How to scan pages from the automatic document feeder (ADF) of TWAIN scanner?
In This Topic
DocumentFeeder class allows to control the document feeder of TWAIN device.
Here is an example that demonstrates how to use document feeder of TWAIN device:
/// <summary>
/// Acquire images from the document feeder.
/// </summary>
public void AcquireImagesFromAdf(Vintasoft.Twain.Device device)
// disable UI
device.ShowUI = false;
// open the device
// specify that color images must be acquired
device.PixelType = Vintasoft.Twain.PixelType.RGB;
// set the inches as unit of measure
device.UnitOfMeasure = Vintasoft.Twain.UnitOfMeasure.Inches;
// set the desired resolution of acquired images
device.Resolution = new Vintasoft.Twain.Resolution(200f, 200f);
// if device has feeder
if (device.HasFeeder)
// enable feeder
device.DocumentFeeder.Enabled = true;
// specify that application want to acquire all pages from the feeder
device.XferCount = -1;
// if pages can be scanned in duplex mode
if (device.DocumentFeeder.DuplexMode != Vintasoft.Twain.DuplexMode.None)
// enable duplex scanning
device.DocumentFeeder.DuplexEnabled = true;
// if feeder can detect paper
if (device.DocumentFeeder.PaperDetectable)
// if feeder is loaded
if (device.DocumentFeeder.Loaded)
// acquire images asynchronously
// if feeder cannot detect paper
// acquire images asynchronously
''' <summary>
''' Acquire images from the document feeder.
''' </summary>
Public Sub AcquireImagesFromAdf(device As Vintasoft.Twain.Device)
' disable UI
device.ShowUI = False
' open the device
' specify that color images must be acquired
device.PixelType = Vintasoft.Twain.PixelType.RGB
' set the inches as unit of measure
device.UnitOfMeasure = Vintasoft.Twain.UnitOfMeasure.Inches
' set the desired resolution of acquired images
device.Resolution = New Vintasoft.Twain.Resolution(200F, 200F)
' if device has feeder
If device.HasFeeder Then
' enable feeder
device.DocumentFeeder.Enabled = True
' specify that application want to acquire all pages from the feeder
device.XferCount = -1
' if pages can be scanned in duplex mode
If device.DocumentFeeder.DuplexMode <> Vintasoft.Twain.DuplexMode.None Then
' enable duplex scanning
device.DocumentFeeder.DuplexEnabled = True
End If
' if feeder can detect paper
If device.DocumentFeeder.PaperDetectable Then
' if feeder is loaded
If device.DocumentFeeder.Loaded Then
' acquire images asynchronously
End If
' if feeder cannot detect paper
' acquire images asynchronously
End If
End If
End Sub