| Name | Description |
| beginInit | Begins the annotation initialization. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| clone | Creates a new annotation that is a copy of the current annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| copyTo | Overloaded. Copies the state of the current annotation to the target annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| deserialize | Deserializes annotation. |
| drawInContentSpace | Draws an annotation on the canvas drawing context in the coordinate space of annotation. |
| endInit | Ends the annotation initialization. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_Border | Gets a value indicating whether the annotation border is visible. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_CanMirror | Gets a value indicating whether the annotation can be mirrored. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_CanMove | Gets a value indicating whether the annotation can be moved. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_CanResize | Gets a value indicating whether the annotation can be resized. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_CanRotate | Gets a value indicating whether the annotation can be rotated. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_Comment | Gets annotation comment. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_CreatedBy | Gets information about the user who created the annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_CreationTime | Gets the creation time of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_FillBrush | Gets the background brush of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_Guid | Gets the GUID of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_HorizontalMirrored | Gets a value indicating whether the annotation is mirrored horizontally. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_IsBuilding | Gets a value indicating whether the annotation is building. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_IsVisible | Gets a value indicating whether the annotation is visible. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_LineStyle | Gets the style of line. |
| get_LineStylePatternSize | Gets the size of the line style pattern. |
| get_Location | Gets the location, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit), of annotation in the image space. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_ModifiedBy | Gets information about the user who modified the annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_ModifiedTime | Gets the last time this annotation was modified. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_Name | Gets the name of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_Outline | Gets the style of the annotation's outline. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_ResizePointTemplate | Gets the template for the resize points of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_Rotation | Gets the rotation angle, in degrees, of the annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_RotationCenterPoint | Gets the rotation center point of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_RotationPoint | Gets the rotation point of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_ShadowBrush | Gets the shadow brush of annotation. |
| get_ShadowOffset | Gets the shadow offset of annotation. |
| get_Size | Gets the size, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit), of the annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_Symmetry | Gets a value indicating whether the annotation is symmetrical. |
| get_ToolTip | Gets the tooltip associated with the annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| get_Type | Gets annotation type. |
| get_VerticalMirrored | Gets a value indicating whether the annotation is mirrored vertically. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| serialize | Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization. |
| set_Border | Sets a value indicating whether the annotation border is visible. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_CanMirror | Sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be mirrored. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_CanMove | Sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be moved. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_CanResize | Sets a value indicating whether the size of the annotation can be changed. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_CanRotate | Sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be rotated. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_Comment | Sets annotation comment. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_CreatedBy | Sets information about the user who created the annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_CreationTime | Sets the creation time of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_FillBrush | Sets the background brush of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_HorizontalMirrored | Sets a value indicating whether the annotation is mirrored horizontally. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_IsVisible | Sets a value indicating whether the annotation is visible. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_LineStyle | Sets the style of line. |
| set_LineStylePatternSize | Sets the size of the line style pattern. |
| set_Location | Sets the location, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit), of annotation in the image space. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_ModifiedBy | Sets information about the user who modified the annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_ModifiedTime | Sets the last time this annotation was modified. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_Name | Sets the name of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_Outline | Sets the style of the annotation's outline. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_ResizePointTemplate | Sets the template for the resize points of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_Rotation | Sets the rotation angle, in degrees, of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_RotationCenterPoint | Sets the rotation center point of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_RotationPoint | Sets the rotation point of annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_ShadowBrush | Sets the shadow brush of annotation. |
| set_ShadowOffset | Sets the shadow offset of annotation. |
| set_Size | Sets the size, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit), of the annotation. |
| set_Symmetry | Sets a value indicating whether the annotation is symmetrical. |
| set_ToolTip | Sets the tooltip associated with the annotation. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| set_VerticalMirrored | Sets a value indicating whether the annotation is mirrored vertically. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |
| toString | Returns the string representation of this object. (Inherited from WebAnnotationViewJS) |