| Name | Description |
| clone | Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. |
| get_AutomaticRecognition | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must use the automatic barcode recognition mode. |
| get_Barcode1DSubsets | Gets the 1D barcode symbology subsets to search. |
| get_Barcode2DSubsets | Gets the 2D barcode symbology subsets to search. |
| get_BarcodeType | Gets the barcode symbology types to search. |
| get_CollectTestInformation | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must collect information for quality test. |
| get_DotCodeInterpretFncCharacters | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret FNC characters in DotCode barcodes. |
| get_DotCodeMatrixMaxArea | Gets the maximum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots. |
| get_DotCodeMatrixMinArea | Gets the minimum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots. |
| get_Erode | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must erode the image with barcodes before barcode search. |
| get_ExpectedBarcodes | Gets the expected number of barcodes to search. |
| get_ImageScaleFactor | Gets a scale factor that is used for upscaling or downscaling an image before barcode recognition. |
| get_InterpretEciCharacters | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret ECI characters in barcode value. |
| get_InvertImageColors | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must invert the image with barcodes before barcode search. |
| get_MatrixBarcodeMaxCellSize | Gets the maximum cell size, in pixels, for two-dimensional matrix barcodes (Aztec, DataMatrix, DotCode, QR, Micro QR, Han Xin Code, Maxicode). |
| get_PharmacodeMaxHeight | Gets the maximum barcode height, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode. |
| get_PharmacodeMinHeight | Gets the minimum barcode height, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode. |
| get_PharmacodeMinPadding | Gets the minimum barcode padding, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode. |
| get_RecognitionTimeout | Gets the recognition time-out, in milliseconds. |
| get_ScanDirection | Gets the scan direction for barcode search. |
| get_ScanInterval | Gets the scan interval for barcode search. |
| get_ScanRectangle | Gets the rectangle on image, where barcodes must be searched. |
| get_SearchCode39WithoutStartStop | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must search Code 39 barcodes without Start/Stop symbols. |
| get_SearchQRModel1Barcodes | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must search QR Code Model 1 barcodes. |
| get_Threshold | Gets the threshold value for algorithm of color conversion. |
| get_ThresholdIterations | Gets the number of steps in barcode reading iteration process. |
| get_ThresholdMax | Gets the maximal threshold value of algorithm color conversion in the barcode reading iteration process. |
| get_ThresholdMin | Gets the minimum threshold value of algorithm color conversion in the barcode reading iteration process. |
| get_ThresholdMode | Gets a mode of threshold detection. |
| get_UseMultithreading | Gets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must use multiple threads for barcode reading. |
| set_AutomaticRecognition | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must use the automatic barcode recognition mode. |
| set_Barcode1DSubsets | Sets the 1D barcode symbology subsets to search. |
| set_Barcode2DSubsets | Sets the 2D barcode symbology subsets to search. |
| set_BarcodeType | Sets the barcode symbology types to search. |
| set_CollectTestInformation | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must collect information for quality test. |
| set_DotCodeInterpretFncCharacters | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret FNC characters in DotCode barcodes. |
| set_DotCodeMatrixMaxArea | Sets the maximum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots. |
| set_DotCodeMatrixMinArea | Sets the minimum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots. |
| set_Erode | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must erode the image with barcodes before barcode search. |
| set_ExpectedBarcodes | Sets the expected number of barcodes to search. |
| set_ImageScaleFactor | Sets a scale factor that is used for upscaling or downscaling an image before barcode recognition. |
| set_InterpretEciCharacters | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret ECI characters in barcode value. |
| set_InvertImageColors | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must invert the image with barcodes before barcode search. |
| set_MatrixBarcodeMaxCellSize | Sets the maximum cell size, in pixels, for two-dimensional matrix barcodes (Aztec, DataMatrix, DotCode, QR, Micro QR, Han Xin Code, Maxicode). |
| set_PharmacodeMaxHeight | Sets the maximum barcode height, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode. |
| set_PharmacodeMinHeight | Sets the minimum barcode height, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode. |
| set_PharmacodeMinPadding | Sets the minimum barcode padding, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode. |
| set_RecognitionTimeout | Sets the recognition time-out, in milliseconds. |
| set_ScanDirection | Sets the scan direction for barcode search. |
| set_ScanInterval | Sets the scan interval for barcode search. |
| set_ScanRectangle | Sets the rectangle on image, where barcodes must be searched. |
| set_SearchCode39WithoutStartStop | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must search Code 39 barcodes without Start/Stop symbols. |
| set_SearchQRModel1Barcodes | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must search QR Code Model 1 barcodes. |
| set_Threshold | Sets the threshold value for algorithm of color conversion. |
| set_ThresholdIterations | Sets the number of steps in barcode reading iteration process. |
| set_ThresholdMax | Sets the maximal threshold value of algorithm color conversion in the barcode reading iteration process. |
| set_ThresholdMin | Sets the minimal threshold value of algorithm color conversion in the barcode reading iteration process. |
| set_ThresholdMode | Sets a mode of threshold detection. |
| set_UseMultithreading | Sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must use multiple threads for barcode reading. |