VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for .NET developer
Classes Enumerations SeeAlso
In This Topic
    Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.UI.Annotations Namespace (Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.UI)
    In This Topic
    Contains classes for viewing and interacting with anotations of PDF document.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF annotation and defines simple interaction logic.
    ClassA visual tool that allows to view, fill and edit the annotations and interactive form fields of PDF document.
    ClassExecutor of "Hide Annotation" action that hides or shows one or more annotations on the screen by setting or clearing their PdfAnnotationFlags.Hidden flag.
    ClassExecutor of "Reset Form" action that resets selected interactive form fields to their default values.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PdfAnnotation and how user can interact with PdfAnnotation.
    ClassProvides data for an event when annotation view is changed.
    ClassProvides data for an event when PDF annotation view is changing.
    ClassRepresents the collection of PDF annotation view.
    ClassProvides data for HoveredAnnotationViewChanging and HoveredAnnotationViewChanged events.
    ClassProvides data for PDF annotation view mouse events.
    ClassDetermines how to display a annotation of PdfInteractiveFormBarcodeField and how user can interact with it.
    ClassInteraction controller that executes PDF button interaction logic in view(fill) mode.
    ClassDetermines how to display a caret annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassInteraction controller that fills PDF checkbox widget annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display an annotation of PdfInteractiveFormCheckBoxField and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF circle annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassInteraction controller that executes PDF combo box interaction logic in view(fill) mode.
    ClassDetermines how to display an annotation of PdfInteractiveFormComboBoxField and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF File Attachment annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF free text annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassInteraction controller that builds an Ink annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display an Ink annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassStores and manages settings for interaction areas of PDF visual tool.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF line annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF link annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassInteraction controller that executes PDF link interaction logic in view mode.
    ClassInteraction controller that allows to fill PDF listbox widget annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display an annotation of PdfInteractiveFormListBoxField and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF markup annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF polygonal annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a polygon annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF polyline annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display an annotation of PdfInteractiveFormPushButtonField and how user can interact with it.
    ClassInteraction controller that fills PDF radio button widget annotation.
    ClassDetermines how to display an annotation of PdfInteractiveFormRadioButtonField and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF circle or square annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF rubbers stamp annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display an annotation of PdfInteractiveFormSignatureField and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF square annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF Text annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PDF Markup Text annotation and how user can interact with it.
    ClassInteraction controller that executes PDF text box interaction logic in view(fill) mode.
    ClassDetermines how to display a annotation of PdfInteractiveFormTextField and how user can interact with it.
    ClassDetermines how to display a PdfWidgetAnnotation and how user can interact with PdfWidgetAnnotation.
    EnumerationSpecifies available interaction modes, which define how the PdfAnnotationTool can interact with PDF annotation.
    See Also