VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for .NET developer
Classes Enumerations SeeAlso
In This Topic
    Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.UI Namespace (Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.UI)
    In This Topic
    Contains classes, which determine how to display the annotation and how user can interact with annotation. Also contains annotation WinForms viewers.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays two lines, the angle between them and the total length of lines and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassRepresents a viewer control for displaying the thumbnails of image collection with annotations.
    ClassProvides data for an event when annotation interaction mode is changed.
    ClassProvides data for an event when annotation interaction mode is changing.
    ClassConverts Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation object to the System.Windows object and vice versa.
    ClassProvides data for an event when annotation view is moved.
    ClassProvides data for an event when annotation view is moving.
    ClassManages building of annotation templates.
    ClassManages the annotation templates.
    ClassThe interaction controller that builds a template annotation.
    ClassProvides the abstract base class that determines how to display an annotation and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassProvides data for an event when annotation view is changed.
    ClassProvides data for an event when annotation view is changing.
    ClassRepresents the collection of annotation view.
    ClassProvides data for an event when annotation view collection is changed.
    ClassStores one-to-one links between one AnnotationDataCollection from the AnnotationDataController and one AnnotationViewCollection.
    ClassRepresents a viewer control for displaying an image collection with annotations.
    ClassProvides the ability to create the view (AnnotationView) for annotation data (AnnotationData).
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays an arc.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays an arrow.
    ClassProvides the abstract base class that determines how to display an annotation that contains a group of annotations and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays an ellipse and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays an editable text area and a leader polyline used to point to the area of the image and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays a group of annotations and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that highlights region of image and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassProvides the base class that determines how to display the annotation that displays an embedded image and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays a leader line and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays a line and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassProvides the abstract base class that determines how to display line-based annotation and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays lines and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays a hypertext link and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays a polygon and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays a rectangle and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays a referenced image and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays the single line and the length of line and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays a series of lines and the total length of lines and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays a text message with a rounded rectangle outline similar to a rubber stamp and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays a sticky note and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display the annotation that displays text which can be edited by the user and how user can interact with annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display an undefined annotation.
    EnumerationSpecifies available annotation interaction modes.
    See Also