VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in - Development History

Product Release Notes

This page provides you the information about development history of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in. The information about the Plug-in API history can be obtained from documentation.

  • .NET development:
    • Now PDF/A-1b converter can convert PDF documents, which contain OpenType fonts.
    • Improved the algorithm of PDF/A converter.
    • Improved the algorithm that allows to remove unnecessary content from a PDF document (PdfDocumentCleanupCommand class).
    • Improved the algorithm that compresses PDF document (PdfDocumentCompressorCommand class).
    • Significantly reduced the memory usage when rendering a PDF page that contains a large amount of vector content.
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that decodes LZW data.
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that renders FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh pattern.
    • Fixed several minor bugs in algorithm that renders a PDF page.
    • Fixed several non-critical bugs.
  • Added support for .NET 8.0 in Windows, Linux and macOS.
  • .NET development:
    • Added the ability to work with linearized PDF documents:
      • Added the ability to check whether a PDF document is linearized.
      • Added the ability to create a linearized PDF document.
    • Added the ability to embed information for long-term validation (LTV) of digital signature into a PDF document.
    • All resources from Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Resources.dll assembly were moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.dll assembly. The Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Resources.dll assembly has been deleted.
  • .NET development:
    • Added support for .NET 7 in Windows, Linux and macOS.
    • PDF/A:
      • Added support for PDF/A-4, PDF/A-4e, PDF/A-4f.
    • Searchable PDF documents:
      • Added the ability to create editable searchable PDF documents in text over image mode (TextOverImage):
        • SDK creates fonts based on vector images of recognized text symbols.
        • Created PDF documents can be edited in image viewer using visual editor of PDF documents.
      • Added SearchablePdfGenerator class that allows to create searchable PDF documents in ImageOverText and TextOverImage modes.
    • Edit existing content on PDF page in WPF/WinForms image viewer:
      • Added the ability to edit any text block on PDF page in image viewer.
        Previous version has several limitations for editing of text blocks, for example, the editor did not allow to edit text block with unprintable symbols.
      • Fixed bugs in visual editor of PDF page.
    • Demo applications:
      • PDF Editor Demo: Added the ability to add OCR pages in TextOverImage and ImageOverText modes to PDF document.
      • PDF Editor Demo: Added the ability to convert and verify a PDF document according to PDF/A-4, PDF/A-4e and PDF/A-4f standards.
    • Fixed several minor bugs.
  • .NET development:
    • Added cross-platform support for Windows, Linux and macOS in .NET 6, .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1.
    • Drawing of 2D graphics:
      • All algorithms of Plug-in for work with 2D graphics were completely revised.
      • Now the Plug-in draws 2D graphics using drawing engine (Vintasoft.Imaging.Drawing.DrawingEngine class) and does not use directly GDI+ library (System.Drawing.Common) anymore.
      • The Plug-in requires a drawing engine: cross-platform drawing engine based on SkiaSharp library (can be used under Windows, Linux and macOS) or the drawing engine based on GDI+ library (can be used under Windows only).
    • Fixed many minor bugs.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added the support for .NET 6 for Windows.
    • Supported development environments:
      • Added the compatibility support for Visual Studio 2022.
    • Supported operation systems:
      • Added the compatibility support for OS Windows 11.
      • Discontinued the compatibility support for OS Windows Server 2003.
    • Edit existing content on PDF page in WPF/WinForms image viewer
      • Added the ability to edit content (graphics, images, forms, text, clip region) of PDF page:
        • change object size
        • move object
        • rotate object
        • delete, copy, insert object
        • set clip path (using graphics path) for object
        • edit image
        • change image/form to the image or form
        • edit parameters of the text output operator
      • Added the ability to edit text on PDF page using rich-text editor:
        • change text
        • change text properties: font, size, color, bold, italic, underline, superscript, subscript, horizontal scale, character spacing
        • change horizontal text alignment: left, right, center, width
        • change paragraph indent
        • change line spacing
        • create numbered list
    • Added the ability to edit properties (fill color, stroke color, alpha constant, pen width, color blending mode, text output mode) of PDF content using PDF Visual Editor.
    • Improved the performance and optimized the memory usage when working with Type0 fonts.
    • Draw graphics figures on PDF page
      • Added new graphics figure - OfficeDocumentFigure, which allows to display page of DOCX document.
      • Added the ability to edit text of OfficeDocumentFigure using rich-text editor:
        • change text
        • change text properties: font, size, color, bold, italic, underline, superscript, subscript, horizontal scale, character spacing
        • change horizontal text alignment: left, right, center, width
        • change paragraph indent
        • change line spacing
        • create numbered list
    • Annotate PDF document
      • Added new annotation - PdfOfficeDocumentAnnotation, which allows to display page of DOCX document.
      • Added the ability to edit text of PdfOfficeDocumentAnnotation using rich-text editor:
        • change text
        • change text properties: font, size, color, bold, italic, underline, superscript, subscript, horizontal scale, character spacing
        • change horizontal text alignment: left, right, center, width
        • change paragraph indent
        • change line spacing
        • create numbered list
    • Demo applications
      • Added new functionality to PdfEditorDemo/WpfPdfEditorDemo application:
        • Added the ability to edit content (graphics, images, forms, text, clip region) of PDF page.
        • Added the ability to edit properties (fill color, stroke color, alpha constant, pen width, color blending mode, text output mode) of PDF content.
        • Added the ability to edit text on PDF page using rich-text editor.
        • Added the ability to add Office annotation to PDF page.
        • Added the ability to draw graphics figure OfficeDocumentFigure on PDF page.
      • Added new functionality to ReportGeneratorDemo application:
        • Added example that demonstrates how to edit data of diagram in DOCX document.
        • Added examples, which demonstrate how to edit properties of text and paragraphs in DOCX document.
    • Created the following .NET assemblies:
      • Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Office.dll
      • Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Office.UI.dll
      • Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Office.Wpf.UI.dll
    • Fixed many minor bugs.
  • .NET development:
    • Added the support for Text-Markup annotations (Highlight, Underline, Strikeout).
  • Web development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • JavaScript engine does not depend on jQuery library anymore and it is now fully written in JavaScript ES5.
      • JavaScript engine now supports only HTML5 web browsers. Discontinued the support of old browsers. Discontinued the support of Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Svg.js file.
    • Added minor changes in JavaScript API. Detailed information about API changes is available here.
    • Fixed non-critical bugs in JavaScript engine.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added the support for .NET 5 for Windows.
    • Added the ability to add extended properties for digital signature.
    • Increased the performance of algorithm that parses PDF document.
  • .NET development:
    • Added the ability to convert a PDF page with text and vector content to SVG image file with vector content.
    • Optimized the algorithm that renders PDF content.
    • Some minor fixes.
  • WEB development
    • Added the ability to work with encrypted PDF documents in web.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added the support for WPF and WinForms in .NET Core 3 for Windows.
        Created the following .NET Core assemblies:
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.UI.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Wpf.UI.dll
      • Drawing on PDF page in WinForms/WPF image viewer:
        • Added the ability to rotate rectangle-based graphics figures (Rectangle, Ellipse, TextBox, FormXObject, Image, VintasoftImage) in WinForms/WPF image viewer.
      • Process a PDF page:
        • Added new PDF page processing commands: PdfColorBlendCommand, PdfPageColorBlendingCommand, PdfDesaturateCommand.
      • Demo applications:
        • Created WPF and WinForms demo applications (PdfEditorDemo, PdfReaderDemo, etc) for .NET Core.
  • Web development:
    • Added the ability to apply redaction marks to PDF document in web image viewer.
    • Added many improvements in viewing and filling of PDF interactive fields in web image viewer.
    • Demo applications:
      • Created new web demo application - PdfEditorDemo, which demonstrates how to view PDF document and apply redaction marks to PDF pages. Web demo application PdfReaderDemo removed.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added support (without UI controls) for .NET Core 3 for Windows.
        Created the following .NET Core assemblies:
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.JavaScript.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Mrc.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Ocr.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Resources.dll.
      • Discontinued support of .NET Framework 2.0. Now SDK supports .NET Framework 4+ and 3.5.
  • Optimize a PDF document:
    • Added new command - PdfSimplifyContentCommand, which allows to simplify vector content of PDF file.
  • Drawing on PDF page:
    • Added the ability to generate and use Tiling patterns.
  • Work with fonts of PDF document:
    • Added the ability to extract TTF file from TTC file by font name.
  • Text search in PDF document and text extraction from PDF document:
    • Decreased the memory usage in algorithm that extracts and selects text on PDF page.
  • Web development:
    • Working with PDF document in web application:
      • The platform-independent .NET Core web service has been created for working with PDF documents.
        The platform-independent web service allows to quickly create web services for any .NET Core compatible web platform, e.g. for ASP.NET Core MVC, ServiceStack. The web service is located in Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Web.Services.dll assembly.
      • Created a web service for working with PDF documents in ASP.NET Core MVC.
        The web service is located in Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.AspNetCore.ApiControllers.dll assembly.
    • Added the ability to fill out the interactive form of PDF document in web image viewer.
  • .NET Framework development
    • View pages of PDF document in WinForms and WPF image viewer:
      • Added the ability to select text using keyboard in PdfTextSelectionTool and WpfPdfTextSelectionTool visual tools. 25 common shortcut keys are supported.
    • Optimize a PDF document:
      • Added new PDF document processing command - PdfDocumentCompressorCommand, which simplifies the PDF document compression process by providing 40+ intuitive properties for adjusting the compression process.
    • Print PDF document:
      • PdfPrintDocument class was added with ability to print PDF documents with transparency in vector form.
    • Process a PDF page:
      • Added new PDF page processing commands - PdfResizeCommand and PdfPageScalingCommand, which allow to change the physical size of PDF page.
      • Added new PDF page processing commands - PdfResizeCanvasCommand and PdfPageResizeCanvasCommand, which allow to change canvas of PDF page.
      • Added new PDF page processing commands - PdfDrawImageCommand and PdfPageDrawImageCommand, which allow to draw image or PDF page in vector form on another PDF page.
      • Added new PDF page processing commands - PdfRotateCommand and PdfPageRotateOrthogonallyCommand, which allow to rotate PDF page orthogonally.
      • Added new PDF page processing command - PdfClearImageCommand, which allows to clear content of PDF page.
      • Added new PDF page processing commands - PdfInvertCommand and PdfPageInvertCommand, which allow to invert vector content of PDF page.
    • Demo applications:
      • Many changes made to simplify and improve the code of PdfCompressorDemo application.
  • Manage PDF document structure:
    • Added the ability to remove optional or marked content from PDF document.
    • Created the PdfDocumentCleanupCommand class, which allwos to remove unnecessary elements from PDF document.
    • Improved the algorithms, which remove content from PDF document.
  • Work with digital signatures of PDF document:
    • Added the ability to evaluate changes, which appeared after signing the PDF document.
    • Added the ability to verify Timestamp signatures (ETSI.RFC3161).
  • PDF/A:
    • Added the ability to convert images to image-only PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a or PDF/A-3a document.
  • Search text in PDF document and extract text from PDF document:
    • Improved work of WebPdfTextSelectionToolJS visual tool in multipage view mode.
  • Demo applications:
    • In demo applications PdfEditorDemo, PdfReaderDemo and WpfPdfEditorDemo added new visual tools: MagnifierTool, ImageMeasureTool, ZoomTool, ZoomToRectangleTool.
    • Added the ability to remove optional or marked content from PDF document in PdfEditorDemo and WpfPdfEditorDemo.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Added the support for PDF 2.0.
  • PDF/A:
    • Added the ability to validate PDF document conformance with PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-3a specification.
    • Added the ability to convert PDF document to PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-3a document.
  • View pages of PDF document in WinForms and WPF image viewer:
    • The visual tool PdfTextSelectionTool allows now to select text in several PDF pages at once.
    • Increased the rendering performance of PDF annotations and interactive fields in multipage view mode.
  • Manage PDF document structure:
    • Added the ability to create marked content.
    • Added the ability to remove duplicate resources from PDF document.
    • Added the ability to get linearized PDF tree for analysis (PdfTreeNodeBase.GetLiniarizedSubtree).
    • Improved the search and definition of suitable fonts.
    • Improved the algorithms, which extract resources from PDF document.
    • Improved the algorithms, which analyze and edit PDF content.
  • Edit content of PDF page:
    • Added the ability to invert content of PDF page.
    • Accelerated the algorithms of analysis and editing PDF content.
  • Render PDF document:
    • Improved the algorithm, which renders optional content of PDF document.
    • Added the ability to merge a vector PDF annotation with content of PDF page.
  • Search text in PDF document and extract text from PDF document:
    • Fixed some bugs in algorithm that extracts text from PDF page.
  • Demo applications:
    • Some minor improvements in Pdf Editor Demo and Pdf Reader Demo.
  • The detailed information about API changes is located in Changes History article.
  • Display PDF document in WinForms or WPF viewer:
    • Added the ability to simultaneously annotate several PDF pages, when the viewer works in multipage view mode.
    • Added the ability to simultaneously fill in interactive fields of several PDF pages, when the viewer works in multipage view mode.
  • Display PDF document in HTML5 or SVG viewer:
    • Added new visual tool - WebPdfImageExtractorToolJS, which allows to select and extract images from PDF page.
    • Added new visual tool - WebPdfTextSelectionToolJS, which allows to search, highlight and extract text from PDF page.
  • Edit PDF content in WinForms and WPF image viewer:
    • Added the ability to simultaneously edit interactive fields of several PDF pages, when the viewer works in multipage view mode.
    • Added the ability to simultaneously remove content of several PDF pages, when the viewer works in multipage view mode.
    • Added the ability to simultaneously edit content of several PDF pages, when the viewer works in multipage view mode.
    • Added the ability to move PDF annotations and interactive fields from one page to another, when the viewer works in multipage view mode.
    • Added new visual tool - PdfContentXObjectTool, which allows to find, highlight and remove forms or images from PDF page.
  • Verification and conversion of PDF documents:
    • Convert PDF documents to PDF/A format:
      • Added the ability to convert documents, which contain the transparency.
      • Added the ability to convert TrueType fonts into CFF fonts, when necessary.
      • Added the ability to review the list of modification made in the document (AppliedCommands property of ConversionProfileResult class).
    • Improved PDF/A converters.
    • Improved PDF/A verifiers.
    • Fixed some bugs in PDF/A converters.
  • Work with PDF document:
    • Created Web API 2 controller to work with PDF document (VintasoftPdfApi2Controller class).
    • Created Web API controller to work with PDF document (VintasoftPdfApiController class).
    • Created HTTP handler to work with PDF document (VintasoftPdfHandler class).
    • Created WCF service to work with PDF document (VintasoftPdfWcfService class).
  • Optimizing a PDF document:
    • Added the ability to remove unused resources of PDF document (PdfDocument.RemoveUnusedNamedResources).
    • Added the ability to remove unused resources of PDF page (PdfPage.RemoveUnusedNamedResources).
    • Added the ability to remove unused resources of PDF form (PdfFormXObjectResource.RemoveUnusedNamedResources).
    • Optimized the packing algorithm of PDF documents.
  • Text search in PDF document and text extraction from PDF document:
    • Added the ability to extract a formatted text of PDF page. The extracted text can be formatted by paragraphs, by lines, for monospace fonts. Architecture is open and allows to use custom text formatting algorithms.
  • Drawing on PDF page, XObject form or annotation:
    • Improved the word wrapping algorithm in PdfGraphics.DrawString() method. Now the algorithm optimally wraps word even if there is no gap in the word.
  • Work with fonts of PDF document:
    • Implemented the ability to determine whether is possible to encode the specified text using the specified font.
    • Improved the parsers of fonts.
  • Work with interactive fields of PDF document:
    • Added the support for min and max size of font for textual interactive fields whose font size is determined automatically.
    • Improved the generators of representation for RadioButton and CheckBox.
  • Edit PDF content:
    • Improved the algorithm of cropping PDF page content (PdfPage.Crop).
    • Improved the algorithm of cropping PDF form content (PdfFormXObject.Crop).
  • Visual interaction with PDF document:
    • Improved the JavaScript interpreter.
  • Demo applications:
    • PdfEditorDemo application for WinForms and WPF:
      • Added the ability to work with PDF document in multipage mode.
      • Added new abilities to process PDF document:
        • Added the ability to remove unused resources of PDF document.
        • Added the ability to pack/unpack the data streams of PDF document.
        • Added the ability to convert TrueType font into CFF font.
      • Improved the presentation of PDF/A converter results:
        • Added the ability to group results by pages.
        • Added the ability to group results by applied commands.
      • Added the ability to work with forms and images on PDF page: selection by mouse, highlighting, removing.
      • Implemented the support for hot-keys Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Del while editing interactive fields.
      • Some minor improvements.
    • Created the mini demo application "PDF Document Viewer", which demonstrates the minimum functionality necessary for building a PDF viewing application.
    • PdfReaderDemo application for WinForms and WPF:
      • Added the ability to work with PDF document in multipage mode.
      • Added the ability to work with forms and images on PDF page: selection by mouse and hightlighting.
    • PdfReaderDemo application for ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET MVC:
      • Added the ability to obtain information about PDF document.
      • Added the ability to search, highlight and extract text from PDF page.
      • Added the ability to extract images from PDF document.
      • The code of demo applications has been refactored.
  • The detailed information about API changes is located in Changes History article.
  • Verification and conversion of PDF documents:
    • Added the ability to verify PDF documents for compliance with standards: PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-3b
      • Ability to verify PDF document for compliance with all sections, separate section or item of PDF/A specification.
      • Fast verification mode (until the first error found).
      • Ability to show detailed multi-level progress indicator of verification process.
      • Ability to view verification results in full details.
      • Open architecture, which allows to develop any algorithm to verify PDF documents.
    • Added the ability to convert PDF document into following formats: PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-3b
      • Many settings for configuring the conversion process.
      • Ability to show detailed multi-level progress indicator of conversion process.
      • Ability to view conversion results in full details.
      • Open architecture, which allows to develop any algorithm to convert PDF documents.
  • Work with PDF document:
    • Added the ability to work with PDF document in multiple threads (rendering, getting thumbnails, text extraction, image extraction).
    • Improved the algorithm of XREF table recovery.
  • Work with annotations of PDF document:
    • New types of PDF annotations supported:
      • Ink
      • File Attachment
    • Added the Cloudy style for the following PDF annotations: polygon, rectangle, free text.
    • Added the ability to show pop-ups for PDF annotations in annotated image viewer, in both WinForms and WPF.
    • Improved the multi-selection of annotations in Edit mode for PdfAnnotationTool and WpfPdfAnnotationTool.
  • Work with interactive fields of PDF document:
    • Added new interactive field - PdfInteractiveFormVintasoftBarcodeField, which allows to use all types of 1D and 2D barcodes available in VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK. The field has some additional parameters, which are not available in common PdfInteractiveFormBarcodeField:
      • background color (incl. no background)
      • barcode color
      • border (color, width)
      • barcode layout (indent for each side)
      • BestFit mode (barcode is stretched out to fill the whole field area, two-dimensional barcodes will keep their proportions)
    • Added the ability to update the appearances of interactive fields automatically (PdfDocument.AutoUpdateInteractiveFormAppearances).
  • Render PDF document:
    • Added the ability to control the interpolation of samples when rendering JPEG images of a PDF page.
    • Improved the rendering performance of 1-bit images.
  • Draw on PDF page, XObject form or annotation:
    • Added the ability to draw on background of PDF page or form.
  • Work with fonts of PDF document:
    • Now PdfDocument class by default uses a controller of external fonts with fallback-font, i.e. any not found font will be replaced by default font.
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that builds the encoding of CFF-based Type0 font.
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that encodes text.
  • Text search and text extraction from PDF document:
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that extracts text.
  • View PDF document in WinForms or WPF image viewer:
    • Now the thumbnail viewer renders thumbnails in multiple threads.
  • Edit PDF content in WinForms and WPF image viewer:
    • Now PdfContentEditorTool class allows to draw a PDF page or form on another PDF page or form.
  • Demo applications:
    • New features added to PDF Reader Demo:
      • Added the ability to verify PDF documents compliance to the following standards: PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-3b.
      • Added the dialog for viewing and selecting PDF document resources.
    • New features added to PDF Editor Demo:
      • Added the ability to verify PDF documents compliance to the following standards: PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-3b.
      • Added the ability to convert PDF documents to the following formats: PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-3b.
      • New "Properties" tab is added to the settings dialog of annotations and interactive fields. The tab contains easy to use and intuitive properties of annotations and interactive fields.
      • Added the ability to build the following new PDF annotations:
        • Ink
        • File Attachment
        • Cloud Rectangle, Cloud Filled Rectangle
        • Cloud Ellipse, Cloud Filled Ellipse
        • Cloud Polygon, Cloud Filled Polygon
        • Cloud Text
        • Cloud Free Text
      • Added the dialog that allows to view and select the resource of PDF document. Dialog allows to:
        • select resource from another PDF document
        • create a PDF resource from image
        • create a PDF form-resource from a PDF page
      • Added the dialog for editing JavaScript of PDF document level.
      • Added dialogs for editing triggers of PDF document objects.
      • Added the following commands for processing a PDF document:
        • Conversion/verification to PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-3b.
        • Conversion to an image-only PDF document.
      • Added the following commands for processing a PDF page:
        • Burn annotations.
        • Conversion to image-only PDF page.
        • Clear page content.
        • Rotate page.
    • New features added to PDF Structure Editor Demo:
      • Added the ability to verify PDF documents compliance to the following standards: PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-3b.
      • Added the ability to convert PDF documents to the following formats: PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-3b.
      • Added the dialog that allows to view and select PDF document resources.
  • Added many major and minor fixes.
  • Visual interaction with PDF document:
    • Created a visual tool - PdfAnnotationTool, which allows to interact with PDF annotations (PDF comments) and interactive form fields of PDF document. The visual tool:
      • In View mode allows to view PDF comments and fill out the fields of PDF interactive form.
      • In Markup mode allows to edit PDF markup annotations and fill out the fields of PDF interactive form.
      • In Edit mode allows to:
        • resize and relocate PDF comments and interactive fields
        • change the appearance of PDF comments and interactive fields
        • create/delete/copy/paste PDF comments and interactive fields
        • select at once several PDF comments and interactive fields.
      • Allows to assign actions to the triggers of PDF comments and interactive fields.
      • Allows to display the name of interactive field above the field.
      • Allows to highlight the interactive fields, which can be filled in.
      • Allows to highlight only those interactive fields, which are mandatory to fill in.
      • Allows to highlight the PDF comments and interactive fields in Edit mode.
      • Supports the performing of the following actions: JavaScript action, Annotation hide action, Goto action, Launch action, Named action, URI action, Import form data action, Reset form action, Submit form action.
      • Allows to configure the visual appearance of interactive zones: color, transparency, size, size of the zone.
    • Added the ability to use the JavaScript interpreter and support for performing of JavaScript actions.
    • Added the support for common actions of user interface (copy, cut, paste, remove, select all) for the following visual tools: PdfAnnotationTool, PdfContentEditorTool, PdfTextSelectionTool, PdfImageExtractionTool, PdfRemoveContentool.
  • Work with PDF annotations (PDF comments):
    • Created the appearance generators of common PDF annotations.
  • Work with PDF interactive fields:
    • Added the ability to import values of interactive form from XFDF format.
    • Added the ability to export values of interactive form to XFDF format.
  • Print PDF document:
    • Increased the overall print performance and reduced the memory usage while printing PDF documents in WinForms, this was made possible because the new PdfPrintDocument class prints the PDF documents in vector form.
  • Work with fonts of PDF document:
    • Added the support for composite fonts with variable code length.
    • Added the support for predefined CMap-encodings for composite fonts.
    • Added the support for TrueType font collections (.ttc files).
    • Added the ability to create a subset for font, which is based on a Type1 program.
    • Created a new version of FontProgramsController-s with improved and simplified algorithms of font search and substitution.
    • Added the ability to substitute the program for 14 standard fonts.
    • Added the ability to pack Type1 and Type3 fonts.
    • Added the ability to embed and pack fonts based on TTC program.
    • Added the ability to obfuscate text for Type3 fonts, fonts based on Type1 and CFF program.
    • Added the ability to view progress and get a detailed information about font obfuscation, font packing, content removal.
    • Fixed some bugs in parser of Type1 fonts.
    • Fixed some bugs in parser of CFF fonts.
  • Render PDF document:
    • Added the rendering support for vertically aligned text.
    • Added the ability to control the drawing of PDF annotations using the PdfContentRenderer class.
    • Added the support for extended management of PDF annotations rendering using rendering settings of PDF document.
  • Work with a low-level tree of PDF document:
    • Added the ability to view and change the tree of basic objects of PDF document.
    • Added the ability to store the user data in any node of PDF document.
  • Demo applications:
    • PdfEditorDemo has been fully revised:
      • Added the independent panels for:
        • text selection, text extraction and text search
        • filling out the interactive form fields of PDF document
        • annotating of PDF document
        • creation of the interactive form fields of PDF document
        • extracting of images from PDF page
        • adding graphics to a PDF page
        • removing content from PDF page.
      • Added the ability to annotate PDF documents.
      • Added the ability to fill out the interactive fields of PDF document.
      • Added the ability to create PDF documents with interactive forms.
      • Added the ability to export/import fields of PDF interactive form in XFDF format.
      • Added the ability to export the interactive form fields to PDF format.
      • Added the ability to assign any action to any trigger of PDF annotations and interactive fields.
      • Added the ability to assign any action to the PDF event handlers.
      • Added the ability to trigger all supported PDF actions (incl. JavaScript actions).
      • Added the ability to invert the region of the (hyper) link when activated. Also is possible to configure a custom effect.
      • Added the ability to test and debug the JavaScript code.
      • Added the ability to determine the order of calculation of computed interactive fields.
      • Added the ability to burn vector PDF annotations on PDF page.
    • PdfReaderDemo has been fully revised:
      • Added the independent panels for:
        • text selection, text extraction and text search
        • filling out the interactive form fields of PDF document
        • extracting of images from PDF page.
      • Added the ability to fill out the interactive fields of PDF document.
    • Added the ability to view the low-level tree of PDF document in PdfStructureEditorDemo.
    • Added an example that demonstrates how to create and perform PDF Actions in PdfReportGeneratorDemo.
  • Added many major and minor fixes.
  • Remove content of PDF document:
    • Added the ability to remove text from a page of PDF document.
    • Added the ability to clean up an image on a page of PDF document.
    • Added the ability to remove a vector graphics from a page of PDF document.
    • Created PdfRemoveContentTool visual tool, which allows to apply redaction marks to a PDF document for the purpose of removal or black out the content without the ability to restore.
  • Protect text in PDF document against extraction:
    • Added the ability to obfuscate information about text encoding for the purpose of protection the document against text extraction:
      • current version supports only fonts based on TrueType program
      • obfuscate information about character encoding for the specified pages or the whole document
      • shuffle glyphs of font characters in a random way, replace character codes on page
      • duplicate glyphs of font characters, replace a character code to several codes
      • create obfuscated font for the whole document or create copies of obfuscated font for each page.
  • Work with fonts of PDF document:
    • Added the support for OpenType fonts.
    • Added the ability to pack one or more fonts of PDF document. Current version supports only fonts based on TrueType program.
    • Added the ability to create a subset of TrueType font.
    • Added the ability to embed external and standard PDF fonts. Current version supports only fonts based on TrueType program.
    • Now the text extraction will work either if the external font program is not found. In previous versions it was not possible to extract text in case the external font program was not found.
    • The performance of text extraction has been increased greatly.
    • The performance of text search algorithm has been increased.
    • The text extraction has been improved.
    • The text selection has been improved.
  • Draw on PDF page, XObject form or annotation:
    • Added the ability to manage and override the algorithm of PDF content rendering using PdfContentRenderer class:
      • added the ability to override the drawing methods of any graphical object (images, paths, text, etc)
      • added the ability to control the current graphical state (pen thickness, color of pen and brush, font size, transformation matrix, etc)
      • added the ability to perform the processing of images, which are drawn.
    • Added the ability save image as inline image in PDF document and draw image on PDF page (PdfGraphics.DrawInlineImage method).
      In previous versions image could be saved only as image-resource.
    • Created VintasoftImageFigure class, which simplifies the process of drawing raster or vector image on PDF page.
    • The performance of rendering of PDF document pages has been increased.
    • Added the progressive rendering of JPEG images on PDF page.
  • Work with attachments of PDF document:
    • Added the ability to view, create and edit PDF portfolio:
      • create, delete, rename, export, import files and folders
      • define and obtain thumbnails for files and folders
      • create and edit the portfolio schema
      • create and edit the data fields of folder and files
      • manage the visual appearance of viewer: manage the colors, position and availability of separator, initial view mode, sorting of files and folders.
  • Work with optional content of PDF document:
    • Added the ability to create document with optional content and manage optional content groups:
      • create optional content (PdfGraphics.BeginOptionalContent())
      • add an image-resource, form-resource, annotation to an optional content group
      • create and change properties of optional content groups
      • create and manage configurations of optional content.
  • Work with PDF document:
    • Added PdfDocument.ViewerPreferences and PdfDocument.ViewerPageLayout properties, which allow to define the settings of visual appearance of standard PDF viewing application.
    • Added PdfDocument.Extensions property, which allows to obtain and add information about developer extensions.
  • Work with interactive form of PDF document:
    • Added PdfAnnotationHideAction class, which allows to control the visibility of interactive form fields.
  • Demo applications:
    • PdfEditorDemo / WpfPdfEditorDemo:
      • added the ability to work with redaction marks (content removal without ability to restore)
      • added the ability to perform packing of all fonts in PDF document
      • added the ability to view, edit and create the portfolio
      • added the ability to obfuscate text encodings of the whole document or a single page.
    • PdfStructureEditorDemo:
      • added the ability to view, edit and create the portfolio
      • added the ability to obfuscate text encodings of the whole document or a single page.
    • PdfCompressorDemo:
      • added the ability to perform packing of all fonts while compressing a PDF document.
    • PdfReaderDemo:
      • added the ability to view the portfolio.
    • PdfReportGeneratorDemo:
      • added an example that shows how to create PDF document with layers (optional content).
  • Plenty of minor fixes and improvements.
  • Work with interactive form of PDF document:
    • Added the ability to work with interactive forms of PDF document programmatically:
      • Supported form fields:
        • Pushbutton
        • Text
        • ListBox
        • ComboBox
        • CheckBox
        • RadioButton
        • SignatureField
        • BarcodeField (DataMatrix, PDF417, QRCode)
      • Added the ability to obtain a list of form fields.
      • Added the ability to create a form field.
      • Added the ability to add a field into a form.
      • Added the ability to remove a field from a form.
      • Added the ability to get or set value and parameters of form field.
      • Added the ability to create or change appearances of form field for different display modes (Normal, Down, Rollover).
      • Added the ability to change parameters of dynamical appearance of form field.
      • Added the ability to specify parameters of default appearance of dynamical text.
      • Added the ability to assign actions onto various triggers of annotation and interactive field.
      • Added the ability to use JavaScript for verification or calculation of field values.
      • Added the ability to generate the appearance of interactive fields:
        • for fields with dynamical appearance
        • for BarcodeField (DataMatrix, PDF417, QRCode) - VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK is necessary
  • Work with digital signatures of PDF document:
    • Added the ability to obtain a list of digital signatures of PDF document.
    • Added the ability to verify a digital signature signed using byte range digest method.
    • Added the ability to obtain information about signature: certificate that was used to create the signature; certificates chain that was used to create the signature; additional information.
    • Added the ability to recover and save a document revision at moment of signing the document with digital signature.
  • Signing of PDF document with digital signature:
    • Added the ability to sign a PDF document with digital signature of PKCS#1 or PKCS#7 format using X509 certificate.
    • Added the ability to create an empty field of digital signature.
    • Added the ability to create a visual appearance of digital signature field.
  • Drawing on PDF page, XObject form or annotation:
    • Added the ability to draw a PDF annotation onto PdfGraphics (i.e. on a page, XObject form, annotation).
    • Added the ability to draw an XObject form onto PdfGraphics (i.e. on a page, XObject form, annotation).
  • Work with annotations of PDF document:
    • Added the ability to create or edit any annotation appearance for any display mode using PdfGraphics.
  • Work with XObject forms of PDF document:
    • Added the ability to create an XObject object.
  • Work with actions of PDF document:
    • Added support for some new actions: JavaScriptAction, SubmitFormAction, ResetFormAction, ImportFormDataAction.
    • Added support for composite actions (PdfAction.NextActions property).
    • Added the ability to manage an extended set of additional actions for document, page, annotation, interactive form.
    • Added the ability to add or extract JavaScript code from PDF document.
  • Optimizing a PDF document:
    • Added the ability to remove unused elements from name dictionary of PDF document.
    • Added the ability to remove unused pages from PDF document.
  • Saving a PDF document:
    • Added the ability to manage the method of document update (Incremental, Pack, etc) through PdfEncoder class settings.
  • Demo applications:
    • Pdf Reader Demo was complemented with ability to view and verify digital signatures of PDF document.
    • Pdf Editor Demo and Wpf Pdf Editor Demo was complemented with ability to work with digital signatures: viewing and verifying signatures; saving a revision of document at moment of signing; signing the document via certificate; visual creation of signature appearance; deleting of digital signatures; creating of empty signature field.
    • Pdf Structure Editor Demo was complemented with ability to show and verify digital signatures of PDF document.
    • Pdf Report Generator Demo was extended with some examples of creating PDF documents with interactive form fields: Pushbutton, Text, ListBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, RadioButton, SignatueField, BarcodeField.
    • Pdf Compressor Demo was complemented with additional abilities: deleting of unused names and pages of PDF document.
  • Loading PDF document
    • Improved the work with damaged PDF documents.
    • Improved the algorithm of XREF table recovery.
    • Fixed several bugs in parser of PDF document fonts.
  • Rendering PDF page
    • Accelerated the rendering of PDF pages.
    • Improved the quality and fixed few bugs in rendering of patterns.
    • Added the decoding support for 1-, 2-, 4-bit CMYK and RGB images.
    • Fixed some minor bugs in rendering of PDF pages.
  • Editing PDF page content
    • Added the ability to change image of PDF resource.
    • Added the ability to compress image of PDF resource.
    • Added the ability to obtain access to a list of PDF page annotations.
    • Added a few new abilities to PdfGraphics class for working with content.
  • Saving PDF document
    • Added the ability to divide the encoded image on tiles while encoding using PdfEncoder and PdfMrcEncoder classes. This significantly decreases the memory usage while encoding large images.
  • Demo applications
    • Created new demo application - PDF Compressor Demo, which allows to compress any PDF document.
      The demo exposes the abilities to:
      • optimize images of PDF document to necessary resolution
      • determine the actual color depth of image resources
      • re-compress images using other selected filters and settings
      • change LZW to Flate(ZIP)
      • compress not compressed resources using Flate(ZIP)
      • re-compress Flate(ZIP) with highest compression level
      • remove broken bookmarks
      • remove bookmarks
      • remove embedded thumbnails
      • remove file attachments
      • remove information about document
      • use compressed XREF table
      • remove unused objects
      • remove broken links
      • remove annotations and links.
  • Implemented the MRC (Mixed Raster Content) compression algorithm for encoding color document images to PDF format:
    • 4 layers (background, image, mask, front) with ability to switch off any layer.
    • The ability to configure compression settings for each layer.
    • The ability to detect pictures on document image automatically or specify picture regions manually.
    • Plenty of various settings to configure the compression for a particular task allow to reach the best quality/compression ratio.
  • Added the ability to render PDF page progressively with progress indicator and cancellation opportunity.
  • Added the ability to render JPEG2000 images in PDF page progressively.
  • Added the ability to draw large images on PDF page progressively.
  • Added the support for ICCBased color space.
  • Improved the color rendering for CMYK, CalRGB, CalGray, Lab color spaces.
  • Added the support for rendering TensorProductPatchMesh, CoonsPatchMesh patterns.
  • Added the support for rendering annotations of 'Widget' type (Interactive Forms).
  • Expanded the text search opportunities:
    • Added the ability to search for text using regular expressions.
    • Added the ability to implement user-defined text search algorithm.
  • Increased the speed of rendering PDF documents:
    • Increased the speed of work with images containing SoftMask transparency.
    • Significantly increased the speed of rendering PDF pages containing CMYK JPEG images.
  • Optimized the memory usage when working with large images.
  • Assemblies were renamed and made changes in structure of namespaces. For more information click here.
  • Created new demo applications:
    • PDF MRC Compression Demo - demonstrates how to encode color document images to PDF format using PDF MRC compression.
    • Web Pdf Reader Demo - demonstrates how to view PDF documents in web application.
  • Improved support of transparency in PDF documents:
    • Added support for SoftMask parameter of graphical state.
    • Added support of Transparency Group XObjects.
  • Improved the drawing quality of rotated composite images in PDF.
  • Fixed bugs in parsers of Type1 and CFF fonts.
  • Added the ability to draw a document page (PdfPage) on PdfGraphics in the specified rectangle.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • PdfEditorTool has been translated onto interactive communication engine UserInteractionVisualTool, which greatly expanded the possibilities of this visual tool.
  • Created WPF controls which make the work with PDF page in WPF easier:
    • WpfPdfViewerTool - WPF control intended for text navigation and selection on PDF page.
    • WpfPdfImageExtractorTool - WPF control intended for image selection and extraction from PDF page.
    • WpfPdfEditorTool - WPF control intended for editing content of PDF page.
  • Created WpfPdfFontViewerControl - WPF control intended for displaying information about PDF document fonts.
  • PdfGraphics class functionality expanded with features for creation PDF page content:
    • Added the ability to save/restore a graphical state of PdfGraphics (SaveGraphicsState, RestoreGraphicsState).
    • Added the ability to use the intersection of regions (IntersectClip).
    • Added the ability to change the matrix of graphic transformations (TranslateTransform, ScaleTransform, RotateTransform).
    • Added the ability to measure and draw text string (MeasureString, DrawString).
    • Added the ability to set the line, word and character spacing (SetCharacterSpacing, SetWordSpacing, SetTextRise, SetHorizontalTextScaling).
  • Created new hierarchy (superstructure of the PdfGraphics class) of graphical figures (GraphicsFigure) for simplifying the generation of PDF page content.
  • IVectorDecoder interface in the PdfDecoder class implemented.
  • Added the ability to generate PDF fonts based on TTF fonts, this functionality allows to add any text to PDF document. FontManager class created (PdfDocument.FontManager) which allows easily manipulate fonts of PDF document.
  • Added the ability to copy fonts among PDF documents (PdfDocument.FontManager.CreateFontCopy method).
  • Added the ability to change an action being executed at opening of PDF document (PdfDocument.OpenAction and PdfDocument.OpenDestination properties).
  • Added the ability to change an action being executed at selection of PDF bookmark (PdfBookmark.Action property).
  • Added the ability to simplify creation of PDF pages with standard sizes (A4, A3, etc) or with size specified in millimeters or inches.
  • Pdf Report Generator demo created. This new demo application shows how to generate PDF documents (report, invoice, etc) on the fly.
  • Ocr demo created. This new demo application shows how to recognize a text on the image and save the result into searchable PDF document.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • PDF encoder improved.
  • Fixed some bugs in PDF decoder and renderer.
  • Fixed some bugs in PDF font parsing.
  • Fixed some bugs in CCITT3 decoding algorithm.
  • Fixed some bugs in text extraction algorithm.
  • Fixed some bugs in PDF stream parameters parsing.
  • Optimized the algorithm of Xref table parser.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Added support for decoding and encoding of secured PDF documents (ARC4, AES).
  • Added support for decoding and encoding of JPEG2000 images in PDF documents using VintaSoft JPEG2000 .NET Plug-in.
  • Added support for PDF file attachments which allows to view, retrieve, add, delete, change description and compression parameters.
  • Added support for color blending in PDF page rendering.
  • New color spaces supported: CalGray, CalRGB, Lab, DeviceN.
  • Added support for non-indexed JPEG images based on CMYK color space in PDF.
  • Added support for Type 4 function (PostScript Calculator).
  • Added support for decoding of 2-bit images.
  • Improved the work with corrupted PDF documents.
  • Pdf Editor, Pdf Structure Editor and Pdf Reader demos were complemented with an implementation of font replacement algorithm for case when the font is not to be found.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Added a control for displaying PDF font: PdfFontViewerControl.
  • Added a visual tool for text selection and navigation: PdfViewerTool.
  • Added an extended drawing access to PDF page: PdfEditorTool.
  • Added a visual tool for selecting and extracting images from PDF page: PdfImageExtractorTool.
  • Added the ability to extract text from PDF pages.
  • Added the ability to find text in PDF document.
  • PDF Editor demo updated and renamed to PDF Structure Editor demo.
  • Increased overall performance and optimized memory usage.
  • New PDF Editor demo application created.
  • Demo applications updated.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Created the ability to view and print PDF documents of version 1.0-1.7.
  • Created the ability to render PDF files to any supported raster image format.
  • Created the ability to display PDF file bookmarks and any page annotations.
  • Created the ability to create and save PDF documents version 1.0-1.7 and image-only PDF/A.
  • Created the ability to pack and optimize PDF file content.
  • Created the ability to create and edit PDF file bookmarks.
  • Created the ability to work with PDF page annotations using features of VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in.
  • Supported font types: TrueType, Type0, Type1, Type3.
  • Supported compressions: CCITT3, CCITT4, JPEG, LZW, Run Length, Zip, JBIG2.
  • Supported color spaces: DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK, Indexed, Separation, Pattern.
  • Created demo applications: PDF Reader demo, PDF Editor demo, PDF Drawing demo and Web PDF Reader demo.