VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.4: Documentation for .NET developer
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    VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK: Changes in version 8.4
    In This Topic

    Changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.dll

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.BitmapSizeLimitException Represents an error that occurs if SDK needs to create bitmap with size more than size specified in the Vintasoft.Imaging.ImagingEnvironment.MaxBitmapSize property.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageTileDrawingSurface Represents a surface for drawing on a tile of a Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage that is placed in a particular rectangle of another surface, e.g., printed page.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImagingResourceManager Resource manager of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.BmpEncoderSettings Contains settings of BMP encoder.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ColorManagement.RemapChannelsTransform Color transform that remaps color channels.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageColors.LabColor Contains information about Lab color.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.TypeConverters.PaddingFConverter Provides a type converter to convert Vintasoft.Imaging.PaddingF values to and from various other representations.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.VisualToolEmbedder Helper that allows to integrate functionality of one visual tool into another visual tool without using the Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.CompositeVisualTool class.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.ComboBoxObjectTransformer Interaction controller that transforms a ComboBox interactive object.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.ScrollableInteractiveObjectTransformer Interaction controller that transforms scrollabe interactive object.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.TextObjectTextBoxTransformer Interaction controller that transforms text object.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.TextObjectTextBoxTransformerEventArgs Provides data for the Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.TextObjectTextBoxTransformer.TextBoxShowing, Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.TextObjectTextBoxTransformer.TextBoxShown, Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.TextObjectTextBoxTransformer.TextBoxClosing, Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.TextObjectTextBoxTransformer.TextBoxClosed and Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.TextObjectTextBoxTransformer.TextBoxUpdated events.
    public abstract class Vintasoft.Imaging.UIActions.CopyItemUIAction Provides the abstract base class for UI action that copies selected item(s) into a clipboard.
    public abstract class Vintasoft.Imaging.UIActions.CutItemUIAction Provides the abstract base class for UI action that copies selected item(s) into a clipboard and deletes selected item(s).
    public abstract class Vintasoft.Imaging.UIActions.DeleteItemUIAction Provides the abstract base class for UI action that deletes selected item(s).
    public abstract class Vintasoft.Imaging.UIActions.PasteItemUIAction Provides the abstract base class for UI action that pastes selected item(s).
    public abstract class Vintasoft.Imaging.UIActions.PasteItemWithOffsetUIAction Provides the abstract base class for UI action that pastes selected item(s) and offsets it's in X and Y axis.
    public abstract class Vintasoft.Imaging.UIActions.SelectAllItemsUIAction Provides the abstract base class for UI action that selects all items.
    public abstract class Vintasoft.Imaging.UIActions.UIAction Provides the abstract base class for User Interface action.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Undo.CompositeUndoAction Group of undo actions.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.ActionProgressController Provides a base class for typical progress controllers.
    public abstract class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.ActionProgressHandlerBase Represents an abstract base class for typical action progress handler.
    public abstract class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.ActionProgressHandlers Contains static methods that allow to create handlers of progress events.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.ArraySubsequenceTransformer<T> Represents an array transformer that extracts the specified subsequence of an array.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.CompositeObjectSetListener<T> Represents a listener for composite object set.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.ConstantSetListener<T> Represents a listener of constant object set.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.ItemsSelectionManager<T> Provides logic for performing selection the items from an item collection.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.ObjectClipboard Provides methods for placing data on and retrieving data from local clipboard.
    public abstract class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.ObjectSetListenerBase<T> Represents a base class for a listener of object set.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.ObjectSetListenerEventArgs<T> Provides event data for IObjectSetListener{T}.Changed event.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.WinFormsSystemClipboard Provides methods for placing data on and retrieving data from the system clipboard.

    Changed classes:

    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection CreateReferencedCollectionAndSwitchSources(System.IO.Stream, System.IO.Stream) Returns an image collection that contains images from this image collection, each image that references to the sourceStream will be switched to the destStream .

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.DecodingSettings DecodingSettings { get; } Gets the decoding settings which was used for loading of image.
    Changed constructors
    public void ImageLoadedEventArgs(Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.RenderingSettings) public void ImageLoadedEventArgs(Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.RenderingSettings, Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.DecodingSettings)
    public void ImageLoadedEventArgs(Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.RenderingSettings, string) public void ImageLoadedEventArgs(Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.RenderingSettings, Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.DecodingSettings, string)

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.DecodingSettings DecodingSettings { get; set; } Gets or sets the decoding settings which must be used for loading of image.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.RenderingSettings RenderingSettings { get; set; } Gets or sets the rendering settings which must be used for loading of image.
    Changed constructors
    public void ImageLoadingEventArgs(Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage) public void ImageLoadingEventArgs(Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.RenderingSettings, Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders.DecodingSettings)

    Added properties
    public long MaxBitmapSize { get; set; } Gets or sets the maximum size of the bitmap, in bytes.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.ImagingResourceManager ResourceManager { get; set; } Gets or sets the resource manager of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK.

    Added properties
    public string Description { get; } Gets the description of progress action.
    Added constructors
    public void ProgressEventArgs(int, bool, string) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.ProgressEventArgs class.

    Added constructors
    public void VintasoftImage(Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageSourceInfo) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage class.

    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Codec GetCodecByName(string) Returns codec for specified codec name.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.BmpEncoderSettings Settings { get; set; } Gets or sets the encoder settings.
    Added constructors
    public void BmpEncoder(Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.BmpEncoderSettings) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.BmpEncoder class.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ChangePixelFormatToBlackWhiteCommand BinarizationCommand { get; set; } Gets or sets the binarization command, which must be used if color image must be converted to a black-white image before saving to a PDF file.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ChangePixelFormatToBlackWhiteCommand BinarizationCommand { get; set; } Gets or sets the binarization command, which must be used if color image must be converted to a black-white image before saving to a PDF file.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ChangePixelFormatToBlackWhiteCommand BinarizationCommand { get; set; } Gets or sets the binarization command, which must be used if color image must be converted to a black-white image before saving to a TIFF file.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in an image page.

    Changed constructors
    public void BmpFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Bmp.BmpCompression) public void BmpFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage, Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.BmpEncoderSettings)

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a DIB page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a GIF page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in an Icon page.

    Added methods
    public bool CanSaveInJpegFile() Determines whether EXIF data can be saved in JPEG file.
    public void SetThumbnail(Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage, int) Sets the thumbnail stored in Exif data.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in an JPEG page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in an JPEG-LS page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a PCX page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a PNG page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a TIFF page.

    Added constructors
    public void Argb32Color(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageColors.Argb32Color class.
    Added methods
    public void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.

    Added constructors
    public void Argb64Color(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageColors.Argb64Color class.
    Added methods
    public void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.

    Added methods
    public void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.

    Added constructors
    public void Gray16Color(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageColors.Gray16Color class.

    Added constructors
    public void IndexedColor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageColors.IndexedColor class.
    Added methods
    public void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.

    Added constructors
    public void Rgb16Color555(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageColors.Rgb16Color555 class.

    Added constructors
    public void Rgb16Color565(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageColors.Rgb16Color565 class.

    Added methods
    public void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.

    Added constructors
    public void Rgb24Color(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageColors.Rgb24Color class.
    Added methods
    public void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.

    Added constructors
    public void Rgb48Color(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageColors.Rgb48Color class.
    Added methods
    public void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.

    Added constructors
    public void XyzColor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageColors.XyzColor class.
    Added methods
    public void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a bitmap.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a BMP page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in an EMF page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a GIF page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in an Icon page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in an JPEG-LS page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in an JPEG page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in an image page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a PCX page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a PNG page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a TIFF page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a WMF page.

    Removed properties
    public int Columns { get; set; } This property is obsolete, use the Vintasoft.Imaging.Print.ImagePrintDocument.MosaicColumnCount property instead.
    public int ImageMargin { get; set; } This property is obsolete, use the Vintasoft.Imaging.Print.ImagePrintDocument.DistanceBetweenImages property instead.
    public int PagePrinted { get; } This property is obsolete, use the Vintasoft.Imaging.Print.ImagePrintDocument.PrintedPageCount property instead.
    public int Rows { get; set; } This property is obsolete, use the Vintasoft.Imaging.Print.ImagePrintDocument.MosaicRowCount property instead.

    Added methods
    public void LoadTemporaryImage(Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage) Loads a temporary image in the viewer.
    public void ZoomToRectangle(System.Drawing.RectangleF) Zooms the viewer to the specified rectangle of current image.
    Changed methods
    public void ChangeZoom(float, System.Drawing.Point) public void ChangeZoom(float, System.Drawing.PointF)
    Added events
    public event System.EventHandler<Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageLoadingEventArgs> ImageInitializing Occurs when the image is initializing before loading.
    public event System.EventHandler<Vintasoft.Imaging.PropertyChangingEventArgs<float>> ZoomChanging Occurs when an image zoom is changing.

    Added constructors
    public void CompositeVisualTool(bool, Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.VisualTool[]) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.CompositeVisualTool class.
    Added methods
    public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Vintasoft.Imaging.UIActions.UIAction> GetSupportedUIActions() Returns the supported UI actions.
    public bool PerformNextItemSelection(bool) Selects the next available item and makes it as the active item.

    Added events
    public event System.EventHandler SelectionChanged

    Added properties
    public bool SelectionOnlyOnImage { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether selection can be used only on image area.
    Added methods
    public void BeginBuilding() Begins building of selection.
    Added events
    public event System.EventHandler BuildingFinished Occurs when the selection building is finished.
    public event System.EventHandler BuildingStarted Occurs when the selection building is started.

    Added properties
    public System.Windows.Forms.Keys SelectNextItemKeyCode { get; set; } Gets or sets a key code that changes the selected item to the next item.
    public System.Windows.Forms.Keys SelectPrevItemKeyCode { get; set; } Gets or sets a key code that changes the selected item to the previous item.
    Added methods
    public bool PerformNextItemSelection(bool) Selects the next available item and makes it as the active item.
    Added events
    public event System.EventHandler MouseEnter Occurs when the mouse enters an area of visual tool.
    public event System.EventHandler MouseLeave Occurs when the mouse leaves an area of visual tool.
    public event System.Windows.Forms.PreviewKeyDownEventHandler PreviewKeyDown Occurs before the Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.VisualTool.KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this visual tool.

    Added properties
    public System.Windows.Forms.Cursor SizingCursorNESW { get; set; } Gets or sets the two-headed diagonal (northeast/southwest) sizing cursor.
    public System.Windows.Forms.Cursor SizingCursorNS { get; set; } Gets or sets the two-headed vertical (north/south) sizing cursor.
    public System.Windows.Forms.Cursor SizingCursorNWSE { get; set; } Gets or sets the two-headed diagonal (northwest/southeast) sizing cursor.
    public System.Windows.Forms.Cursor SizingCursorWE { get; set; } Gets or sets the two-headed horizontal (west/east) sizing cursor.
    public bool UseSizingCursors { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether bounding box must use the sizing cursors as cursors for interaction points of bounding box.

    Added properties
    public bool IsActivated { get; } Gets a value indicating whether controller is activated.
    Changed methods
    public void OnActivate() public void OnActivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.UserInteractionVisualTool)
    public void OnDeactivate() public void OnDeactivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.UserInteractionVisualTool)
    Added events
    public event System.EventHandler Activated Occurs when the composite interaction controller is activated.
    public event System.EventHandler Activating Occurs when the composite interaction controller is activating.
    public event System.EventHandler Deactivated Occurs when the composite iteraction controller is deactivated.
    public event System.EventHandler Deactivating Occurs when the composite iteraction controller is deactivating.

    Added properties
    public bool IsActivated { get; } Gets a value indicating whether controller is activated.
    Changed methods
    public void OnActivate() public void OnActivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.UserInteractionVisualTool)
    public void OnDeactivate() public void OnDeactivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.UserInteractionVisualTool)

    Added properties
    public System.Windows.Forms.Keys KeyCode { get; } Gets the key code.
    public System.Windows.Forms.Keys KeyData { get; } Gets the key data.

    Added properties
    public bool FinishBuildingByDoubleMouseClick { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation building must be finished when left mouse button is double clicked.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.IArrayTransformer<System.Drawing.PointF> PointsTransformer { get; set; } Gets or sets the transformer of transformation points of interactive object.

    Added properties
    public System.Drawing.SizeF DefaultSize { get; set; } Gets or sets a default size of interactive object.
    Changed constructors
    public void PointBasedObjectLineBuilder(Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IPointBasedInteractiveObject, int) public void PointBasedObjectLineBuilder(Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IPointBasedInteractiveObject)

    Added properties
    public System.Drawing.PointF InitialOffset { get; set; } Gets or sets the initial offset of an interactive object.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.InteractionArea BuildingArea { get; } Gets the building area.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.InteractiveObjectBoundingBoxArea MoveArea { get; } Gets an object area that allows to move the object.
    Added constructors
    public void PointBasedObjectRectangularTransformer(Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IPointBasedInteractiveObject, bool) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.PointBasedObjectRectangularTransformer class.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IInteractionController ActiveInteractionController { get; } Gets an active interaction controller.
    Added methods
    public void InvalidateFocusedItem() Invalidates a drawing box of focused interactive object.
    public bool PerformNextItemSelection(bool) Selects the next available item and makes it as the active item.
    public void ScrollToFocusedItem() Scrolls the viewer to the focused item.

    Added methods
    public void BeginCompositeAction(object) Begins the composite action.
    public void EndCompositeAction() Ends the composite action.

    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix CreateRotationRadians(double) Creates a matrix, which is rotated relative point (0;0).
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix CreateRotationRadians(double, double, double) Creates a matrix, which is rotated relative the specified point.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix CreateScaling(double, double) Creates scaled matrix.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix CreateScaling(double, double, double, double) Creates scaled matrix.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix CreateSkewRadians(double, double) Creates skewed matrix.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix CreateTranslation(double, double) Creates matrix and translates it to the specified offset.
    public void SetMatrix(double, double, double, double, double, double) Sets the current matrix from the specified matrix elements.
    public void TranslateX(double) Appends a translation of the specified X-axis offset to this Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix.
    public void TranslateXPrepend(double) Prepends a translation of the specified X-axis offset to this Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix.
    public void TranslateY(double) Appends a translation of the specified Y-axis offset to this Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix.
    public void TranslateYPrepend(double) Prepends a translation of the specified Y-axis offset to this Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix.

    Added methods
    public System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath TransformGraphicsPath(System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath, Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.PointFTransform) Transforms the graphics path.

    Added methods
    public void AddRange(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>) Adds a range of elements to this collection.

    Added methods
    public void TransformPoints(Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix, System.Drawing.PointF[], int, int) Transforms the specified points using the specified Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix.
    public void TransformVectors(Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix, System.Drawing.PointF[], int, int) Transforms the specified vectors busingy the specified Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.AffineMatrix.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.PointFTransform Identity { get; } Gets the identity transform.
    Added methods
    public System.Drawing.RectangleF TransformBoundingBox(Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.PointFTransform, System.Drawing.RectangleF) Transforms the bounding box.

    New interfaces:

    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.IActionProgressController Defines an interface of progress controller for an action.
    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.IActionProgressHandler Defines an interface of handler for an action progress.
    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.IArrayTransformer<T> Defines an interface of an array transformer.
    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.UIActions.ISupportUIActions Defines an interface for object that supports the User Interface actions.
    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.IObjectClipboard Defines an interface for placing data on and retrieving data from the Clipboard.
    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.IObjectSetListener<T> Defines an interface for a listener of object set.
    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.ITextInteractiveObject Defines an interface of text interactive object.
    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IComboBoxInteractiveObject Defines an interface of ComboBox interactive object.
    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IScrollableInteractiveObject Defines an interface of scrollable interactive object.

    Changed interfaces:

    Added properties
    public bool IsActivated { get; } Gets a value indicating whether controller is activated.
    Changed methods
    public void OnActivate() public void OnActivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.UserInteractionVisualTool)
    public void OnDeactivate() public void OnDeactivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.UserInteractionVisualTool)

    New enumerations:

    public enum Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.ItemsSelectionMode Specifies available items selection mode.

    Changed enumerations:

    Added fields
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.InteractionAreaAction KeyDown The key is down on interaction area.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.InteractionAreaAction KeyUp The key is up on interaction area.

    Added fields
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.InteractionAreaType KeyDown Defines an interaction area, which starts interaction when key is down.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.InteractionAreaType KeyUp Defines an interaction area, which starts interaction when key is up.

    Changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Media.dll

    Changed classes:

    Added properties
    public string DevicePath { get; } Get the device path.

    Changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.RawCodec.dll

    Changed classes:

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a RAW image page.

    Added properties
    public bool HasResolution { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the information about image resolution is stored in a RAW image page.

    Changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.dll

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.WpfSystemClipboard Provides methods for placing data on and retrieving data from the system clipboard.

    Changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.dll

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.WpfVisualToolEmbedder Helper that allows to integrate functionality of one visual tool into another visual tool without using the Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.WpfCompositeVisualTool class.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfComboBoxObjectTransformer Interaction controller that transforms a ComboBox interactive object.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfScrollableInteractiveObjectTransformer Interaction controller that transforms scrollabe interactive object.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfTextObjectTextBoxTransformer Interaction controller that transforms text object.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfTextObjectTextBoxTransformerEventArgs Provides data for the Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfTextObjectTextBoxTransformer.TextBoxShowing, Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfTextObjectTextBoxTransformer.TextBoxShown, Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfTextObjectTextBoxTransformer.TextBoxClosing, Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfTextObjectTextBoxTransformer.TextBoxClosed and Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfTextObjectTextBoxTransformer.TextBoxUpdated events.

    Changed classes:

    Added methods
    public System.Windows.Point PointFromControlToImage(System.Windows.Point) Computes the location of the specified control's point into image coordinates.
    public void ZoomToRectangle(System.Windows.Rect) Zooms the viewer to the specified rectangle of current image.
    Added events
    public event System.EventHandler<Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageLoadingEventArgs> ImageInitializing Occurs when the image is initializing before loading.
    public event System.EventHandler<System.EventArgs> ImageRenderingSettingsChanged Occurs when image rendering settings is changed.
    public event System.EventHandler<System.EventArgs> ImageRenderingSettingsChanging Occurs when image rendering settings is changing.
    public event System.EventHandler<Vintasoft.Imaging.PropertyChangingEventArgs<float>> ZoomChanging Occurs when an image zoom is changing.

    Added methods
    public void Execute(object) Executes the command with parameter.

    Added constructors
    public void WpfCompositeVisualTool(bool, Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.WpfVisualTool[]) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.WpfCompositeVisualTool class.
    Added methods
    public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Vintasoft.Imaging.UIActions.UIAction> GetSupportedUIActions() Returns the supported UI actions.
    public bool PerformNextItemSelection(bool) Selects the next available item and makes it as the active item.

    Added events
    public event System.EventHandler SelectionChanged

    Added properties
    public bool SelectionOnlyOnImage { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether selection can be used only on image area.
    Added events
    public event System.EventHandler BuildingFinished Occurs when the selection building is finished.
    public event System.EventHandler BuildingStarted Occurs when the selection building is started.
    Renamed events
    public event Vintasoft.Imaging.PropertyChangedEventHandler<System.Windows.Rect> RectangleChanged public event Vintasoft.Imaging.PropertyChangedEventHandler<System.Windows.Rect> SelectionChanged

    Added properties
    public System.Windows.Input.InputGesture SelectNextItemKeyGesture { get; set; } Gets or sets a key gesture that changes the selected item to the next item.
    public System.Windows.Input.InputGesture SelectPrevItemKeyGesture { get; set; } Gets or sets a key gesture that changes the selected item to the previous item.
    Added methods
    public bool PerformNextItemSelection(bool) Selects the next available item and makes it the active item.
    Added events
    public event System.Windows.Input.KeyEventHandler KeyDown Occurs when a key is pressed while the image viewer has focus and this tool is enabled.
    public event System.Windows.Input.KeyEventHandler KeyUp Occurs when a key is released while the image viewer has focus and this tool is enabled.

    Added properties
    public System.Windows.Input.Cursor SizingCursorNESW { get; set; } Gets or sets the two-headed diagonal (northeast/southwest) sizing cursor.
    public System.Windows.Input.Cursor SizingCursorNS { get; set; } Gets or sets the two-headed vertical (north/south) sizing cursor.
    public System.Windows.Input.Cursor SizingCursorNWSE { get; set; } Gets or sets the two-headed diagonal (northwest/southeast) sizing cursor.
    public System.Windows.Input.Cursor SizingCursorWE { get; set; } Gets or sets the two-headed horizontal (west/east) sizing cursor.
    public bool UseSizingCursors { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether bounding box must use the sizing cursors as cursors for interaction points of bounding box.

    Added properties
    public bool IsActivated { get; } Gets a value indicating whether controller is activated.
    Changed methods
    public void OnActivate() public void OnActivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfUserInteractionVisualTool)
    public void OnDeactivate() public void OnDeactivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfUserInteractionVisualTool)
    Added events
    public event System.EventHandler Activated Occurs when the composite interaction controller is activated.
    public event System.EventHandler Activating Occurs when the composite interaction controller is activating.
    public event System.EventHandler Deactivated Occurs when the composite iteraction controller is deactivated.
    public event System.EventHandler Deactivating Occurs when the composite iteraction controller is deactivating.

    Added properties
    public bool IsActivated { get; } Gets a value indicating whether controller is activated.
    Changed methods
    public void OnActivate() public void OnActivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfUserInteractionVisualTool)
    public void OnDeactivate() public void OnDeactivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfUserInteractionVisualTool)

    Added properties
    public System.Windows.Input.Key Key { get; } Gets the key.

    Added properties
    public bool FinishBuildingByDoubleMouseClick { get; set; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation building must be finished when left mouse button is double clicked.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Utils.IArrayTransformer<System.Windows.Point> PointsTransformer { get; set; } Gets or sets the transformer of transformation points of interactive object.

    Added properties
    public System.Windows.Size DefaultSize { get; set; } Gets or sets a default size of interactive object.
    Changed constructors
    public void WpfPointBasedObjectLineBuilder(Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IWpfPointBasedInteractiveObject, int) public void WpfPointBasedObjectLineBuilder(Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IWpfPointBasedInteractiveObject)

    Added properties
    public System.Windows.Point InitialOffset { get; set; } Gets or sets the initial offset of an interactive object.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfInteractiveObjectBoundingBoxArea MoveArea { get; } Gets an object area that allows to move the object.
    Added constructors
    public void WpfPointBasedObjectRectangularTransformer(Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IWpfPointBasedInteractiveObject, bool) Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfPointBasedObjectRectangularTransformer class.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IWpfInteractionController ActiveInteractionController { get; } Gets an active interaction controller.
    Added methods
    public void InvalidateFocusedItem() Invalidates a drawing box of focused interactive object.
    public bool PerformNextItemSelection(bool) Selects the next available item and makes it the active item.
    public void ScrollToFocusedItem() Scrolls the viewer to the focused item.

    New interfaces:

    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IWpfTextInteractiveObject Defines an interface of text interactive object.
    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IWpfComboBoxInteractiveObject Defines an interface of ComboBox interactive object.
    public interface Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.IWpfScrollableInteractiveObject Defines an interface of scrollable interactive object.

    Changed interfaces:

    Changed methods
    public void OnActivate() public void OnActivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfUserInteractionVisualTool)
    public void OnDeactivate() public void OnDeactivate(Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.WpfUserInteractionVisualTool)