VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Barcode Namespace / WebBarcodeReaderSettingsJS type
In This Topic
    WebBarcodeReaderSettingsJS Class Methods
    In This Topic
    For a list of all methods of this type, see WebBarcodeReaderSettingsJS.
    Public MethodCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must use the automatic barcode recognition mode.
    Public MethodGets the 1D barcode symbology subsets to search.
    Public MethodGets the 2D barcode symbology subsets to search.
    Public MethodGets the barcode symbology types to search.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must collect information for quality test.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret FNC characters in DotCode barcodes.
    Public MethodGets the maximum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots.
    Public MethodGets the minimum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must erode the image with barcodes before barcode search.
    Public MethodGets the expected number of barcodes to search.
    Public MethodGets a scale factor that is used for upscaling or downscaling an image before barcode recognition.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret ECI characters in barcode value.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must invert the image with barcodes before barcode search.
    Public MethodGets the maximum cell size, in pixels, for two-dimensional matrix barcodes (Aztec, DataMatrix, DotCode, QR, Micro QR, Han Xin Code, Maxicode).
    Public MethodGets the maximum barcode height, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode.
    Public MethodGets the minimum barcode height, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode.
    Public MethodGets the minimum barcode padding, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode.
    Public MethodGets the recognition time-out, in milliseconds.
    Public MethodGets the scan direction for barcode search.
    Public MethodGets the scan interval for barcode search.
    Public MethodGets the rectangle on image, where barcodes must be searched.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must search Code 39 barcodes without Start/Stop symbols.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must search QR Code Model 1 barcodes.
    Public MethodGets the threshold value for algorithm of color conversion.
    Public MethodGets the number of steps in barcode reading iteration process.
    Public MethodGets the maximal threshold value of algorithm color conversion in the barcode reading iteration process.
    Public MethodGets the minimum threshold value of algorithm color conversion in the barcode reading iteration process.
    Public MethodGets a mode of threshold detection.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must use multiple threads for barcode reading.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must use the automatic barcode recognition mode.
    Public MethodSets the 1D barcode symbology subsets to search.
    Public MethodSets the 2D barcode symbology subsets to search.
    Public MethodSets the barcode symbology types to search.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must collect information for quality test.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret FNC characters in DotCode barcodes.
    Public MethodSets the maximum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots.
    Public MethodSets the minimum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must erode the image with barcodes before barcode search.
    Public MethodSets the expected number of barcodes to search.
    Public MethodSets a scale factor that is used for upscaling or downscaling an image before barcode recognition.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret ECI characters in barcode value.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must invert the image with barcodes before barcode search.
    Public MethodSets the maximum cell size, in pixels, for two-dimensional matrix barcodes (Aztec, DataMatrix, DotCode, QR, Micro QR, Han Xin Code, Maxicode).
    Public MethodSets the maximum barcode height, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode.
    Public MethodSets the minimum barcode height, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode.
    Public MethodSets the minimum barcode padding, in narrow bars, for Pharmacode barcode.
    Public MethodSets the recognition time-out, in milliseconds.
    Public MethodSets the scan direction for barcode search.
    Public MethodSets the scan interval for barcode search.
    Public MethodSets the rectangle on image, where barcodes must be searched.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must search Code 39 barcodes without Start/Stop symbols.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must search QR Code Model 1 barcodes.
    Public MethodSets the threshold value for algorithm of color conversion.
    Public MethodSets the number of steps in barcode reading iteration process.
    Public MethodSets the maximal threshold value of algorithm color conversion in the barcode reading iteration process.
    Public MethodSets the minimal threshold value of algorithm color conversion in the barcode reading iteration process.
    Public MethodSets a mode of threshold detection.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must use multiple threads for barcode reading.
    See Also