Localize VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK into any language

Blog category: Imaging.NET

September 19, 2023

VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK can be localized into any language.

The SDK includes localized VintaSoft .NET assemblies and VintaSoft WinForms demo projects, which are localized into German language, as an example showing that the SDK can be localized into any language.

Also the SDK includes localized VintaSoft ASP.NET Core demo projects, which are localized into 32 languages, as an example showing that the SDK solution for web can be localized into any language.

If you want to localize string constants and UI-controls of VintaSoft .NET assembly, please read how to do this in "Localize VintaSoft .NET assembly" section of this article.

If you want to localize string constants and UI of VintaSoft WinForms demo project, please read how to do this in "Localize VintaSoft WinForms demo project" section of this article.

If you want to localize string constants and UI of VintaSoft ASP.NET demo project, please read how to do this in "Localize VintaSoft ASP.NET demo project" section of this article.

Localize VintaSoft .NET assembly

All VintaSoft .NET assemblies have English language localization.

Also VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK provides the ability to localize the following VintaSoft .NET assemblies (using satellite resource assemblies) into any language:

If you want to localize a Vintasoft .NET assembly, which is not present in the list above, please let us know and we will provide you the ability to localize the necessary Vintasoft .NET assembly.

Installer of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK delivers satellite assemblies in German language, which can be found in "{SdkInstallPath}\Imaging .NET v12.2\Bin\DotNetX\AnyCPU\de\" folder.

If you want to localize a VintaSoft .NET assembly from the list above, for example Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.dll, you should do the following steps:

Localize VintaSoft WinForms demo project

If you want to localize a WinForms project, you should do the following steps:

All VintaSoft WinForms demo projects have English language localization.
Also the SDK provides German localization for 3 VintaSoft WinForms demo projects (DicomViewerDemo, PdfEditorDemo, SpreadsheetEditorDemo) as an example showing that VintaSoft WinForms demo projects can be localized into any language.

If you want to localize a VintaSoft WinForms demo project, which is already localized (e.g. has German localization), you should do the following steps:

If you want to localize a VintaSoft WinForms demo project, which is not localized currently, you can go by 2 ways.
WAY 1: Localize the VintaSoft WinForms demo project the way written above in instructions for localization of any WinForms project.
WAY 2: Send us a request to localize the VintaSoft WinForms demo project to the desired language and we will try to help you with localization.

Localize VintaSoft ASP.NET demo project

Each VintaSoft ASP.NET demo project consists from 2 parts: JavaScript UI controls, which define the UI and logic of web application, and VintaSoft Web services, which serve requests from JavaScript UI controls and use functionality of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK.

VintaSoft ASP.NET Core Document Viewer Demo provides ready-to-use localization dictionaries, which allow to localize the VintaSoft web document viewer into 32 languages (Afrikaans, Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greece, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portugese, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese, Zulu). You can test the ready-to-use localization of VintaSoft Web Document Viewer using on-line version of VintaSoft ASP.NET Core Document Viewer Demo. More information about localization of VintaSoft Web Document Viewer can be found here.

VintaSoft ASP.NET Spreadsheet Editor Demo provides ready-to-use localization dictionaries, which allow to localize the VintaSoft web spreadsheet document editor into 32 languages (Afrikaans, Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greece, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portugese, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese, Zulu). You can test the ready-to-use localization of VintaSoft Web Document Viewer using on-line version of VintaSoft ASP.NET Core Spreadsheet Editor Demo. More information about localization of VintaSoft Web Spreadsheet Document Editor can be found here.

The ready-to-use localization dictionaries of VintaSoft ASP.NET Core Document Viewer Demo and VintaSoft ASP.NET Spreadsheet Editor Demo can be used in any ASP.NET demo project, i.e. localization dictionaries can be used in ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core + Angular, ASP.NET MVC5 and ASP.NET WebForms. This is possible because VintaSoft ASP.NET Demos use the same JavaScript code for all ASP.NET platforms.

If you want to localize the string constants, which are returned by VintaSoft Web service, you should localize VintaSoft .NET assembly as described in "Localize VintaSoft .NET assembly" section.