Version 9.0 of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

News and announcements from VintaSoft.

Moderator: Alex

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Version 9.0 of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

We are proud to announce the release of new major version 9.0 of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK and the related Annotation, PDF,
JBIG2, JPEG2000, Document Cleanup, OCR, DICOM, Forms Processing and Office Plug-ins.

What's new in VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 9.0:
  • .NET development
    • Added support (without UI controls) for .NET Core 3.0 for Windows.
    • Created new visual tool - DocumentNavigationTool and WpfDocumentNavigationTool, which allow to navigate pages of PDF and DOCX documents in WinForms and WPF image viewer.
    • Created console demo applications for .NET Core and .NET Framework
    • Created new WinForms demo application - DocumentViewerDemo, and WPF demo application - WpfDocumentViewerDemo, which allow to extract, select and search text in documents (PDF, DOCX), annotate documents, convert DOCX documents to a PDF or PDF/A documents, print documents
  • Web development
    • Created the platform-independent .NET Core web services for rendering images/thumbnails and image processing.
    • Created ASP.NET Core API controllers for rendering images/thumbnails and image processing in ASP.NET Core MVC.
    • Created new visual tool - WebDocumentNavigationToolJS, which allows to navigate pages of PDF and DOCX documents in web image viewer.
    • Created the SVG icons for the web document viewer.
    • Created demo applications for ASP.NET Core MVC.
  • More info please read here:

What's new in VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in 1.0:
  • Created VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in - the new add-on for VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK with the following abilities:
    • Supported platforms: .NET Core 3.0 for Windows, .NET Framework 4+ and 3.5
    • Render DOCX documents
    • View DOCX documents in WinForms, WPF and WEB
    • Print DOCX documents in vector and raster form
    • Convert DOCX document to a vector PDF or PDF/A document with text, links and navigation
    • Overlay DOCX page over PDF page in vector form and with text
    • Convert DOCX document to any image format supported by the SDK
    • Search and extract text from DOCX document
    • Use mouse for selecting text in DOCX document in image viewer
    • Use keyboard for selecting and navigating text in DOCX document in image viewer
    • Navigate links in DOCX document in image viewer

What's new in VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in 9.0:
  • .NET development
    • Added support (without UI controls) for .NET Core 3.0 for Windows.
  • Web development
    • Created the platform-independent .NET Core web service for annotating images and documents.
    • Created ASP.NET Core API controller for annotating images and documents in ASP.NET Core MVC.
    • Created AspNetCoreAnnotationDemo, which demonstrates how to view and annotate images and documents in ASP.NET Core MVC.
  • More info please read here: ... story.html

What's new in VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in 6.0:
  • .NET development
    • Added support (without UI controls) for .NET Core 3.0 for Windows.
    • Added new command - PdfSimplifyContentCommand, which allows to simplify vector content of PDF file.
    • Decreased the memory usage in algorithm that extracts and selects text on PDF page.
  • Web development
    • Created the platform-independent .NET Core web service for working with PDF documents.
    • Created ASP.NET Core API controller for working with PDF documents in ASP.NET Core MVC.
    • Added the ability to fill out the interactive form of PDF document in web image viewer.
    • Created AspNetCorePdfReaderDemo, which demonstrates how to view PDF documents with ability to navigate bookmarks, view page thumbnails, search text, extract image-resources in ASP.NET Core MVC.
  • More info please read here:

What's new in VintaSoft JBIG2 .NET Plug-in 6.0:
  • .NET development
    • Added support for .NET Core 3.0 for Windows.

What's new in VintaSoft JPEG2000 .NET Plug-in 5.0:
  • .NET development
    • Added support for .NET Core 3.0 for Windows.

What's new in VintaSoft Document Cleanup .NET Plug-in 4.0:
  • .NET development
    • Added support for .NET Core 3.0 for Windows.
  • Web development
    • Created the platform-independent .NET Core web service for processing of document images.
    • Created ASP.NET Core API controller for processing of document images in ASP.NET Core MVC.

What's new in VintaSoft OCR .NET Plug-in 4.0:
  • .NET development
    • Added support for .NET Core 3.0 for Windows.
    • The used Tesseract OCR engine has been updated to version 4.1.0.
    • Created AspNetCoreOcrDemo, which demonstrates how to recognize text from image or image-only PDF document in ASP.NET Core MVC.

What's new in VintaSoft DICOM .NET Plug-in 2.0:
  • .NET development
    • Added support (without UI controls) for .NET Core 3.0 for Windows.

What's new in VintaSoft Forms Processing .NET Plug-in 2.0:
  • .NET development
    • Added support (without UI controls) for .NET Core 3.0 for Windows.
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
  • Fixed the bug in OverlayBinaryCommand class.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • Added the ability to select an item in PDF interactive listbox/combobox by pressing the keyboard key that correspons the first item letter.
  • Improved the memory usage in algorithm that loads XREF table of PDF document.
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that packs PDF document, which contains resources compressed with JBIG2 compression.
  • Fixed a minor bug in PdfPage.ClearImages method.
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that decodes image-resources compressed with CCITT3 compression.
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that adds empty page to a PDF document in PdfEditorDemo/WpfPdfEditorDemo.
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that packs PDF document with image-resources compressed with JBIG2 and text filter.
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in:
  • Fixed bugs in algorithm that renders pages of DOCX document.
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
  • Added the ability to decode JPEG files with damaged image data.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • Added the ability to comment PDF document in WinForms/WPF image viewer:
    • add and remove comment or reply
    • create comment threads
    • set state for comment or reply
    • display comments on image viewer or in application interface
    • comments, which are based on PDF markup and popup annotations, are fully compatible with third party PDF viewer applications
  • Added the support for PDF text and popup annotations.
  • Increased the performance of algorithm that renders PDF annotation in WPF image viewer.
  • Added the ability to comment PDF document in PdfEditorDemo/WpfPdfEditorDemo.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft DICOM .NET Plug-in:
  • Added the ability to get raw data of DICOM data element (DicomDataElement.GetRawData method).
  • Added the ability to specify that DICOM data elements must not be recoded during saving of DICOM file (DicomFile.RecodeDataElements property).

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in:
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that extracts text from DOCX document.
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Posts: 2339
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that select text on PDF page.
  • Fixed the bug in PdfOptimizeImageColorDepthCommand class.
  • Fixed minor bugs in functionality that allows to comment PDF document.
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Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
  • Fixed the bug in WPF image viewer when viewer is working in multipage view mode.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in:
  • Optimized work of DemosCommonCode.Annotation.CommentControl control.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • Fixed the bug in editor of PDF text interactive field.
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that updated appearance of PDF interactive field.
  • Fixed minor bug in PDF decoder.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Office.NET Plug-in:
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that calculates paragraph index in DOCX document.
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Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • Added the ability to rotate rectangle-based PDF graphics figures (Rectangle, Ellipse, TextBox, FormXObject, Image, VintasoftImage) in image viewer.
  • Improved the PDF/A converter: added fixup for trigger OverprintModeIs1WhenIccBasedCmykColorSpaceAndOverprintControlUsed.
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Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
  • Fixed minor bug in JPEG decoder.
Site Admin
Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
  • Fixed the bug, which is related with drag-and-drop operation in WpfImageViewer class.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • Added new method - PdfDocument.AddDocument(PdfDocument), which allows to add pages and bookmarks from specified PDF document to the source PDF document.
  • Fixed the bug in algorithm that decodes PDF image-resources.
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