VintaSoft Support Service
Here you can gather information how to learn our products, submit your question or leave message about possible bug.
If you looked for answers in provided technical documentation, source code examples and community forums and didn't find them please send us an e-mail message and ask your questions.
If you have not received an answer from us within 2 business days, please make sure that our email message to you was not blocked by your spam filter or bounced by your email server.
VintaSoft products discussions in the Community Forums provide a convenient place for programmers to exchange information. Please search or post your technical questions there. VintaSoft's Customer Support Service monitors forums every workday.
The documentation covers all VintaSoft products and includes User Guide and API Reference. The information in documentation files is meant for persons having at least base knowledges and skills in programming of software applications.
First of all we recommend you to read "Getting Started" and "Programming" sections before beginning your first project. VintaSoft products have many classes and namespaces. These sections should help you to gain an understanding of where to start and of the classes you are likely to need in your project.
Below you can open the documentation file of each product on-line, download the file for off-line use, become familiar with each product F.A.Q. and offered demo source code examples by clicking the relevant link.