverter | Defines the document converter that provides multi-threading optimal algorithm for conversion of image collection to BMP, GIF, JBIG2, JPEG, JPEG2000, PBM, PCX, PDF, PNG, SVG, TIFF, BigTIFF, TGA or WEBP format. |
| DocumentLayoutSettingsRequestEventArgs | Provides data for the LayoutSettingsRequest event. |
| DrawingSurface | Provides the abstract base class that contains information about a drawing surface. |
| DrawingSurfaceWrapper | Provides a wrapper for a drawing surface. |
| EmptyDrawingSurface | Represents an empty drawing surface. |
| ErrorImageCreatingEventArgs | Provides event data for ErrorImageCreating event. |
| ExceptionEventArgs | Provides data for an event that contains information about thrown exception. |
| ImageChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the Changed event. |
| ImageCollection | Represents a collection of images. |
| ImageCollectionChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the ImageCollectionChanging and ImageCollectionChanged events. |
| ImageCollectionEventArgs | Provides event data for the ImageSaving and ImageSaved events. |
| ImageCollectionManager | Manages asynchronous operations of an image collection. |
| ImageCollectionSavingEventArgs | Provides data for the ImageCollectionSaving event. |
| ImageData | Represents an image data. |
| ImageDecodingStartingEventArgs | Provides event data for ImageDecodingStarting event. |
| ImageDrawingSurface | Represents a surface for drawing on VintasoftImage. |
| ImageEncodingStartingEventArgs | Provides event data for ImageEncodingStarting event. |
| ImageEventArgs | Provides data for an event with VintasoftImage as parameter. |
| ImageLoadedEventArgs | Provides data for the Loaded event. |
| ImageLoadingEventArgs | Provides data for the Loading event. |
| ImageReloadEventArgs | Provides data for the Reloading and Reloaded events. |
| ImageSavingEventArgs | Provides event data for the Saving and ImageSaving events. |
| ImageSize | Specifies the size of an image. |
| ImageSourceEventArgs | Provides event data for ImageSourceAddStarting and ImageSourceAddFinished events. |
| ImageSourceExceptionEventArgs | Provides event data for ImageSourceAddException event. |
| ImageSourceInfo | Contains information about the image source. |
| ImageTileDrawingSurface | Represents a surface for drawing on a tile of a VintasoftImage that is placed in a particular rectangle of another surface, e.g., printed page. |
| ImagingEnvironment | Provides information about, and means to manipulate, the current environment and platform. |
| ImagingGlobalSettings | Global settings of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK. |
| ImagingResourceManager | Resource manager of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK. |
| ObjectPropertyChangedEventArgs | Provides data for an event when property with System.Object type is changed. |
| ObjectPropertyChangingEventArgs | Provides data for an event when property with System.Object type is changing. |
| PixelManipulator | Provides access to pixels of the VintasoftImage object. |
| PointFAffineTransform | Applies the transformation matrix to the System.Drawing.PointF structure. |
| PointFInvertibleTransform | Represents a pair of transform and its inverse transform specified explicitly. |
| PointFRoundingTransform | Transforms the PointF structure with primary transform and rounds the result to integer values. |
| PointFTransform | Transforms the System.Drawing.PointF structure, for example, by applying affine matrix transform. |
| ProgressEventArgs | Provides data for the progress event of the action. |
| PropertyChangedEventArgs<T> | Provides data for an event when property with generic type is changed. |
| PropertyChangingEventArgs<T> | Provides data for an event when property with generic type is changing. |
| RegionF | Represents a region based on four points. |
| RegionOfInterest | Represents a region of interest on the image. |
| RegionOfInterestTypeConverter | Converts RegionOfInterest objects from one data type to another. |
| Thumbnail | Stores information about an image thumbnail. |
| TransformedDrawingSurface | Represents transformed drawing surface. |
| VintasoftDrawingConverter | Contains conversion functions from/to drawing structures. |
| VintasoftImage | Contains information about a raster or vector image. |
| VintasoftImageMetadata | Provides access to an image metadata. |
| VintasoftImageMetadataSavingEventArgs | Provides data for the Saving event. |
| VintasoftImageWrapper | Provides the wrapper of an image on specified rectange. |
| VintasoftPoint3DAffineTransform | Applies the transformation matrix to the VintasoftVector3D structure. |
| VintasoftPoint3DTransform | Transforms the VintasoftPoint3DTransform structure, for example, by applying affine matrix transform. |
| VintasoftPointAffineTransform | Applies the transformation matrix to the VintasoftPoint structure. |
| VintasoftPointScaleTransform | Scales a point, which is represented by VintasoftPoint structure. |
| VintasoftPointTransform | Transforms the VintasoftPoint structure, for example, by applying affine matrix transform. |
| VintasoftPointTranslateScaleTransform | Translates and scales a point, which is represented by VintasoftPoint structure. |
| VintasoftPointTranslateTransform | Translates a point, which is represented by VintasoftPoint structure. |