| Class | Description |
 | ColoredObjects<T> | A set of colored objects that can be highlighted in HighlightTool<T>. |
 | CompositeVisualTool | Represents a visual tool which combines behaviour of several visual tools. |
 | CropSelectionTool | A visual tool for cropping an image in image viewer. |
 | CurvilinearSelectionRegion | Represents the current selection, which is defined by a curve, in an image viewer. The selection can be moved, resized, rotated, skewed and distorted. Also the selection point list can be edited. |
 | CustomSelectionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SelectionChanged event. |
 | CustomSelectionTool | Visual tool that allows to select the custom image region in an image viewer. |
 | DocumentNavigationTool | A visual tool that allows to display and execute actions (links, navigation, ...) of image in image viewer. |
 | DragDropSelectionTool | Visual tool for dragging and dropping an image region in image viewer. |
 | EllipticalSelectionRegion | Represents the current selection, which is defined by an ellipse, in an image viewer. The selection can be moved, resized, rotated, skewed and distorted. |
 | HighlightTool<T> | Visual tool that allows to highlight several ColoredObjects<T> on the image. |
 | ImageMapTool | Represents a visual tool for displaying an interactive map for fast navigation on the image in the image viewer. |
 | ImageProcessingTool | Visual tool for previewing results of image processing in image viewer. Image processing can be done on the whole image or image region. |
 | ImageViewerPointFTransform | Provides an abstract base class for transformations which transform the System.Drawing.PointF structure to the image viewer space. |
 | ImageViewerProcessingTool | Represents a visual tool for processing of rectangular area in image viewer. |
 | LassoSelectionRegion | Represents the current selection, which is defined by a freehand polygon (lasso), in an image viewer. The selection can be moved, resized, rotated, skewed and distorted. Also the selection point list can be edited. |
 | MagnifierTool | Represents a visual tool for magnification of image region in image viewer. |
 | MultiRectangularSelectionTool | The visual tool that allows to select an image region, which consists from multiple rectangles, in image viewer. |
 | MultiRectangularSelectionTool<T> | The generic visual tool that allows to select an image region, which consists from multiple rectangles, in image viewer. |
 | NavigationActionExecutor | Represents the action executor that executes navigation actions. |
 | OverlayImageTool | Visual tool for overlaying an image on a top of image in image viewer. |
 | PageContentActionCompositeExecutor | Represents the composite executor of metadata action. |
 | PanTool | Represents a visual tool for panning an image in image viewer. |
 | PathSelectionRegion | Represents the current selection, which is defined as a graphical path, in an image viewer. The selection can be moved, resized and rotated. Also the selection point list can be edited. |
 | PixelsToImageViewerPointFTransform | Transforms the System.Drawing.PointF structure from image space to image viewer space. |
 | PolygonalSelectionRegion | Represents the current selection, which is defined by a polygon, in an image viewer. The selection can be moved, resized, rotated, skewed and distorted. Also the selection point list can be edited. |
 | RectangularSelection | Represents the rectangular selection on image in image viewer. |
 | RectangularSelectionRegion | Represents the current selection, which is defined by a rectangle, in an image viewer. The selection can be moved, resized, rotated, skewed and distorted. Also the selection point list can be edited. |
 | RectangularSelectionTool | Visual tool for selecting a rectangular image region in image viewer. |
 | RectangularSelectionToolWithCopyPaste | Visual tool for selecting a rectangular image region in image viewer. Selected image region can be copied into clipboard. Selected image region can be replaced by image from clipboard. |
 | SelectionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SelectionChanged event. |
 | SelectionRegionBase | Provides the abstract base class for the current selection in an image viewer. |
 | SelectionRegionView | Represents a view of the current selection in an image viewer. |
 | SelectionRegionViewWithImageProcessingPreview | Represents a view of the current selection in an image viewer. The view allows to preview image processing in the image viewer. |
 | SimpleEllipticalSelectionRegion | Represents the current selection, which is defined by an ellipse, in an image viewer. The selection can be moved and resized only. |
 | TextOverlay | Represents a static text, which can be displayed in image viewer. |
 | TextOverlayCollection | Represents a collection of text overlays. |
 | TextOverlayGroup | Represents a group of static texts objects, which can be displayed in image viewer. |
 | TextOverlayTool | A visual tool for displaying static text graphic objects in an image viewer. |
 | TextSelectionTool | A visual tool that allows to select and search text on PDF, DOCX, DOC or XLSX page in image viewer. |
 | ToolCursors | Provides a collection of System.Windows.Forms.Cursor objects, which can be used in visual tool. |
 | VisualTool | Provides an abstract base class for visual tools such as the MagnifierTool or PanTool. |
 | VisualToolEmbedder | Represents a helper that allows to integrate functionality of one visual tool into another visual tool without using the CompositeVisualTool class. |
 | VisualToolMouseEventArgs | Provides data for a mouse event of visual tool. |
 | ZoomSelectionTool | Visual tool for zooming image region in image viewer. |
 | ZoomTool | Represents a visual tool for zooming of image in image viewer. |