VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.4: Documentation for Web developer
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    VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK: Changes in version 8.6
    In This Topic

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.dll

    New classes:

    public abstract class Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.CacheManagerBase A base class for cache managers in web application.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageCollectionStateCacheManager Manages cache of image collection states in web application.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageTilesCacheManager Manages cache of image tiles in web application.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ThumbnailsCacheManager Manages cache of image thumbnails in web application.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthHighpassRequestParams Request to a web controller. Contains parameters that must be sent to a web controller for performing Butterworth highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthLowpassRequestParams Request to a web controller. Contains parameters that must be sent to a web controller for performing Butterworth lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.HighpassRequestParams Request to a web controller. Contains parameters that must be sent to a web controller for performing highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageScalingRequestParams Request to a web controller. Contains parameters that must be sent to a web controller for scaling an image.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSharpeningRequestParams Request to a web controller. Contains parameters that must be sent to a web controller for increasing sharpness of an image using highpass filtering in frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSmoothingRequestParams Request to a web controller. Contains parameters that must be sent to a web controller for smoothing an image using highpass filtering in frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.LowpassRequestParams Request to a web controller. Contains parameters that must be sent to a web controller for performing lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.

    Renamed classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.FileWebService public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.VintasoftFileWebService

    Removed classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.CacheManager Use ThumbnailsCacheManager, ImageTilesCacheManager, ImageCollectionStateCacheManager or AnnotationsCacheManager classes instead.

    Changed classes:

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage GlobalResourcesDataStorage { get; set; } Gets or sets the data storage that should be used for storing global resources.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageTilesCacheManager ImageTilesCacheManager { get; } Gets a cache manager that manages cache of image tiles.
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage SessionDataStorage { get; set; } Gets or sets the data storage that should be used for storing images.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ThumbnailsCacheManager ThumbnailsCacheManager { get; } Gets a cache manager that manages cache of thumbnails.
    Added constructors
    public void VintasoftImageWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageWebService class.
    public void VintasoftImageWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageWebService class.
    public void VintasoftImageWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ThumbnailsCacheManager) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageWebService class.
    public void VintasoftImageWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageTilesCacheManager) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageWebService class.
    public void VintasoftImageWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageTilesCacheManager, Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ThumbnailsCacheManager) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageWebService class.
    Removed constructors
    public void VintasoftImageWebService(string, string, string, Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage) Use VintasoftImageWebService(IDataStorage, ImageTilesCacheManager, ThumbnailsCacheManager) constructor instead.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageCollectionStateCacheManager ImageCollectionStateCacheManager { get; } Gets a cache manager that manages states of image collections.
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage SessionDataStorage { get; set; } Gets or sets the data storage, which should be used for storing files with information about image collection state.
    Added constructors
    public void VintasoftImageCollectionWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageCollectionWebService class.
    public void VintasoftImageCollectionWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageCollectionStateCacheManager) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageCollectionWebService class.
    Removed constructors
    public void VintasoftImageCollectionWebService(string, string) Use VintasoftImageCollectionWebService(IDataStorage, ImageCollectionStateCacheManager) constructor instead.
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageCollectionResponseParams GetImageFileInfo(Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFilesRequestParams) Returns an information about images, which are stored in specified image files.
    Removed methods
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageCollectionResponseParams OpenFile(Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFileRequestParams) Use GetImageFileInfo(ImageFilesRequestParams) method instead.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage GlobalResourcesDataStorage { get; set; } Gets or sets the data storage that should be used for storing global resources.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageTilesCacheManager ImageTilesCacheManager { get; } Gets a cache manager that manages cache of image tiles.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ThumbnailsCacheManager ThumbnailsCacheManager { get; } Gets a cache manager that manages cache of thumbnails.
    Renamed properties
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage DataStorage { get; set; } public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage SessionDataStorage { get; set; }
    Added constructors
    public void VintasoftImageProcessingWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageProcessingWebService class.
    public void VintasoftImageProcessingWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageProcessingWebService class.
    public void VintasoftImageProcessingWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageTilesCacheManager) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageProcessingWebService class.
    public void VintasoftImageProcessingWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ThumbnailsCacheManager) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageProcessingWebService class.
    public void VintasoftImageProcessingWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageTilesCacheManager, Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ThumbnailsCacheManager) Initializes a new instance of the VintasoftImageProcessingWebService class.
    Removed constructors
    public void VintasoftImageProcessingWebService(string, string, Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage) Use VintasoftImageProcessingWebService(IDataStorage, ImageTilesCacheManager, ThumbnailsCacheManager) constructor instead.
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ButterworthHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthHighpassRequestParams) Performs the Butterworth highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ButterworthLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthLowpassRequestParams) Performs the Butterworth lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams GaussianHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.HighpassRequestParams) Performs the Gaussian highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams GaussianLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.LowpassRequestParams) Performs the Gaussian lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams IdealHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.HighpassRequestParams) Performs the ideal highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams IdealLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.LowpassRequestParams) Performs the ideal lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageScaling(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageScalingRequestParams) Changes the image scale.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageSharpening(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSharpeningRequestParams) Increases sharpness of an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageSmoothing(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSmoothingRequestParams) Smooths an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.WebImageType imageType { get; set; } Gets or sets a type of image tile.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.WebImageType imageType { get; set; } Gets or sets a type of thumbnail.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.WebImageType imageType { get; set; } Gets or sets a type of image tile.

    New enumerations:

    public enum Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.WebImageType Determines available formats of web images.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.HttpHandlers.dll

    Renamed classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.HttpHandlers.VintasoftFileHanlder public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.HttpHandlers.VintasoftFileHandler

    Changed classes:

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the HTTP handler can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.FileWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the HTTP handler can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage DataStorage { get; set; } Override CreateSessionDataStorage(string) method instead.
    public int ThumbnailRenderingTimeout { get; set; } Use VintasoftImageWebService.ThumbnailRenderingTimeout property instead.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.VintasoftImageWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the HTTP handler can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.VintasoftImageCollectionWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the HTTP handler can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage DataStorage { get; set; } Override CreateSessionDataStorage(string) method instead.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.VintasoftImageProcessingWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.WcfServices.dll

    Changed classes:

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the WCF service can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage DataStorage { get; set; } Override CreateSessionDataStorage(string) method instead.
    public int ThumbnailRenderingTimeout { get; set; } Use VintasoftImageWebService.ThumbnailRenderingTimeout property instead.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.VintasoftImageWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the WCF service can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage DataStorage { get; set; } Override CreateSessionDataStorage(string) method instead.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.VintasoftImageProcessingWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ButterworthHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthHighpassRequestParams) Performs the Butterworth highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ButterworthLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthLowpassRequestParams) Performs the Butterworth lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams GaussianHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.HighpassRequestParams) Performs the Gaussian highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams GaussianLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.LowpassRequestParams) Performs the Gaussian lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams IdealHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.HighpassRequestParams) Performs the ideal highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams IdealLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.LowpassRequestParams) Performs the ideal lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageScaling(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageScalingRequestParams) Changes the image scale.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageSharpening(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSharpeningRequestParams) Increases sharpness of an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageSmoothing(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSmoothingRequestParams) Smooths an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.

    Changed interfaces:

    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ButterworthHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthHighpassRequestParams) Performs the Butterworth highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ButterworthLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthLowpassRequestParams) Performs the Butterworth lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams GaussianHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.HighpassRequestParams) Performs the Gaussian highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams GaussianLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.LowpassRequestParams) Performs the Gaussian lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams IdealHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.HighpassRequestParams) Performs the ideal highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams IdealLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.LowpassRequestParams) Performs the ideal lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageScaling(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageScalingRequestParams) Changes the image scale.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageSharpening(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSharpeningRequestParams) Increases sharpness of an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageSmoothing(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSmoothingRequestParams) Smooths an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.ApiControllers.dll

    Changed classes:

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the API controller can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.FileWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.
    Changed methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFileResponseParams DownloadImageFile(Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFileRequestParams) public System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage DownloadImageFile(Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFileRequestParams)

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the API controller can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage DataStorage { get; set; } Override CreateSessionDataStorage(string) method instead.
    public int ThumbnailRenderingTimeout { get; set; } Use VintasoftImageWebService.ThumbnailRenderingTimeout property instead.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.VintasoftImageWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the API controller can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.VintasoftImageCollectionWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageCollectionResponseParams GetImageFileInfo(Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFilesRequestParams) Returns an information about images, which are stored in specified image files.
    Removed methods
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageCollectionResponseParams OpenFile(Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFileRequestParams) Use GetImageFileInfo(ImageFilesRequestParams) method instead.

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the API controller can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage DataStorage { get; set; } Override CreateSessionDataStorage(string) method instead.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.VintasoftImageProcessingWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ButterworthHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthHighpassRequestParams) Performs the Butterworth highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ButterworthLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthLowpassRequestParams) Performs the Butterworth lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams GaussianHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.HighpassRequestParams) Performs the Gaussian highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams GaussianLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.LowpassRequestParams) Performs the Gaussian lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams IdealHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.HighpassRequestParams) Performs the ideal highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams IdealLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.LowpassRequestParams) Performs the ideal lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageScaling(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageScalingRequestParams) Changes the image scale.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageSharpening(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSharpeningRequestParams) Increases sharpness of an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageSmoothing(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSmoothingRequestParams) Smooths an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Api2Controllers.dll

    Changed classes:

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the API controller can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.FileWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.
    Changed methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFileResponseParams DownloadImageFile(Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFileRequestParams) public System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage DownloadImageFile(Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFileRequestParams)

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the API controller can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage DataStorage { get; set; } Override CreateSessionDataStorage(string) method instead.
    public int ThumbnailRenderingTimeout { get; set; } Use VintasoftImageWebService.ThumbnailRenderingTimeout property instead.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.VintasoftImageWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the API controller can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.VintasoftImageCollectionWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageCollectionResponseParams GetImageFileInfo(Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFilesRequestParams) Returns an information about images, which are stored in specified image files.
    Removed methods
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.ImageCollectionResponseParams OpenFile(Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageFileRequestParams) Use GetImageFileInfo(ImageFilesRequestParams) method instead.

    Added properties
    public bool IsEmptySessionSupported { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the API controller can work with undefined session.
    Removed properties
    public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage DataStorage { get; set; } Override CreateSessionDataStorage(string) method instead.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.VintasoftImageProcessingWebService VintasoftWebService { get; } Override CreateWebService(string) method instead.
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ButterworthHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthHighpassRequestParams) Performs the Butterworth highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ButterworthLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ButterworthLowpassRequestParams) Performs the Butterworth lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams GaussianHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.HighpassRequestParams) Performs the Gaussian highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams GaussianLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.LowpassRequestParams) Performs the Gaussian lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams IdealHighpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.HighpassRequestParams) Performs the ideal highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams IdealLowpass(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.LowpassRequestParams) Performs the ideal lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageScaling(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageScalingRequestParams) Changes the image scale.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageSharpening(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSharpeningRequestParams) Increases sharpness of an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.ImageInfoResponseParams ImageSmoothing(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Web.Services.ImageSmoothingRequestParams) Smooths an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Shared.js

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Shared.WebDecodingSettingsJS Contains decoding settings of image.

    Removed classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Shared.WebStorageImageSourceJS Use the WebImageSourceJS class instead.
    public class Vintasoft.Shared.WebStorageImageSourceLifetimeManager In version 8.5 and earlier the SDK monitored images, which are stored in the data storage of web service, and allowed to dispose images, which are expired.
    Since version 8.6 the SDK does not monitor images, which are stored in the data storage of web service, and now you need manage images in the data storage of web service in your code.
    The AspNetDemos and AspNetMvcDemos projects contain the ScanningUIHelper class, which shows how to manage lifetime of the scanned images in JavaScript code.
    public class Vintasoft.Shared.WebUrlImageSourceJS Use the WebImageSourceJS class instead.

    Changed classes:

    Added methods
    public void getImageFilesInfos(fileUrls, successFunc, errorFunc, service) Function that sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images from image files stored on server.
    public void openFiles(fileUrls, successFunc, errorFunc, service) Function that sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images from image files stored on server, clears the image collection and adds images to the image collection.
    public void setDecodingSettings(decodingSettings) Sets the decoding settings for all images from this collection.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Shared.WebDecodingSettingsJS get_DecodingSettings Gets the decoding settings of this image.
    public void set_DecodingSettings Sets the decoding settings of this image.
    public string get_ImageId Gets an identifier that determines the image source.
    Changed methods
    public renderTiles(w, h, scale, successFunc, errorFunc) public renderTiles(w, h, scale, format, successFunc, errorFunc)
    Renamed methods
    public boolean isEqual(image) public boolean equals(image)
    Removed methods
    public void dispose() In version 8.5 and earlier the SDK monitored images, which are stored in the data storage of web service, and allowed to dispose images, which are expired.
    Since version 8.6 the SDK does not monitor images, which are stored in the data storage of web service, and now you need manage images in the data storage of web service in your code.
    The AspNetDemos and AspNetMvcDemos projects contain the ScanningUIHelper class, which shows how to manage lifetime of the scanned images in JavaScript code.
    Added events
    public event decodingSettingsChanged Occurs when image decoding settings are changed.
    Removed events
    public event disposed In version 8.5 and earlier the SDK monitored images, which are stored in the data storage of web service, and allowed to dispose images, which are expired.
    Since version 8.6 the SDK does not monitor images, which are stored in the data storage of web service, and now you need manage images in the data storage of web service in your code.
    The AspNetDemos and AspNetMvcDemos projects contain the ScanningUIHelper class, which shows how to manage lifetime of the scanned images in JavaScript code.
    public event disposingError In version 8.5 and earlier the SDK monitored images, which are stored in the data storage of web service, and allowed to dispose images, which are expired.
    Since version 8.6 the SDK does not monitor images, which are stored in the data storage of web service, and now you need manage images in the data storage of web service in your code.
    The AspNetDemos and AspNetMvcDemos projects contain the ScanningUIHelper class, which shows how to manage lifetime of the scanned images in JavaScript code.

    Added properties
    public string get_ImageId Gets an identifier that determines the image source.
    public object get_AnnotationService Gets the web service that allows to work with annotations of web image.
    public object get_ImageService Gets the web service that allows to work with web image.
    Renamed methods
    public boolean isEqual(image) public boolean equals(image)
    Removed methods
    public void getImageAsBase64String(index, renderingSettings, successFunc, errorFunc) Use the Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS.getImageAsBase64String method instead.
    public void getImageInfo(index, renderingSettings, successFunc, errorFunc) Use the Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS.getImageInfo method instead.
    public void getThumbnail(index, w, h, useCache, renderingSettings, successFunc, errorFunc) Use the Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS.getThumbnail method instead.
    public void getTile(index, x, y, w, h, scale, useCache, renderingSettings, successFunc, errorFunc) Use the Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS.getTile method instead.
    public void renderTiles(index, w, h, scale, renderingSettings, successFunc, errorFunc); Use the Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS.renderTiles method instead.

    Renamed methods
    public boolean isEqual(image) public boolean equals(image)

    Added properties
    public string get_ServiceRoute Gets a service route.
    Renamed fields
    defaultUrlImageService defaultImageService

    New enumerations:

    public enum Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageTypeEnumJS Determines available formats of web images.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Html5.js

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.WebCompositeUndoActionJS Group of undo actions.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebButterworthHighpassCommandJS Performs the Butterworth highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebButterworthLowpassCommandJS Performs the Butterworth lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebGaussianHighpassCommandJS Performs the Gaussian highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebGaussianLowpassCommandJS Performs the Gaussian lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebIdealHighpassCommandJS Performs the ideal highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebIdealLowpassCommandJS Performs the ideal lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebImageSharpeningCommandJS Increases sharpness of an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebImageSmoothingCommandJS Smooths an image using highpass filtering in frequency domain.

    Moved classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebAdvancedReplaceColorCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebAutoInvertCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebAutoTextInvertCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebAutoTextOrientationCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebBorderClearCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebBorderRemovalCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebColorNoiseClearCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebDeskewCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebDespeckleCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebDocumentSegmentationCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebGetRotationAngleCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebHalftoneRecognitionCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebHalftoneRemovalCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebHolePunchRemovalCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebImageSegmentationCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebIsDocumentImageInvertedCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebLineRemovalCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebRestoreTextFromHalftoneCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebSmoothingCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.

    Changed classes:

    Removed methods
    public void uploadStorageImage(image, fileName, successFunc, errorFunc, service) Do the following steps:
    • Get image as a Base64 string using the Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS.getImageAsBase64String method
    • Upload Base64 string to a server using the Vintasoft.Imaging.uploadBase64Image method
    public void uploadStorageImages(images, fileName, successFunc, errorFunc, service) Do the following steps:
    • For each image get image as a Base64 string using the Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS.getImageAsBase64String method
    • Upload Base64 strings to a server using the Vintasoft.Imaging.uploadBase64Images method

    Added methods
    public boolean equals(appearance) Determines whether the specified thumbnail appearance is equal to the current thumbnail appearance.

    Added methods
    public void beginCompositeAction(actionSource) Begins the composite action.
    public void endCompositeAction() Ends the composite action.
    public void removeCompositeAction() Removes the composite action from the undo manager.

    Renamed methods
    public object copyTo() public object clone()

    Renamed methods
    public object copyTo() public object clone()

    Renamed methods
    public object copyTo() public object clone()

    Added properties
    public string get_ControlId() Gets an identifier of WebForms image viewer control.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.WebImageCacheManagerJS get_ImageCacheManager() Gets the image cache manager associated with the viewer.
    public void set_ImageCacheManager(imageCacheManager) Sets the image cache manager associated with the viewer.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageTypeEnumJS get_TilesFormat() Gets a format in which the viewer want to receive image tiles.
    public void set_TilesFormat(format) Sets a format in which the viewer want to receive image tiles.
    Added methods
    public void focus() Sets the focus to the viewer.
    public void scrollTo(x, y) Scrolls the viewer to the specified point on viewer.
    public void scrollToPoint(x, y) Scrolls the viewer to the specified point on viewer and tries to center the specified point in the viewer if possible.
    Added events
    public event imagePainting Occurs when image painting is started.
    public event imageTilePainted Occurs when image tile is painted.
    Renamed events
    public event imageLoading public event imageInfoLoaded
    public event imageRenderingException public event imagePaintingException

    Added properties
    public string get_ControlId() Gets an identifier of WebForms image viewer control.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.WebImageCacheManagerJS get_ImageCacheManager() Gets the image cache manager associated with the viewer.
    public void set_ImageCacheManager(imageCacheManager) Sets the image cache manager associated with the viewer.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageTypeEnumJS get_ThumbnailsFormat() Gets a format in which the viewer want to receive thumbnails.
    public void set_ThumbnailsFormat(format) Sets a format in which the viewer want to receive thumbnails.
    Added methods
    public void focus() Sets the focus to the viewer.

    Added properties
    public number get_MouseClickCount() Gets the count of mouse clicks in series of clicks.
    public number get_MouseClicksDelta() Gets a delay, in milliseconds, between mouse clicks in series of clicks.
    public void set_MouseClicksDelta(delta) Sets a delay, in milliseconds, between mouse clicks in series of clicks.
    Renamed properties
    public boolean get_Enabled() public boolean get_IsEnabled()
    public void set_Enabled(value) public void set_IsEnabled(value)
    Added events
    public event initializationException Occurs when the visual tool initialization is failed.
    public event initializationFinished Occurs when the visual tool initialization is finished.
    public event initializationStarted Occurs when the visual tool initialization is started.
    public event mouseDoubleClick Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the image viewer, this tool is enabled and a mouse button is double clicked.
    public event mouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the image viewer, this tool is enabled and a mouse button is pressed.
    public event mouseMove Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved and this tool is enabled.
    public event mouseUp Occurs when this tool is enabled and a mouse button is released.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Svg.js

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.WebCompositeUndoActionJS Group of undo actions.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebButterworthHighpassCommandJS Performs the Butterworth highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebButterworthLowpassCommandJS Performs the Butterworth lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebGaussianHighpassCommandJS Performs the Gaussian highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebGaussianLowpassCommandJS Performs the Gaussian lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebIdealHighpassCommandJS Performs the ideal highpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebIdealLowpassCommandJS Performs the ideal lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebImageSharpeningCommandJS Increases sharpness of an image using the highpass filtering in frequency domain.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessingWebImageSmoothingCommandJS Smooths an image using highpass filtering in frequency domain.

    Moved classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebAdvancedReplaceColorCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebAutoInvertCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebAutoTextInvertCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebAutoTextOrientationCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebBorderClearCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebBorderRemovalCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebColorNoiseClearCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebDeskewCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebDespeckleCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebDocumentSegmentationCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebGetRotationAngleCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebHalftoneRecognitionCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebHalftoneRemovalCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebHolePunchRemovalCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebImageSegmentationCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebIsDocumentImageInvertedCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebLineRemovalCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebRestoreTextFromHalftoneCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.WebSmoothingCommandJS Moved into Vintasoft.Imaging.DocCleanup.js file.

    Changed classes:

    Removed methods
    public void uploadStorageImage(image, fileName, successFunc, errorFunc, service) Do the following steps:
    • Get image as a Base64 string using the Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS.getImageAsBase64String method
    • Upload Base64 string to a server using the Vintasoft.Imaging.uploadBase64Image method
    public void uploadStorageImages(images, fileName, successFunc, errorFunc, service) Do the following steps:
    • For each image get image as a Base64 string using the Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS.getImageAsBase64String method
    • Upload Base64 strings to a server using the Vintasoft.Imaging.uploadBase64Images method

    Added methods
    public boolean equals(appearance) Determines whether the specified thumbnail appearance is equal to the current thumbnail appearance.

    Added methods
    public void beginCompositeAction(actionSource) Begins the composite action.
    public void endCompositeAction() Ends the composite action.
    public void removeCompositeAction() Removes the composite action from the undo manager.

    Added methods
    public void beginCompositeAction(actionSource) Begins the composite action.
    public void endCompositeAction() Ends the composite action.
    public void removeCompositeAction() Removes the composite action from the undo manager.

    Renamed methods
    public object copyTo() public object clone()

    Renamed methods
    public object copyTo() public object clone()

    Renamed methods
    public object copyTo() public object clone()

    Added properties
    public string get_ControlId() Gets an identifier of WebForms image viewer control.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.WebImageCacheManagerJS get_ImageCacheManager() Gets the image cache manager associated with the viewer.
    public void set_ImageCacheManager(imageCacheManager) Sets the image cache manager associated with the viewer.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageTypeEnumJS get_TilesFormat() Gets a format in which the viewer want to receive image tiles.
    public void set_TilesFormat(format) Sets a format in which the viewer want to receive image tiles.
    Added methods
    public void focus() Sets the focus to the viewer.
    public void scrollTo(x, y) Scrolls the viewer to the specified point on viewer.
    public void scrollToPoint(x, y) Scrolls the viewer to the specified point on viewer and tries to center the specified point in the viewer if possible.
    Added events
    public event imagePainting Occurs when image painting is started.
    public event imageTilePainted Occurs when image tile is painted.
    Renamed events
    public event imageLoading public event imageInfoLoaded
    public event imageRenderingException public event imagePaintingException

    Added properties
    public string get_ControlId() Gets an identifier of WebForms image viewer control.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.WebImageCacheManagerJS get_ImageCacheManager() Gets the image cache manager associated with the viewer.
    public void set_ImageCacheManager(imageCacheManager) Sets the image cache manager associated with the viewer.
    public Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageTypeEnumJS get_ThumbnailsFormat() Gets a format in which the viewer want to receive thumbnails.
    public void set_ThumbnailsFormat(format) Sets a format in which the viewer want to receive thumbnails.
    Added methods
    public void focus() Sets the focus to the viewer.

    Added properties
    public number get_MouseClickCount() Gets the count of mouse clicks in series of clicks.
    public number get_MouseClicksDelta() Gets a delay, in milliseconds, between mouse clicks in series of clicks.
    public void set_MouseClicksDelta(delta) Sets a delay, in milliseconds, between mouse clicks in series of clicks.
    Renamed properties
    public boolean get_Enabled() public boolean get_IsEnabled()
    public void set_Enabled(value) public void set_IsEnabled(value)
    Added events
    public event initializationException Occurs when the visual tool initialization is failed.
    public event initializationFinished Occurs when the visual tool initialization is finished.
    public event initializationStarted Occurs when the visual tool initialization is started.
    public event mouseDoubleClick Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the image viewer, this tool is enabled and a mouse button is double clicked.
    public event mouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the image viewer, this tool is enabled and a mouse button is pressed.
    public event mouseMove Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved and this tool is enabled.
    public event mouseUp Occurs when this tool is enabled and a mouse button is released.