VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for .NET developer
Classes Enumerations SeeAlso
In This Topic
    Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Tree.InteractiveForms Namespace (Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf)
    In This Topic
    Contains classes, which allow to work with interactive form of PDF document.
    ClassProvides information about contents and properties of a document interactive form.
    ClassRepresents a base class of interactive form action.
    ClassProvides information about the barcode interactive form field.
    ClassProvides information about interactive form field that defines button (PushButton, RadioButtion, CheckBox).
    ClassProvides information about interactive form field that defines check box.
    ClassProvides information about a group of check box interactive form fields.
    ClassProvides information about interactive form field that defines choice field (ComboBox, ListBox).
    ClassRepresents an extended item of PdfInteractiveFormChoiceField (list box or combo box).
    ClassRepresents an item of PdfInteractiveFormChoiceField (list box or combo box).
    ClassRepresents a list of PdfInteractiveFormChoiceFieldItem.
    ClassProvides information about interactive form field that defines combo box.
    ClassProvides the base abstract codec for export and import of PDF interactive form field values.
    ClassExports PDF interactive form field values to and imports from XFDF format.
    ClassPDF Interactive Form editor manager allows to remove/add/copy interactive form fields and annotations into PDF documents.
    ClassProvides information about interactive form field.
    ClassStores additional-actions defining the interactive form field's behavior in response to various trigger events.
    ClassRepresents a collection of PdfInteractiveFormField objects.
    ClassRepresents an import interactive form data action.
    ClassProvides information about interactive form field that defines list box.
    ClassProvides information about interactive form field that defines push button.
    ClassProvides information about interactive form field that defines radio button.
    ClassProvides information about a group of radio button interactive form fields.
    ClassProvides information about digital signature interactive form field.
    ClassProvides a base class for "switchable" button fields (check box or radio button).
    ClassProvides a base class for group of "switchable" button fields (check box or radio button).
    ClassProvides information about the text interactive form field.
    ClassProvides information about the text interactive form field's value stored in a file specification.
    ClassProvides information about the text interactive form field's value stored in a stream.
    ClassProvides information about the text interactive form field's value stored in a text string.
    ClassProvides a base class for a value of of text interactive form field.
    ClassProvides information about the Vintasoft barcode interactive form field.
    ClassRepresents a reset-form action.
    ClassRepresents a submit-form action.
    EnumerationSpecifies available data preparation steps before barcode value encoding.
    EnumerationSpecifies available barcode symbology types for barcode field.
    EnumerationSpecifies available flags specifying various document-level characteristics related to signature fields.
    EnumerationSpecifies available interactive form field submit formats.
    EnumerationSpecifies available types of quadding (justification) which can be used in displaying the text.
    EnumerationSpecifies available types of barcode symbologies in Vintasoft Barcode .NET SDK.
    See Also