VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in - Development History

Product Release Notes

This page provides you the information about development history of VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in. The information about the Plug-in API history can be obtained from documentation.

  • .NET development:
    • Added the support for new chart types: Radar, 3D Pie, Surface.
    • Now PDF-to-DOCX converter can determine header and footer sections on PDF page and create appropriate sections in the converted DOCX document.
    • Added many improvements in algorithm that renders Excel chart.
    • Fixed many minor bugs.
  • .NET development:
    • Added the ability to convert PDF document to a DOCX document.
    • Added the ability to open secured DOCX and XLSX documents.
    • Added the support for new types of charts: Bubble, Stock, Combined, 3D Bubble, 3D Line, 3D Column, 3D Area, 3D Stacked Area.
    • Created WinForms-control SpreadsheetDocumentEditorControl and WPF-control WpfSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControl - each control is a fully featured XLSX document editor.
    • Demo applications:
      • Significantly simplified code of SpreadsheetEditorDemo/WpfSpreadsheetEditorDemo project because project now uses the SpreadsheetDocumentEditorControl control.
    • Fixed several non-critical bugs.
  • Web development:
    • Added the ability to open secured DOCX and XLSX documents in web document viewer.
  • Added support for .NET 8.0 in Windows, Linux and macOS.
  • .NET development:
    • Added the ability to work with CSV and TSV files:
      • Now the XLSX file decoder can open CSV- and TSV-files.
      • Added the ability to convert an XLSX file to a CSV- or TSV-file and vice versa.
    • Implemented all graphic shapes, which are predefined in Office.
    • Demo applications:
      • SpreadsheetEditorDemo and WpfSpreadsheetEditorDemo were added with ability to open CSV- or TSV-files.
      • SpreadsheetEditorDemo and WpfSpreadsheetEditorDemo were added with ability to export an open XLSX document to CSV- or TSV-file.
    • Fixed several minor bugs.
  • Web development:
    • The ability to set a new or edit an existing hyperlink (URL hyperlink or cell hyperlink) has been added into WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control.
    • Demo applications:
      • SpreadsheetEditorDemo can now open СSV- and TSV-files.
  • .NET development:
    • Added the ability to calculate formulas in XLSX document.
    • Added the support for doughnut charts in XLSX document.
    • Added the ability to edit a new or an existing spreadsheet document programmatically using the high-level spreadsheet document editor:
      • Create a new or open an existing XLSX document in the spreadsheet editor
      • Added the ability to work with a spreadsheet document:
        • Set culture of spreadsheet document
        • Assign settings (author, etc) of spreadsheet document
        • Edit style properties of spreadsheet document
        • Add/delete defined names to/from spreadsheet document
      • Added the ability to work with worksheets of spreadsheet document:
        • Get a list of worksheets
        • Add/delete/rename a worksheet; copy/insert a worksheet; reorder worksheets
      • Added the ability to work with a worksheet of spreadsheet document:
        • Change settings of worksheet view
        • Insert or delete columns/rows
        • Change size of columns/rows
        • Show/hide columns/rows
        • Search and replace text
      • Added the ability to work with a cells set of worksheet:
        • Insert, copy, paste and delete a cells set
        • Change style properties (font, filling, borders, number format, text style, alignment, indent, etc) of cells set
        • Change size of cells set
        • Clear styles, content, hyperlinks of cells set
        • Merge and unmerge a cells set
        • Specify a hyperlink to URL or location in a document for cells set
      • Added the ability to work with a cell of worksheet:
        • Get a value, a formatted value and a localized formula of cell
        • Calculate a cell formula value
        • Change a cell value or formula
      • Added the ability to work with Drawing (Charts, Pictures, Graphics):
        • Add a picture
        • Delete a drawing (Charts, Pictures, Graphics)
      • Added the ability to work with comments:
        • Add, edit, delete a comment
    • Added the ability to edit a new or an existing spreadsheet (XLSX) document in WPF/WinForms application:
      • Create a new or open an existing XLSX document in spreadsheet editor control
      • Added the ability to work with a spreadsheet document:
        • Set a culture of spreadsheet document
        • Assign settings (author, etc) of spreadsheet document
        • Edit style properties of spreadsheet document
        • Add/delete predefined names to/from spreadsheet document
      • Added the ability to work with worksheets of spreadsheet document:
        • Get a list of worksheets
        • Add/delete/rename a worksheet; copy/insert a worksheet; reorder worksheets
      • Added the ability to work with a worksheet of spreadsheet document:
        • Render a worksheet
        • Change settings of worksheet preview
        • Navigate by cells using mouse and keyboard
        • Insert or delete columns/rows
        • Change size of columns/rows
        • Show/hide columns/rows
        • Search and replace text
      • Added the ability to work with selected cells of worksheet:
        • Select cells using mouse and keyboard
        • Copy, paste and delete selected cells
        • Change style properties (font, filling, borders, number format, text style, alignment, indent, etc) of selected cells
        • Change size of selected cells
        • Auto-fit the column width or the row height of selected cells
        • Clear styles, content, hyperlinks of selected cells
        • Merge and unmerge selected cells
        • Show and hide selected cells
        • Set a hyperlink to URL or location in document for selected cells
      • Added the ability to work with a cell of worksheet:
        • Display formatted and localized text of cell
        • Calculate a cell formula value
        • Edit the cell text directly in the cell region
        • Edit the cell text in formula bar
        • Highlight references while editing the cell formula
      • Added the ability to work with Drawing (Charts, Images, Graphics):
        • Render drawings on worksheet
        • Auto-update the chart when its data changes
        • Select a drawing on worksheet
        • Add a picture
        • Delete a drawing (Charts, Images, Graphics)
      • Added the ability to work with comments:
        • Render comments on worksheet
        • Add, edit, delete a comment
    • Demo applications:
      • Created new desktop demo application - Vintasoft Spreadsheet Editor, which allows to view and edit a spreadsheet (XLSX) document. The demo is available for WPF and WinForms platforms.
    • Added many improvements.
    • Fixed many minor bugs.
  • Web development:
    • Added the ability to edit a spreadsheet (XLSX) document in HTML5 web browser:
      • JavaScript UI control that works in all major HTML5 web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, etc)
      • User interface is compatible with personal computers, tablets and smartphones
      • Load an existing spreadsheet (XLSX) document
      • View and edit a spreadsheet (XLSX) document:
        • View a worksheet list, add/rename/move/delete a worksheet
        • Select/resize/add/remove rows/columns on worksheet
        • Navigate by cells using mouse and keyboard
        • Select cells using mouse and keyboard
        • Change the style properties (font, filling, borders, number format, text style, alignment, indent, etc) of selected cells
        • Display formatted and localized text of cell
        • Calculate the cell formula value
        • Edit a cell text directly in the cell region on worksheet
        • Edit the cell text in formula bar
        • Search for text in spreadsheet document
      • Download the edited spreadsheet document
      • "Standard" dialogs (rename worksheet, search text, etc) for Bootstrap, JQuery UI, pure JavaScript
      • User interface can be customized
    • Created tutorials, which describe how to add the web spreadsheet document editor to an ASP.NET Core, Angular, React.js, ASP.NET MVC5, ASP.NET WebForms application
    • Demo applications:
      • Created new web demo application - Vintasoft Spreadsheet Editor, which allows to view and edit the spreadsheet (XLSX) document. Demo is available for ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core + Angular, ASP.NET MVC5, ASP.NET WebForms.
  • .NET development:
    • Added support for .NET 7 in Windows, Linux and macOS.
    • Added the ability to convert XLS file to the XLSX file.
    • Added the ability to render XLS documents.
    • Added support for Arabic text in DOCX and XLSX documents.
  • .NET development:
    • Added cross-platform support for Windows, Linux and macOS in .NET 6, .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1.
    • Drawing of 2D graphics:
      • All algorithms of Plug-in for work with 2D graphics were completely revised.
      • Now the Plug-in draws 2D graphics using drawing engine (Vintasoft.Imaging.Drawing.DrawingEngine class) and does not use directly GDI+ library (System.Drawing.Common) anymore.
      • The Plug-in requires a drawing engine: cross-platform drawing engine based on SkiaSharp library (can be used under Windows, Linux and macOS) or the drawing engine based on GDI+ library (can be used under Windows only).
    • Added the support for Arabic text in XLSX documents.
    • Fixed many minor bugs.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added the support for .NET 6 for Windows.
    • Supported development environments:
      • Added the compatibility support for Visual Studio 2022.
    • Supported operation systems:
      • Added the compatibility support for OS Windows 11.
      • Discontinued the compatibility support for OS Windows Server 2003.
    • Added the ability to render DOC documents.
    • Added the ability to convert DOC document to a DOCX or PDF document.
    • Added the ability to render charts in DOCX and XLSX documents.
    • Added many improvements to the algorithm that renders DOCX and XLSX documents.
    • Extended the functionality for editing of DOCX documents using DocxDocumentEditor class:
      • Added the ability to edit charts.
      • Extended the support for editing text properties.
      • Extended the support for editing paragraph properties.
    • Created the following .NET assemblies:
      • Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.UI.dll
      • Vintasoft.Imaging.Office.Wpf.UI.dll
    • Fixed many minor bugs.
  • .NET development:
    • Added the ability to edit existing DOCX and XLSX documents:
      • Open an existing DOCX/XLSX document.
      • Find, delete, replace text, change text properties (background color, text color, bold text, font, text size, etc).
      • Copy, insert, change and delete an image (barcode image).
      • Copy, insert, change and delete a row in a table.
      • Change a value of table cell, change a color of table cell.
      • Change table borders.
      • Save the changed document to a DOCX/XLSX file.
      • Export the changed document to a file format, which is supported by VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK (PDF, PDF/A, TIFF, etc).
    • Significantly improved the algorithms, which render DOCX documents:
      • Added the ability to render footnotes and endnotes.
      • Added the support for deleted content.
      • Added the ability to render the page background.
      • Added the interpretation of "Repeat as header row at the top of each page" flag for table row.
      • Implemented the algorithm of autosizing table cells by content.
      • Improved the support for floating elements.
      • Improved the support for VML objects.
      • Improved the algorithm that layouts text paragraphs.
      • Improved the algorithm that selects a font for text.
      • Improved the algorithm that draws CJK text (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
      • Improved the algorithm that determines the line spacing between text lines.
      • Improved the word wrapping algorithm of text line
      • Improved the algorithm that aligns text.
      • Improved the algorithm of tab stops calculation in text.
      • Improved the algorithm that numerates a content on page.
      • Improved the algorithm that interprets the "Line and Page Breaks" flag.
      • Improved the algorithm that interprets the "Keep paragraphs together" flag.
      • Improved the algorithm that calculates the page break.
      • Improved the algorithm that draws tables.
      • Improved the algorithm that layouts header and footer on page.
      • Improved the algorithm that draws lists on page.
      • Improved the algorithm that draws graphics on page.
      • Improved the algorithm that draws WMF images.
    • Improved the algorithms, which render XLSX documents:
      • Added the support for cell formatting using the financial style.
      • Improved the algorithm that selects a font for text.
      • Improved the algorithm that draws CJK text (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
      • Improved the word wrapping algorithm of text line.
    • Fixed many bugs in algorithms, which render DOCX and XLSX documents.
    • Demo applications:
      • Created new WinForms demo application - ReportGeneratorDemo, which demostrates how to generate reports based on DOCX or XLSX document templates.
  • .NET development:
    • Supported platforms:
      • Added the support for .NET 5 for Windows.
    • Added the support of XLSX documents:
      • Render XLSX documents.
      • View XLSX document in WinForms, WPF, WEB.
      • Print XLSX documents in vector and raster form.
      • Overlay XLSX page over PDF page in vector form and with text.
      • Convert XLSX document to a vector PDF or PDF/A document with text, links and navigation.
      • Convert XLSX document to SVG document with text.
      • Convert XLSX document to any image format supported by VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK.
      • Search and extract text from XLSX document.
      • Use mouse for selecting text in XLSX document in image viewer.
      • Use keyboard for selecting and navigating text in XLSX document in image viewer.
      • Navigate links in XLSX document in image viewer.
      • Added ability to specify alignment settings of XLSX document: page size, size padding, zoom for page content.
    • Improved the support of DOCX documents:
      • Added the support for floating tables and images.
      • Added the support for text flow around floating elements.
      • Added the support for gradient fills.
      • Added the support for alignment and padding in lists.
      • Added the ability to specify alignment settings of DOCX document: page size, size padding, zoom for page content.
      • Increased the performance of algorithm that renders DOCX documents.
      • Increased the performance of algorithm that renders thumbnails of DOCX pages.
      • Improved the rendering quality of DOCX document.
      • Improved the algorithm that converts DOCX to PDF, SVG.
  • Web development:
    • Added the support of XLSX documents.
  • Added the ability to convert a DOCX page with text and vector content to SVG image file with text and vector content.
  • Improved the algorithm that parses DOCX document.
  • Improved the algorithm that renders DOCX page.
  • Created VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in - the new add-on for VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK with the following abilities:
    • Supported platforms: .NET Core 3 for Windows, .NET Framework 4+ and 3.5
    • Render DOCX documents
    • View DOCX documents in WinForms, WPF and WEB
    • Print DOCX documents in vector and raster form
    • Convert DOCX document to a vector PDF or PDF/A document with text, links and navigation
    • Overlay DOCX page over PDF page in vector form and with text
    • Convert DOCX document to any image format supported by the SDK
    • Search and extract text from DOCX document
    • Use mouse for selecting text in DOCX document in image viewer
    • Use keyboard for selecting and navigating text in DOCX document in image viewer
    • Navigate links in DOCX document in image viewer