VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for .NET developer
In This Topic
    Overview of image processing
    In This Topic
    SDK contains 110+ image processing commands, which can be used for processing an image or group of images.

    Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to apply the auto levels command to an image:
    Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage image = 
        new Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage("original-image.png");
    Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Effects.AutoLevelsCommand command = 
        new Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Effects.AutoLevelsCommand();
    Dim image As New Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage("original-image.png")
    Dim command As New Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.Effects.AutoLevelsCommand()

    Here is a list of main image processing commands:
    1. Base commands, which implement basic image manipulation:
    2. Info commands, which provide information about image:
    3. Transforms commands, which implement image transformation:
    4. Color commands, which implement image color manipulation:
    5. Filters commands, which implement graphic filters for image processing:
      • MinimumCommand - applies arithmetic minimum filter to image. The minimum filter is defined as the minimum of all pixels within a local region of the image.
      • MaximumCommand - applies arithmetic maximum filter to image. The maximum filter is defined as the maximum of all pixels within a local region of the image.
      • MeanCommand - applies arithmetic mean filter to image.
      • MedianCommand - applies arithmetic median filter to image. The median filter is defined as the median of all pixels within a local region of the image.
      • MidpointCommand - applies arithmetic midpoint filter to image.
      • DilateCommand - applies morphological dilate filter to image. This filter widens and enhances dark areas of the image.
      • ErodeCommand - applies morphological erode filter to image. This filter widens and enhances bright areas of the image.
      • ConvolutionCommand - applies convolution filter to image.
      • BlurCommand - applies blur filter to image.
      • EdgeDetectionCommand - applies edge detection filter to image.
      • CannyEdgeDetectorCommand - applies a Canny edge detector filter to an image.
      • EmbossCommand - applies emboss filter to image.
      • GaussianBlurCommand - applies gaussian blur filter to image.
      • SharpenCommand - applies sharpen filter to image. Increases sharpness of the image.
      • AddNoiseCommand - adds a noise to an image.

    6. Document Cleanup commands, which implement electronic documents image processing to clean them up for better compression, archival, readability and text recognition (OCR):
    7. Effects commands, which implement some effects for editing images (especially photos) in a particular way and thus may make them more funny:
    8. FFT commands, which implement image processing in frequency domain using Fast Fourier Transform:
    9. OCR commands, which implement image processing before text recognition (OCR) in document image: