VintaSoft Forms Processing .NET Plug-in - History

Product Release Notes

This page provides you the information about development history of VintaSoft Forms Processing .NET Plug-in. The information about the Plug-in API history can be obtained from documentation.

  • .NET development:
    • Now OCR-fields can contain a line of handwritten digits, which is recognized using the neural network based on Microsoft.ML.
    • Demo applications:
      • Now Forms Processing Demo application allows to recognize handwritten digits in OCR-field of filled form.
  • Added support for .NET 8.0 in Windows, Linux and macOS.
  • .NET development:
    • Added support for .NET 7 in Windows, Linux and macOS.
  • .NET development:
    • Added cross-platform support for Windows, Linux and macOS in .NET 6, .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1.
    • Drawing of 2D graphics:
      • All algorithms of Plug-in for work with 2D graphics were completely revised.
      • Now the Plug-in draws 2D graphics using drawing engine (Vintasoft.Imaging.Drawing.DrawingEngine class) and does not use directly GDI+ library (System.Drawing.Common) anymore.
      • The Plug-in requires a drawing engine: cross-platform drawing engine based on SkiaSharp library (can be used under Windows, Linux and macOS) or the drawing engine based on GDI+ library (can be used under Windows only).
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added the support for .NET 6 for Windows.
    • Supported development environments:
      • Added the compatibility support for Visual Studio 2022.
    • Supported operation systems:
      • Added the compatibility support for OS Windows 11.
      • Discontinued the compatibility support for OS Windows Server 2003.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added the support for .NET 5 for Windows.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added the support for WPF and WinForms in .NET Core 3 for Windows.
        Created the following .NET Core assemblies:
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.UI.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.Wpf.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.Ocr.UI.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.Ocr.Wpf.UI.dll
      • Demo applications:
        • Created new console demo application - FormsProcessingConsoleDemo, which demonstrates how to recognize forms with template or align images according to the template image.
        • Created WinForms FormsProcessingDemo application for .NET Core.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added support (without UI controls) for .NET Core 3 for Windows.
        Created the following .NET Core assemblies:
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.dll
        • Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.Ocr.dll
      • Discontinued support of .NET Framework 2.0. Now SDK supports .NET Framework 4+ and 3.5.
  • The KeyZoneRecognizerCommand class was added with ability to process image before generating the image imprint. The command for image processing can be set using KeyZoneRecognizerCommand.ImagePreprocessing property.
  • Improved the algorithm of image imprint recognition, which is implemented in KeyLineRecognizerCommand class.
  • Demo applications:
    • FormsProcessingDemo application:
      • Added the form for visualizing and comparing two image imprints.
      • Added the ability to process image before generating an image imprint.
      • Added the ability to specify the minimum confidence level for the results of image imprints comparison.
  • The detailed information about API changes is located in Changes History article.
  • Created VintaSoft Forms Processing .NET Plug-in - a new plug-in for VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK with the following abilities:
    • Identify an image from known templates and align the image to match its template:
      • Create an image imprint based on lines, L search pattern or user defined algorithm.
      • Compare 2 image imprints. Algorithm can compensate distortions, which are related with displacement, scale or rotation.
      • Identify an image from a set of known templates and get the transformation matrix from image to the template image.
      • Align an image to match its template using the transformation matrix from image to the template image.
    • Identify a form image and recognize optical marks, text and barcodes in the form:
      • Define a form template that defines the image with blank form:
        • Create a form template by code.
        • Display a form template in WinForms or WPF:
          • Display a form template on source image.
          • Build a form template using mouse.
          • Edit a form template using mouse.
          • Customize the visual appearance of form template.
        • Serialize form templates into XML, deserialize form templates from XML.
    • Identify a form template for filled form from a set of known form templates.
    • Recognize fields in a filled form:
      • Recognize forms synchronously or asynchronously.
      • Recognize forms in multiple threads.
      • Supported form field types:
        • Optical mark field bounded by rectangle.
        • Optical mark field bounded by ellipse.
        • Optical mark fields grouped in a table.
        • Text field - VintaSoft OCR .NET Plug-in is necessary.
        • Barcode field with 1D or 2D barcode - VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK is necessary.
        • Group of any form fields.
      • Display the recognized form in WinForms or WPF:
        • Display the recognized form above the source image or aligned image.
        • Customize the visual appearance of recognized form.
    • The open architecture allows to define custom types of form fields and form field templates.
    • Demo applications:
      • New Forms Processing Demo and WPF Forms Processing Demo applications allow to:
        • Create and change form templates visually, adjust the value format, configure the parameters of form templates.
        • Load and save the form templates from file.
        • Perform the forms recognition in multiple threads.
        • Display the results of forms comparison and recognition.