Save(Stream,SaneImageEncoderSettings) Method (SaneAcquiredImage)
In This Topic
Saves this image to a specified stream in the specified format and with specified encoder settings.
- stream
- The System.IO.Stream where the image must be saved.
- encoderSettings
- Encoder settings.
Image can be:
- saved as image file (BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF)
- added to multipage TIFF file
- saved into new PDF or PDF/A document
- added to existing PDF or PDF/A document
Available compressions for images saved into TIFF file:
- without compression
- CCITT Group 4 Fax compression
- LZW compression
- ZIP compression
- JPEG compression
Available compressions for images saved into PDF document:
- without compression
- CCITT Group 4 Fax compression
- LZW compression
- ZIP compression
- JPEG compression
Image can be added to a PDF document compatible with version 1.4 or earlier of PDF standard.
Image will be saved as BMP file if encoderSettings is not null and encoderSettings is an /// instance of type SaneBmpEncoderSettings.
Image will be saved as JPEG file if encoderSettings is not null and encoderSettings is an instance of type SaneJpegEncoderSettings.
Image will be saved as PDF file if encoderSettings is not null and encoderSettings is an instance of type SanePdfEncoderSettings.
Image will be saved as PNG file if encoderSettings is not null and encoderSettings is an instance of type SanePngEncoderSettings.
Image will be saved as TIFF file if encoderSettings is not null and encoderSettings is an instance of type SaneTiffEncoderSettings.
This C#/VB.NET code shows how to acquire images from SANE device and save images to a PDF file.
''' <summary>
''' Acquires images from SANE device and saves images to a PDF file.
''' </summary>
Public Sub AcquireImagesFromSaneDeviceAndSaveImagesToPdfFile()
' create SANE device manager
Using deviceManager As New Vintasoft.Sane.SaneLocalDeviceManager()
' open SANE device manager
' get count of SANE devices
Dim deviceCount As Integer = deviceManager.Devices.Count
If deviceCount = 0 Then
System.Console.WriteLine("Devices are not found.")
End If
' select the first SANE device
Dim device As Vintasoft.Sane.SaneLocalDevice = deviceManager.Devices(0)
' open SANE device
Dim acquiredImage As Vintasoft.Sane.SaneAcquiredImage
' acquire image from SANE device
acquiredImage = device.AcquireImageSync()
' if image is received
If acquiredImage IsNot Nothing Then
System.Console.WriteLine("Image is acquired.")
' create TIFF encoder settings
Dim pdfEncoderSettings As New Vintasoft.Sane.ImageEncoders.SanePdfEncoderSettings()
' specify that image must be added to a PDF file
pdfEncoderSettings.PdfMultiPage = True
' specify image must be compressed with ZIP compression
pdfEncoderSettings.PdfImageCompression = Vintasoft.Sane.ImageEncoders.SanePdfImageCompression.ZIP
' process acquired image
acquiredImage.Save("test.pdf", pdfEncoderSettings)
' if image is not received
System.Console.WriteLine("Scan is completed.")
Exit Try
End If
Catch ex As System.Exception
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Scan is failed: {0}", ex.Message))
Exit Try
End Try
' while device has more images to scan
Loop While device.HasMoreImagesToScan
' close SANE device
' close SANE device manager
End Using
End Sub
/// <summary>
/// Acquires images from SANE device and saves images to a PDF file.
/// </summary>
public void AcquireImagesFromSaneDeviceAndSaveImagesToPdfFile()
// create SANE device manager
using (Vintasoft.Sane.SaneLocalDeviceManager deviceManager = new Vintasoft.Sane.SaneLocalDeviceManager())
// open SANE device manager
// get count of SANE devices
int deviceCount = deviceManager.Devices.Count;
if (deviceCount == 0)
System.Console.WriteLine("Devices are not found.");
// select the first SANE device
Vintasoft.Sane.SaneLocalDevice device = deviceManager.Devices[0];
// open SANE device
Vintasoft.Sane.SaneAcquiredImage acquiredImage;
// acquire image from SANE device
acquiredImage = device.AcquireImageSync();
// if image is received
if (acquiredImage != null)
System.Console.WriteLine("Image is acquired.");
// create TIFF encoder settings
Vintasoft.Sane.ImageEncoders.SanePdfEncoderSettings pdfEncoderSettings =
new Vintasoft.Sane.ImageEncoders.SanePdfEncoderSettings();
// specify that image must be added to a PDF file
pdfEncoderSettings.PdfMultiPage = true;
// specify image must be compressed with ZIP compression
pdfEncoderSettings.PdfImageCompression = Vintasoft.Sane.ImageEncoders.SanePdfImageCompression.ZIP;
// process acquired image
acquiredImage.Save("test.pdf", pdfEncoderSettings);
// if image is not received
System.Console.WriteLine("Scan is completed.");
catch (System.Exception ex)
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Scan is failed: {0}", ex.Message));
// while device has more images to scan
while (device.HasMoreImagesToScan);
// close SANE device
// close SANE device manager
Target Platforms: .NET 9; .NET 8; .NET 7; .NET 6
See Also