VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK - Entwicklungsgeschichte

Informationen über Produktfreigaben

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen über die allgemeine Entwicklungsgeschichte von VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK. Informationen über Änderungen am SDK API finden Sie in der Dokumentation.

  • .NET development:
    • Created VintaSoft SANE .NET API that allows to work with SANE image scanners in Linux:
      • Enumerate SANE devices
      • Select SANE device programmatically
      • Set any option of SANE device (image type, image resolution, image size, image position, page format, page orientation, image brightness, image contrast, etc) programmatically
      • Acquire black-white, grayscale or color images from SANE device
      • Acquire image area from SANE device
      • Scan pages from the automatic document feeder (ADF) of SANE device
      • Cancel image acquisition from SANE device
      • Process scanned images
      • Get scanned image as Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftBitmap object
      • Save scanned images to a file
    • Demo applications:
      • Created the SANE Console Demo that demonstrates how to acquire images from SANE image scanner in Linux.
  • Web development:
    • Created Linux edition of VintaSoft Web TWAIN service that allows to work with TWAIN and SANE image scanners in Linux:
      • Enumerate TWAIN/SANE devices
      • Select TWAIN/SANE device programmatically
      • Set any capability/option of TWAIN/SANE device (image type, image resolution, image size, image position, page format, page orientation, image brightness, image contrast, etc) programmatically
      • Acquire black-white, grayscale or color images from TWAIN/SANE device
      • Acquire image area from TWAIN/SANE device
      • Scan pages from the automatic document feeder (ADF) of TWAIN/SANE device
      • Cancel image acquisition from TWAIN/SANE device
      • Process scanned images
      • Save scanned images to a file or upload to a server
      • Linux edition of VintaSoft Web TWAIN service was tested in Ubuntu 23/22/20/18, Debian 12/11/10, Fedora 39/38/37/36
    • Created .deb-package that allows to install VintaSoft Web TWAIN service (Linux edition) in Debian and Ubuntu.
    • Created .rpm-package that allows to install VintaSoft Web TWAIN service (Linux edition) in Fedora.
    • Vintasoft TWAIN JavaScript API now is unified JavaScript API that allows to work with TWAIN and SANE image scanners in Windows and Linux. Vintasoft TWAIN JavaScript API does not have significant changes.
    • Demo applications:
      • Now all VintaSoft Web TWAIN Scanning Demos can be used in Windows and Linux.
  • Added the support for .NET 8.0 in Windows and Linux.
  • .NET development:
    • Added the cross-platform support for Windows and Linux.
    • Now the SDK provides 3 versions of .NET assemblies:
      • Vintasoft.Twain.dll - .NET assembly that can be used in .NET application for Windows and Linux. This assembly uses drawing primitives (VintasoftBitmap, VintasoftRect etc) from Vintasoft.Shared library.
      • Vintasoft.WinTwain.dll - .NET assembly that can be used in .NET application for Windows. This assembly uses drawing primitives (Bitmap, Rectangle etc) from System.Drawing.Common library.
      • Vintasoft.WpfTwain.dll - .NET assembly that can be used in WPF application for Windows. This assembly uses drawing primitives (BitmapSource, Rectangle etc) from WPF library.
    • IMPORTANT: If you used Vintasoft.Twain.dll assembly of version 12.2 or older in Windows, starting from version 14.0 you require to use Vintasoft.WinTwain.dll assembly.
    • Several minor improvements and bug fixes.
  • Web development:
    • Version 12.2 and older versions had API that allowed to work with TWAIN device synchronously.
      Version 14.0 has API that allows to work with TWAIN device synchronously and asynchronously.
      Please read the detailed information that describes the changes in JavaScript API here.
    • Created examples of JavaScript code, which demonstrate how to work with TWAIN scanner asynchronously.
  • Added support for .NET 7 in Windows.
  • Added the support for .NET 6.
  • Added the compatibility support for Visual Studio 2022.
  • Added the compatibility support for OS Windows 11.
  • Discontinued the compatibility support for OS Windows Server 2003.
  • Created a completely new version of VintaSoft Web TWAIN service:
    • VintaSoft Web TWAIN service is a Windows service, which provides a Web API for accessing local scanners for all users of local computer.
    • VintaSoft Web TWAIN service is a .NET Framework 4.0 application and it can be used on any Windows computer (Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista; Windows Server 2019/2016/2012/2008) with installed .NET Framework 4.0.
    • VintaSoft Web TWAIN service provides access to 64- and 32-bit scanners if it is installed on 64-bit computer.
      VintaSoft Web TWAIN service provides access to 32-bit scanners if it is installed on 32-bit computer.
  • JavaScript API:
    • Made many changes in JavaScript API. Now most of API operations are synchronous and this fact greatly simplifies the code that uses the API.
    • Created TypeScript module for JavaScript API.
  • Demo applications:
    • Created ASP.NET Core application that demonstrates how to acquire images from TWAIN scanner in Angular + TypeScript + ASP.NET Core.
    • Added many changes and improvements into ASP.NET MVC5 applications, which demonstrate how to acquire images from TWAIN scanner in JavaScript + ASP.NET MVC.
    • Added many changes and improvements into ASP.NET WebForms applications, which demonstrate how to acquire images from TWAIN scanner in JavaScript + ASP.NET WebForms.
  • Created tutorials in documentation, which describe how to acquire images from TWAIN scanner in ASP.NET Core with Angular, ASP.NET Core with React, ASP.NET Core with React and Redux, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC5, ASP.NET WebForms.
  • .NET development:
    • Added support for .NET Core 3 for Windows. Created .NET Core assemblies: Vintasoft.Twain.dll and Vintasoft.WpfTwain.dll.
    • Discontinued support of .NET Framework 2.0. Now SDK supports .NET Framework 4+ and 3.5.
    • "Edition for Windows" now substitutes former "Standard edition" and "Standard+WPF edition".
    • Added the ability to work with profiles of Kodak scanners.
    • Improved the algorithm of Device.AutoBright property for compatibility with PaperStream TWAIN drivers of Fujitsu scanners.
    • Created WinForms and WPF demo applications for .NET Core.
  • Web development:
    • Created the platform-independent .NET Core web service for working with TWAIN devices. The platform-independent web service allows to quickly create web service for any .NET Core compatible web platform, e.g. for ASP.NET Core MVC, ServiceStack. The web service is located in Vintasoft.Twain.Web.Services.dll assembly.
    • Created web service for working with TWAIN devices in ASP.NET Core MVC. The web service is located in Vintasoft.Twain.AspNetCore.ApiControllers.dll assembly.
    • Created demo application AspNetCoreTwainDemo, which demonstrates how to acquire images from scanner, process and save scanned images in ASP.NET Core MVC.
  • Created the opportunity for unified access to 32-bit and 64-bit TWAIN drivers from 64-bit applications. Previously, the 32-bit drivers could not be used in a 64-bit application and that was inconvenient since the majority of scanners still delivered with 32-bit drivers only.
  • Created a set of JavaScript helper-functions for working with scanner capabilities. The detailed information is available here.
  • New Vintasoft.Twain.Web.Services.dll assembly has been created, which includes a platform-independent web service for working with TWAIN devices. The platform-independent web service allows quickly create other web services for any .NET compatible web platform, e.g. for ASP.NET WebForms, ASP.NET MVC, ServiceStack.
  • New Vintasoft.Twain.Web.Api2Controllers.dll assembly has been created, which includes Web API 2 controller for working with TWAIN devices in ASP.NET MVC 5.
  • JavaScript code of Vintasoft.Twain.js has been verified for compatibility with jQuery 2 and 3.
  • Now VintaSoft Web TWAIN solution can be used on secure HTTPS server:
    • VintaSoft Web TWAIN service (VintasoftWebTwainService project) can serve both HTTP and HTTPS requests.
    • VintaSoft ASP.NET MVC TWAIN demo (AspNetMvcTwainDemos project) can be used on both HTTP and HTTPS server.
  • Added demo projects for Visual Studio .NET 2017.
  • Now the functionality for image acquisition from scanner can be very easily added into a web application:
    • Vintasoft.Twain.Web.WcfServices assembly may be used on server side of an ASP.NET application and allows to create a WCF service for image acquisition from scanner.
    • Vintasoft.twain.Web.ApiControllers assembly may be used on server side of an ASP.NET MVC application and allows to create a Web controller for image acquisition from scanner.
    • Vintasoft.Twain.js file written in JavaScript may be used on client side of an ASP.NET application and includes the classes and enumerations, which simplify the image acquisition from scanner.
  • Demo applications:
    • VintasoftWebTwainService - the new console demo application, which demonstrates how to create a local self-hosted web service for managing scanners. The web service is based on Web API controller.
    • AspNetMvcTwainDemos - the new ASP.NET MVC demo application, which demonstrates how to acquire images from scanner, process acquired images, save acquired images to a local file or upload onto HTTP(S) server. The demo can work in any modern browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera) and communicates with scanner using the local web service. The demo uses the local web service implemented in VintasoftWebTwainService demo application.
    • VintasoftWcfTwainService - the new console demo application, which demonstrates how to create a local self-hosted web service for managing scanners. The web service is based on WCF service.
    • AspNetTwainDemos - the new ASP.NET WebForms demo application, which demonstrates how to acquire images from scanner, process acquired images, save acquired images to a local file or upload onto HTTP(S) server. The demo can work in any modern browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera) and communicates with scanner using the local web service. The demo uses the local web service implemented in VintasoftWcfTwainService demo application.
  • Significantly improved the algorithm that acquires images from device. Now the image acquisition algorithm is fully asynchronous.
  • Significantly improved the algorithm that cancels image scanning.
  • Significantly improved the WPF version of SDK.
  • Many major and minor fixes.
  • Added the ability to get information about asynchronous events of device.
  • Improvements in synchronous image acquisition for better compatibility with Kodak scanners.
  • Improvements in WPF assembly for better compatibility with Plustek and Sceye scanners.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Management of scanner:
    • SDK is now fully compatible with TWAIN specification 2.3.
    • Improved the image acquisition cancellation.
    • Improved the algorithm which works with a list of devices installed in the system.
    • Optimized the image acquisition algorithm for better compatibility with Xerox scanners.
    • Added the ability to stop (pause) receiving pages from automatic document feeder and then resume it work.
    • Added the properties and methods for managing the batch buffers of scanner.
  • Important changes made in the architecture of the SDK. For more information click here.
  • Updated all demo applications.
  • A lot of minor fixes.
  • Improved the algorithm of synchronous image acquisition from scanner (Device.AcquireModal method).
  • Improved the work with unstable TWAIN drivers.
  • Optimized the work with scanner capabilities.
  • Demo applications updated.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Optimized the image acquisition algorithm for better compatibility with Brother, Canon, HP, Kodak Ngenuine and Plustek scanners.
    • Improved and optimized the algorithm of synchronized image acquisition (Device.AcquireModal method).
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm of synchronized image acquisition (Device.AcquireModal method) in WPF version of SDK.
    • Fixed the bug in the Device.ImageAcquiringProgress event.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Added new image processing command: resize canvas.
    • Optimized the image processing commands.
  • Demo applications:
    • Examples of use for MS Visual Studio 2012 created.
  • Created the documentation in format of MS Visual Studio 2012.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Management of scanner:
    • SDK is now fully compatible with TWAIN specification 2.2.
    • Improved the SDK work in multithreaded environment.
    • Optimized the algorithm of work with extended image information.
    • Optimized the work with scanner UI in WPF for much better compatibility with Canon scanners.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Added the ability to load images from disk into internal buffer of device.
    • Optimized some image processing functions.
  • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
    • Optimized the TIFF encoder.
  • Demo applications:
    • Twain Advanced Demo updated: added the dialog for image processing of acquired image.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Supported Dual Stream feature of Kodak scanners.
    • Improved the architecture of classes which allow to work with capabilities of device. New architecture provides 100% access to capabilities of device. Previous architecture was more abstract and did not provide 100% access to the device capabilities.
    • Optimized the image acquisition algorithm for better compatibility with HP scanners.
    • Fixed bug related with getting the image palette in Native transfer mode.
    • Fixed a lot of minor bugs related to the work with device's capabilities.
  • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
    • Improved the PDF encoder for better compatibility with PDF/A standard.
  • Demo applications:
    • Updated Twain Advanced and Twain Custom UI demo applications.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Native WPF version of SDK created.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Improved the algorithm of Memory transfer mode for transferring images compressed with JPEG or CCITT4 compression.
    • Optimized the image acquisition algorithm for better compatibility with Kodak, HP, Canon, Plustek scanners.
    • Memory usage optimized.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Improved the algorithms of despeckle and border removal commands.
  • Demo applications:
    • New demos for WPF created.
  • Some major and minor fixes.
  • .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile supported.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Optimized the image acquisition algorithm for better compatibility with HP ScanJet 9000 scanner (blur black-white images).
    • Optimized the mage acquisition algorithm for better compatibility with Canon scanners (inverted color images).
    • Optimized the image acquisition algorithm for better compatibility with WIA drivers.
    • Memory usage optimized.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Image processing functions optimized.
    • Memory usage optimized.
  • Some major and minor fixes.
  • .NET Framework 4.0 supported.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Created new hierarchy of classes for working with TWAIN device.
    • Native 64-bit mode supported.
    • Added the ability to use scanners in console application.
    • Added the ability to use compression in Memory transfer mode.
    • Memory usage optimized.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • New image processing functions added: invert, change brightness, change contrast.
    • Memory usage optimized.
  • Demo applications:
    • New demo applications created: TWAIN Simple Demo, TWAIN Advanced Demo, TWAIN Custom UI Demo, TWAIN File Transfer Demo, TWAIN Console Demo, Web TWAIN Demo.
  • Created new detailed upgrading guide from version 6.0 to 7.0 in the SDK documentation.
  • Some major and minor fixes.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Optimized the image acquisition algorithm.
    • Optimized the memory usage.
  • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
    • Added the ability to save acquired images to PDF/A compliant document.
    • Added the ability to use ZIP compression for saving of acquired images to TIFF or PDF files.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Added the ability to swap images in internal images buffer of the library.
  • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
    • Fixed bug in CCITT compression algorithm of PDF encoder.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Management of scanner:
    • TWAIN 2.0 specification supported.
    • Added the ability to detect if TWAIN is installed in the system.
    • Added the ability to specify path to any TWAIN Data Source Manager. This feature allows to use the SDK in Citrix systems.
    • Added the ability to detect if scanner has flatbed.
    • Optimized the functions allowing to work with device capabilities.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Optimized the image processing functions.
  • Demo applications:
    • Examples of use updated.
  • Some major and minor fixes.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Added the ability to save/load settings of device.
    • Added the ability to create predefined session setups for mid- and high-volume scanners.
    • Fixed memory leak in GetImage and GetCurrentImage methods.
    • Optimized the algorithm of DuplexEnabled property for better compatibility with Epson GT 2500 scanner.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Allowed to get/set the layout of image scanned in JavaScript more easily via two new methods (GetImageLayout and SetImageLayout).
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Added the ability to disable exceptions during image processing.
  • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
    • Allowed to add image into multipage TIFF or PDF file which is stored in a stream.
  • Demo applications:
    • Examples of use updated.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Added the ability to retrieve extended image information from scanner (page index, barcode, patch code and more).
    • Added the ability to create log-file of scanners work for and thus detect problems.
    • The SDK is optimized for better compatibility with Fujitsu scanners which support automatic border detection feature.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Despeckle and border detection algorithms optimized.
  • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
    • Allowed to add PDF tags (author, title, subject, creator, producer, keywords, creation and modification date) while saving acquired images to PDF document.
  • Demo applications:
    • Examples of use updated.
  • Created documentation in format of Visual Studio .NET 2005.
  • Added the exception mechanism. Supported exceptions: TwainException, ImagingException, PdfException.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Updated the despeckle algorithm.
  • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
    • Added the ability to save acquired images to a new or add to an existing PDF document compatible with version 1.4 of PDF specification.
  • Demo applications:
    • Demos code updated.
  • Some minor fixes.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Optimized the acquisition algorithm for better compatibility with HP and Fujitsu scanners.
  • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
    • Added the ability to use for image uploading any authentication scheme, such as basic, digest, NTLM, and Kerberos.
    • Redirection functionality added to the image uploading algorithm.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Added new properties: DeviceOnline, ShowIndicators, JobControl, CapValueType.
    • PostScan event deleted, added two new events: ImageAcquired and ScanCompleted.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Image rotation function (RotateImage method) added.
  • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
    • Allowed to upload several acquired images per session to HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server.
  • Demo applications:
    • Examples for MS Visual Studio .NET 2005 and Borland Developer Studio 2006 added.
    • Examples for MS Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Borland Developer Studio 2003 updated.
  • New documentation in MSDN format created. XML documentation file created.
  • All property names start now from capital letter. C# code which uses the previous bersions of the library should be updated.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Fixed bug when scanning process is accessed from separate thread.
  • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
    • Modified the image uploading process for compatibility with IIS 6 and IIS 7 servers.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Fixed bug in work with ADF of Canon MF5530/5550.
  • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
    • Added the ability to use cookies while uploading acquired images to the server. This may be useful while uploading images to servers which require authentication, for example onto Lotus Domino server.
  • Management of scanner:
    • Added the ability to create custom progress indicator of image scanning.
    • Updated the scanning algorithm for compatibility with Fujitsu scanners.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Optimized and accelerated acquired image processing commands.
  • Demo applications:
    • Examples of use updated.
  • .NET Framework 2.0 supported.
  • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
    • Added the functionality for detecting correct position of image (deskew).
    • Image processing functions (despeckle, border detection, blank page detection) optimized.
  • First version of SDK is created:
    • .NET Framework 1.1 supported.
    • TWAIN 1.7 specification supported.
    • Management of scanner:
      • Ability to acquire images from scanner using the Native transfer mode.
      • Ability to acquire images synchronously or asynchronously.
      • Ability to acquire images with or without UI of scanner.
      • Ability to setup the parameters of scanning.
    • Processing of images acquired from scanner:
      • Image processing commands: despeckle, remove border, is image blank.
    • Saving of images acquired from scanner:
      • Ability to save acquired images as BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF files.
      • Ability to upload acquired images to HTTP or FTP server.