VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in - Development History

Product Release Notes

This page provides you the information about development history of VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in. The information about the Plug-in API history can be obtained from documentation.

  • Web development:
    • Now the visual tool WebMagnifierToolJS allows to magnify image with annotations. Previously the visual tool was able to magnify image only.
    • Added properties LoadAnnotationsOnlyForDisplayedImages and LoadAnnotationsOnlyForVisibleImages to the WebAnnotationViewerJS class.
  • Added support for .NET 8.0 in Windows, Linux and macOS.
  • .NET development:
    • Added the ability to create a digital signature based on an annotation, and sign a PDF document using the digital signature.
    • Demo applications:
      • AnnotationDemo and WpfAnnotationDemo were added with ability to create a digital signature based on an annotation and sign a PDF document using the created digital signature.
    • Fixed several minor bugs.
  • Web development:
    • Added the ability to comment annotations in web document viewer.
  • .NET development:
    • Added support for .NET 7 in Windows, Linux and macOS.
    • Added the ability to disable the annotation selection using mouse or keyboard (see AnnotationData.CanSelect property).
    • Disabled the usage of System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter class in .NET 7, because BinaryFormatter class cannot be used starting from .NET 7.
    • Fixed several minor bugs.
  • .NET development:
    • Added cross-platform support for Windows, Linux and macOS in .NET 6, .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1.
    • Created the following .NET assemblies:
      • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Pdf.UI.dll
    • Drawing of 2D graphics:
      • All algorithms of Plug-in for work with 2D graphics were completely revised.
      • Now the Plug-in draws 2D graphics using drawing engine (Vintasoft.Imaging.Drawing.DrawingEngine class) and does not use directly GDI+ library (System.Drawing.Common) anymore.
      • The Plug-in requires a drawing engine: cross-platform drawing engine based on SkiaSharp library (can be used under Windows, Linux and macOS) or the drawing engine based on GDI+ library (can be used under Windows only).
    • Improved the algorithm that saves annotations to a PDF document.
      Now the algorithm draws annotations using PDF drawing engine and this allows to create PDF appearance for any annotation.
      Previous algorithm was able to create PDF appearance for "standard" annotations only.
    • Fixed many minor bugs.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added the support for .NET 6 for Windows.
    • Supported development environments:
      • Added the compatibility support for Visual Studio 2022.
    • Supported operation systems:
      • Added the compatibility support for OS Windows 11.
      • Discontinued the compatibility support for OS Windows Server 2003.
    • Added new annotation - OfficeAnnotation, which allows to display page of DOCX document.
    • Added the ability to edit text of OfficeAnnotation using rich-text editor:
      • change text
      • change text properties: font, size, color, bold, italic, underline, superscript, subscript, horizontal scale, character spacing
      • change horizontal text alignment: left, right, center, width
      • change paragraph indent
      • change line spacing
      • create numbered list
    • Demo applications
      • Added new functionality to AnnotationDemo/WpfAnnotationDemo application:
        • Added the ability to add the OfficeAnnotation onto an image.
      • Added new functionality to DocumentViewerDemo/WpfDocumentViewerDemo application:
        • Added the ability to add the OfficeAnnotation onto an image.
    • Created the following .NET assemblies:
      • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Office.dll
      • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Office.UI.dll
      • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Office.Wpf.UI.dll
  • Web development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • JavaScript engine does not depend on jQuery library anymore and it is now fully written in JavaScript ES5.
      • JavaScript engine now supports only HTML5 web browsers. Discontinued the support of old browsers. Discontinued the support of Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Svg.js file.
    • Added minor changes in JavaScript API. Detailed information about API changes is available here.
    • Fixed non-critical bugs in JavaScript engine.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added the support for .NET 5 for Windows.
  • .NET
    • Added the ability to magnify an image with annotations in WinForms image viewer.
    • Some minor fixes.
  • WEB
    • Added the ability to override the algorithm that serializes/deserializes custom web annotations.
    • Added the ability to override the algorithm that renders custom web annotations.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added the support for WPF and WinForms in .NET Core 3 for Windows.
        Created the following .NET Core assemblies:
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.UI.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Wpf.UI.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Dicom.Wpf.UI.dll
      • Added the ability to add comments to annotations of image or document in WinForms/WPF image viewer:
        • add and remove comment or reply
        • create comment threads
        • set state for comment or reply
        • display comments on image viewer or in application interface
      • View images with annotations in WinForms:
        • WinForms controls (AnnotationViewer, etc) and annotation views (AnnotationView, etc) are moved from Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.dll assembly to Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.UI.dll assembly.
      • Demo applications:
        • Created WPF and WinForms AnnotationDemo application for .NET Core.
        • Added the ability to comment annotations of images in AnnotationDemo and WpfAnnotationDemo applications.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added support (without UI controls) for .NET Core 3 for Windows.
        Created the following .NET Core assemblies:
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Pdf.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Dicom.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Dicom.UI.dll.
      • Discontinued support of .NET Framework 2.0. Now SDK supports .NET Framework 4+ and 3.5.
  • Web development:
    • Annotate images and documents in web application:
      • The platform-independent .NET Core web service has been created for Annotating images and documents.
        The platform-independent web service allows quickly create web services for any .NET Core compatible web platform, e.g. for ASP.NET Core MVC, ServiceStack. The web service is located in Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Web.Services.dll assembly.
      • Created a web service for annotating images and documents in ASP.NET Core MVC.
        The web service is located in Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.AspNetCore.ApiControllers.dll assembly.
  • Annotate images and PDF documents in HTML5 and SVG:
    • Added the ability to view images with annotations in multipage view mode.
    • Added the ability to move annotations among images in multipage view mode.
  • Added the visual tool ImageMeasureTool, which allows to measure objects on image. The tool can measure the following objects: line, polyline, ellipse, angle.
  • Added the ability to transform annotation using the transformation matrix.
  • Optimized the algorithm that renders annotations in WPF.
  • Some minor changes in AnnotationDemo.
  • The detailed information about API changes is located in Changes History article.
  • WinForms annotated image viewer (AnnotationViewer class):
    • Added the support for multipage view mode.
    • Added the ability to move annotations from one page to another in multipage image view mode.
  • WinForms annotation visual tool (AnnotationTool class):
    • Added the support for multipage view mode.
    • Added some minor improvements.
  • WPF annotated image viewer (WpfAnnotationViewer class):
    • Added the support for multipage view mode.
    • Added the ability to move annotations from one page to another in multipage image view mode.
  • WPF vannotation visual tool (WpfAnnotationTool class):
    • Added the support for multipage view mode.
    • Added some minor improvements.
  • Annotations:
    • Added the support for Cloud and Triangle style for the following annotations: Rectangle, Ellipse, Text, FreeText, Highlight.
    • Added the ability to specify the alignment of text for Stamp annotation using StampAnnotation.TextAlign property.
  • Demo applications:
    • AnnotationDemo application for WinForms and WPF:
      • Added the ability to annotate images in multipage mode.
      • Added some minor improvements.
      • Fixed some minor bugs.
    • AnnotationDemo applications for ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET MVC:
      • Added the ability to choose a font for Text annotation from the list of fonts.
      • Added some minor improvements.
  • The detailed information about API changes is located in Changes History article.
  • Added the ability to set the style to Cloud or Triangle for the following annotation types: Lines, Polygon, Rulers, Angle, Triangle.
  • Annotate images and PDF documents in web application:
    • The platform-independent web service has been created for Annotating images and PDF documents. The platform-independent web service allows quickly create web services for any .NET compatible web platform, e.g. for ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebForms, ServiceStack. The web service is located in Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Web.Services.dll assembly.
    • Created web service for annotating images and PDF documents in ASP.NET MVC 5. The web service is located in Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Web.Api2Controllers.dll assembly.
    • HTML5 and SVG controls responsible for annotating images and PDF documents are now fully compatible with jQuery 2 and 3.
    • Added the ability to group annotations.
  • Demo applications:
    • The ability to undo/redo changes in annotations has been implemented in Web Annotation Demo application.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • The detailed information about API changes is located in Changes History article.
  • Annotate images and PDF documents in ASP.NET:
    • Added new functionality into the Web API controller that annotates images. For example, added the ability to rotate an image with annotations.
    • Added new functionality into the HTTP handler that annotates images. For example, added the ability to rotate an image with annotations.
    • Created the WCF service for annotating images in ASP.NET.
  • Web image viewers with ability to annotate images:
    • Created the HTML5 controls, which are written in JavaScript, for viewing images and thumbnails with annotations in HTML5.
    • Created the SVG controls, which are written in JavaScript, for viewing images and thumbnails with annotations in HTML.
    • Removed the ASP.NET web controls. HMTL5 or SVG controls must be used instead of removed ASP.NET web controls.
    • Added the ability to apply the ortogonal rotation to the image with annotations in annotated web image viewer.
    • Added the ability to apply the ortogonal rotation to the thumbnail with annotations in annotated web thumbnail viewer.
  • Print images with annotations:
    • Added the ability to print annotations in vector form using AnnotatedPdfPrintDocument class in WinForms.
  • Improved the code of AnnotationVintasoftXmpFormatter class.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.
  • The detailed information about API changes is located in Changes History article.
  • Added the ability to annotate images in ASP.NET MVC application:
    • Created ASP.NET MVC4 and HTML5 web controls for viewing, annotating and editing images and PDF documents in ASP.NET MVC applications.
  • Demo applications:
    • ASP.NET MVC Annotation Viewer Demo has been created - the ASP.NET MVC4 and HTML5 application for annotating images and PDF documents.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Annotating of images in Web:
    • Extended a list of annotation types supported in ASP.NET with:
      • Highlight annotation
      • Referenced image annotation
      • Embedded image annotation
      • Sticky note annotation
      • Free text annotation
      • Link annotation
      • Polygon annotation
      • Freehand polygon annotation
      • Ruler annotation
      • Rulers annotation
      • Angle annotation
      • Triangle annotation
      • Mark annotation
    • Added the ability to transform annotation by pulling its transformation dots via mouse.
    • Added the ability to use interpolation for Lines annotation and Polygon annotation.
  • Demo applications:
    • Web Annotation Demo was complemented with ability to show and edit the property grid of annotation.
    • Improved design and user interface of Web Annotation Demo.
  • Annotating of images in Web:
    • Extended a list of annotation types supported in ASP.NET with:
      • Highlight annotation
      • Referenced image annotation
      • Embedded image annotation
      • Sticky note annotation
      • Free text annotation
      • Link annotation
      • Polygon annotation
      • Freehand polygon annotation
      • Ruler annotation
      • Rulers annotation
      • Angle annotation
      • Triangle annotation
      • Mark annotation
    • Added the ability to transform annotation by pulling its transformation dots via mouse.
    • Added the ability to use interpolation for Lines annotation and Polygon annotation.
  • Demo applications:
    • Web Annotation Demo was complemented with ability to show and edit the property grid of annotation.
    • Improved design and user interface of Web Annotation Demo.
  • Assemblies were renamed and made changes in structure of namespaces. For more information click here.
  • Added the ability to change interactive area radius of point of interactive communication.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Completely revised the annotation engine for the purpose to make it maximally flexible and fast.
  • Created the hierarchy of classes for WinForms in compliance with Model-View-Presenter (MVP) software pattern:
    • Created AnnotationData and derived classes which are responsible for storing annotation data.
    • Created AnnotationView and derived classes which are responsible for annotation visual appearance and interaction between user and annotation.
    • Created AnnotationVisualTool which can be used for building, displaying and editing image annotations in image viewer.
  • Created the hierarchy of classes for WPF in compliance with Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) software pattern:
    • Created AnnotationData and derived classes which are responsible for storing annotation data.
    • Created WpfAnnotationView and derived classes which are responsible for annotation visual appearance and interaction between user and annotation.
    • Created WpfAnnotationVisualTool which can be used for building, displaying and editing image annotations in image viewer.
  • Revised the event mechanism of annotation:
    • Added the ability to get, change, undo change of any annotation property.
    • Added the ability to restrict the annotation building area to desired area.
  • Annotation and annotation collection supports now the standard serialization of objects used in .NET Framework:
    • Created formatters which are responsible for saving and loading annotation collection: AnnotationVintasoftBinaryFormatter, AnnotationVintasoftXmpFormatter and AnnotationWangFormatter.
    • The annotation collection can be saved also by the use of any formatter which supports the standard serialization of objects used in .NET, e.g. using BinaryFormatter Class.
  • AnnotationVisualTool Class, derived from UserInteractionVisualTool Class, provides high flexibility and customizability of annotation creation and editing process.
  • Revised the code of WinForms controls responsible for displaying images and thumbnails with annotations.
  • Created WPF controls responsible for displaying images and thumbnails with annotations:
    • WpfAnnotationImageViewer - WPF control intended for viewing image with annotations.
    • WpfAnnotatedThumbnailViewer - WPF control intended for viewing thumbnail with annotations.
  • New annotations created:
    • CompositeAnnotation - annotation that defines a set of anyhow connected with each other annotations.
    • GroupAnnotation - annotation that defines a group of annotations with abilities to relocate, resize, rotate the whole group.
    • StickyNoteAnnotation - sticky note annotation.
    • LeaderLineAnnotation - annotation that defines a leader line which links two annotations.
  • Added the ability to multi select annotations (multiselection).
  • Added the ability to save groups of annotations into WANG format.
  • Added new annotation properties for storing information about who created and changed annotation.
  • Improved FreeTextAnnotation.
  • Added the ability to read and write annotations to PNG files.
  • Increased annotation drawing speed.
  • Optimized and accelerated Annotation Viewer.
  • Fixed some bugs in WANG annotation decoder and encoder.
  • Improved encoding of annotations in PDF.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Optimized the work of annotated thumbnail viewer algorithm, increased performance.
  • Added the ability to annotate and zoom images with different horizontal and vertical resolution in the annotation viewer.
  • Added the color blending functionality in Highlight Annotation type.
  • Added the ability to draw annotations on the Graphics object.
  • Added the ability to create annotation without rotation possibility. No rotation point shown when such annotation selected.
  • Improved the Annotation Demo application. Added the AnnotationsToolStrip control - independent panel with annotations.
  • Added the ability to show tool tip for annotation.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Added the ability to preview annotation thumbnail image in PropertyGrid and change that image in PropertyGrid.
  • Added the ability to change Location property in PropertyGrid.
  • Fixed the bug in ImageViewer.CancelAnnotationBuilding method.
  • Increased overall performance and optimized memory usage.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Added VintasoftBinary annotations support.
  • Added WANG annotations support: read & write.
  • Added Interpolation (smoothing) for Polyline, Polygon and Freehand line annotations.
  • Improved drawing of Rectangle annotation.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Added the ability to load/save annotations from/to PDF documents (VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in necessary).
  • Fixed the bug in pixel-to-pixel preview mode of image with annotations and different horizontal and vertical resolution.
  • Added new virtual SetResolution method to AnnotationBase Class.
  • Added new CalculateLength method to IRuler interface.
  • Added the ability to build symmetrical annotations visually.
  • Some major and minor fixes.
  • Annotation Demo application updated.
  • Improved caps of annotations.
  • Improved Angle and FreeText annotations.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Added the ability to customize the outline of annotation.
  • Added the ability to maintain aspect ratio of Image annotation.
  • Improved the drawing quality of annotation's caps.
  • Some major and minor fixes.
  • Added the ability to use custom brush for annotation.
  • Added the ability to save/load GUID of annotation.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Added the ability to customize built-in or create custom annotations.
  • Added the ability to fully control interaction of annotations with mouse.
  • Added new annotation types: FreeText and Link.
  • Added the ability to use caps for Line annotations.
  • Added the ability to save annotations to JPEG files.
  • Added the ability to rotate image with annotations on custom angle.
  • Some major and minor fixes.
  • Created an example on how to build custom Triangle annotation.
  • Annotation Demo application updated.
  • Added the ability to append context menu to annotation.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Annotation Demo application updated.
  • Added the ability to annotate an image collection using just one line of code.
  • Added the ability to set the text align in text annotation.
  • Added the ability to identify annotation by GUID.
  • Fixed the bug in drag-and-drop operation of annotated thumbnail viewer.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Created Web Stamp Image Demo applications. The demo shows how to annotate images uploaded to web server.
  • Annotation Demo application updated.
  • Added the ability to preview thumbnails of images with annotations in thumbnail viewer.
  • Added the ability to control changes in annotation or annotations collection via new Events mechanism.
  • Created Documentation in Visual Studio .NET 2005 format.
  • Fixed few bugs in the annotation viewer.
  • Fixed few bugs in the annotation engine.
  • Increased overall performance of annotation engine.
  • Fixed bug in Embedded Image annotation type.
  • Demo applications updated.
  • Created demo applications for 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
  • Some major and minor fixes.
  • Created new annotation types:
    • Line - draws a line.
    • Freehand - draws a freehand line.
    • Ruler - draws line and calculates it length.
    • Rulers - draws a polyline and calculates its overall length.
    • Angle - draws two lines and calculates the angle between them.
    • Polygon - draws a polygon.
    • Freehand polygon - draws a freehand polygon.
    • Square (rectangle with symmetry) - draws a square.
    • Circle (ellipse with symmetry) - draws a circle.
  • Ruler, Rulers and Angle annotations can be calibrated.
  • Created Rotation assistant.
  • Demo applications updated.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Added the ability to create an annotation collection associated with image.
  • Added the ability to add any number of annotations to annotation collection.
  • Added the ability to remove annotations from annotation collection.
  • Added the ability to merge image and annotation collection.
  • Added the ability to save annotations to XML file in Adobe's XMP format.
  • Added the ability to load annotations from XML file.
  • Added the ability to save annotations to TIFF file in Adobe's XMP format.
  • Added the ability to load annotations from TIFF file.
  • Created individual annotation features, like: moving, resizing, rotating, mirroring and processing of annotation.
  • Supported annotation types:
    • Rectangle - draws a rectangle.
    • Ellipse - draws an ellipse.
    • Embedded image - draws an image from internal source.
    • Referenced image - draws an image from external source.
    • Text - draws a text.
    • Rubber stamp - draws a rubber stamp.